Friday, March 6, 2020

Coronavirus Fear Spreading Locally and Beyond; Sports Teams Cancel Games; MLB Explores Giants/A's Games Status; KNBR Still IGNORES Fear Because of Lock-Step Larry Baer; PD Crowe Brain-Dead MIA

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While the world deals with this ongoing Corona virus crisis, locally, it has begun to sink into the sports domain.

How real? -- this real.

Stanford has announced it is limiting attendance at its college sports events.

The NBA is asking its players to adapt to the crisis, in this manner.

Soccer games in Europe and Italy have been played without people in the stands. And its growing.

I HAVE LEARNED the real possibility that MLB (Major League Baseball) is exploring the very real possibility of either postponing or perhaps, cancelling games in the West Coast, including, Seattle, (where the virus scare has left the city a virtual ghost town), San Francisco and Oakland. Right now, nothing has been announced but everything is on the table; if the situation becomes more dire, there's no doubt games will be cancelled and/or the possibility of spectator-less events will be administered.
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Can you imagine allowing 40,000-plus people in an enclosed stadium without the possibility of infection? If someone sneezes, all hell could break loose. And panic would cause all sorts of bad things to occur. Nobody wants any of that even under the most optimal of circumstances.

If there's a good chance of cancelling the Olympics in Tokyo then the possibility of doing away with Giants and A's games is a no-brainer.


Image result for larry baer
Larry and Pam Baer
KNBR still refuses to talk about its baby brother --the Giants--having the real possibility of it having to cancel games at the ballpark. It is the flagship of the franchise but since when did talking about Buster Posey's bat supersede a world-wide health crisis? Are they supposed to talk about it, they're not a news station? Hell yes, they are, or at the very least, mentioning it especially its Giants' connection.

But KNBR's brain-dead, PD, Jeremiah Crowe has been TOLD, advised by the powers-that-be (read Giants/Larry Baer) to dismiss all this news and "stick to sports.": Crowe has no pulse to the outside world and, living in a bubble, has stuck to orders from the PR machine and told his hosts to keep it on the toy department. The fact that Cumulus (KNBR) owns a percentage of the team is a direct conflict of interest but who's minding the store? Nobody.

*Larry Baer, the powerful Giants' front man has returned to his natural, lock-step ways; if you haven't already noticed, you haven't listened to the radio nor seen Baer become back to his visual rule; Baer is back at being KING LARRY, and this latest development of shunning the virus news and screwing the public is proof positive.


  1. Even-though I use "Handi-Wipes" on my remote, I've started to limit my time watching TV.

  2. You mean KNBR, Larry Baer's mouth piece ?
    But that only be Larry Krueger, Mark Williard and John Lund.
    The best Giants PR men money can buy.
    The sad state of local radio.
    No objectivity. Just homers

  3. Baer should have been fired instead of having his dirty hands slapped.

  4. KNBR nothing more than Giants Pravda

  5. I heard this local news interview exchange on KQED radio today. About Coronavirus, with Coronavirus expert.

    KQED: What should we expect from this outbreak here locally?
    Expert: I'm afraid things are looking very bad. The health care system is going to be stressed to levels for which it has probably never planned or expected.

    KQED: How long will this last? Days? Weeks? Months?
    Expert: Months

    KQED: Ok, well, thanks for your time.

    ???? KQED radio news moves on to the next story and doesn't bother to ask the expert how many months?

  6. San Jose Sharks organization care more about $ than their fans, as they will NOT shutdown the games this weekend.

    1. Warriors also prefer $ than the well-being of their patrons this weekend

  7. The A's don't want fans to hear the games,now they dont want them to watch them either. What's left?

  8. btw,The newest "Worst Case" is 15 million dead and 20 trillion dollars lost.
    I remember the 1969 Hong Kong flu. That its said killed one million. I think Coronavirus in much less time has passed it on the national fright scale.
    We will see what unfolds.
