Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Whole World (and Sports World) is Talking about Coronavirus Except KNBR --PD Crowe Mum Shows Idiocy

Image result for Jeremiah Crowe KNBR
KNBR PD Jerimiah Crowe
Even as the NBA advises its players to avoid contact with fans because of Coronavirus; and the NFL and its media partners weigh its impact too, the disease has reached entry into the sports world like it or not.

It's something everyone is talking about whether at the polling place, supermarket, on-line, everyone and almost everyplace, that's the chatter.

Except KNBR.

KNBR, more specifically, its PD,  Jeremiah Crowe has said NOTHING! about the virus despite the sports world having to del with it now and sports-talk radio shows. There's a whole lot to discuss but the hosts have been told to just not bring up Coronavirus, what?!!

415 Media was told by a KNBR source that Crowe was adamant to lay off the matter and "stick to sports." I was sort of shocked by that comment but Crowe was having nothing to do with the alternative which might look and sound foolish, given the rapid rise of cases  and a different crowd everyday in its effect on life.


  1. Glad they aren't talking about Coronavirus. After listening to Chip talk about it for 1 1/2 hours straight and all the doom and gloom, listening to sports without the virus talk is nice.

  2. Exactly! It's a sports station. If any events are impacted I'm sure they'll report on it but for now let's keep it as an escape from all the doom and gloom that's bombarding us elsewhere.

  3. If you want substantive news and information, turn your dial to NPR/KQED (or KALW or KXJZ in Sacto), or KCBS for a lightweight version. If you want yelling and alarmism, continue listening to talk stations like KGO, KSFO, KTRB, KKSF or even KFBK Sacto. Or watch the local TV stations' newscasts, or the cable news channels - it doesn't really matter which ones. It has been like this for at least a decade and it's not gonna change. You pick your poison.

    1. Actually it will change for the worse. Bay Area media continues to sink like the Titanic

  4. Escape but don't squeal with glee when one does. Crowe has been Murph-&-Mac'ed for a long while now. Poor Rich.

  5. cant take much more of "team tbk", mark willard, "murph" knbr still badly needs new blood
