Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Medoro on KGO in the Morning Gets Worse; Burkhart The Boring Drone; Election Night Brings Rothmann and Thurston Hope; KCBS-KQED Yawner

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Wednesday I listened to a good part of Nicki Medoro's Morning Show on KGO and in three short days, it has regressed. Badly. The show this morning was so slow, at many points I had to switch the dial and turn off, turn away.

Medoro is the centerpiece of the show but it's newstalk, I thought, that drives the program and not that horrific lifestyle format that killed KGO's talk a few years ago. It doesn't work in the morning, drive time, afternoon? Maybe, but even then, it's forced and contrived.

When Mike Bloomberg announced he was getting out of the presidential primary at 7: 30, Medoro didn't even mention it, nor did her constant-interrupting yutz, alleged newsman, sidekick, Bret Burkhart. It took up to the 8 AM news broadcast for Burkhart to announce --Medoro repeatedly talked about her kids being annoyed she woke them up to go to work in the early morning.

Really? This is the KGO, 2020 I'm not liking. In a news cycle, let alone a day after Super Tuesday, I want some conversation; I want day-after interviews and analysis; Medoro instead pivoted to talking about her kids and spilling coffee on her outfit and, unbelievably, joking about Coronavirus ("if I'm stuck on a cruise ship, can I get a drone to deliver me wine?") Not only not funny, Nik, but tremendously insensitive to the growing pandemic of cases across the globe, and here in US and Bay Area, states of emergency--including SF and now, this morning, LA.

Image result for Nikki Medoro Bret Burkhart KGO
From left: Bret Burkhart, Nikki Medoro and Heather Hamann
Medoro has a good voice. But it can get annoying when it's repetitive and starts to drone on and on. She needs good guests and a much better supporting cast. She can interview OK, I've heard her but she has ZERO help from an incompetent producer and reliance on Burkhart who adds NOTHING but his terrible voice and massive talk bludgeoning --why KGO keeps this broadcast Velveeta is beyond me other than Burkhart must have compromising pictures; what an abomination.

I'll give more rope to Medoro in the morning but so far, it's a total catastrophe.

*ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE was meh central on the Bay Area airwaves.

KGO went from 6-Midnight with John Rothmann and Pat Thurston, who were fun to listen to even if short on specifics but large on entertaining political discussion. Newsman KGO vet, Jon Bristow, was brought in to deliver updates but Bristow sounded tired and unenthusiastic, like as if he was awoken from a deep sleep, what the hell happened here? Maybe he thought he was back on KCBS.

While I appreciated Rothmann and Thurston taking calls from listeners, it would have been nice to hear more interviews on what was taking place on a big night for Joe Biden. Like, for example, what caused Biden to win in a such a forceful manner in a Bernie Sanders stronghold like Texas? It's a legitimate query and it could have been dealt with strong questions from the two but instead we were greeted with tiresome folks from Livermore telling us who they voted for. I don't ant to rip Rothmann and Thurston too much, but I think they could have used better time here going over actual voting trends than voter choices in a state (CA) that will vote for the Dem in the general election no mater what. Texas? I wanted more.

*KCBS had a wildly uneventful election night, much like KQED, in BORING us with the usual banal voices better suited for a Modesto funeral than Bay Area radio audience.

Why is Doug Sovern treated with such importance and dignity? He's so tepid and predictable. Sovern doesn't say anything new or original. He's about as interesting as a Stockton 7-11 only you can buy good, cheap, wine at the 7-11.

A total ABOMINATION? Yes, and then some.


  1. Rosie doesn't have Chip there to be her amen corner. It's hard to mock, belittle, and act holier than thou when you don't have your lap dog sitting next to you to reassure you. Horrible host.

  2. no edge, no original thought..unlistenable...unnecessary... won't help KGO

  3. The new guys on KSFO at 6 AM are pretty good

  4. Only you, Rich would be indignant and complaining about how nice someone was being treated. Maybe people just like Doug. S.
    Some folks have natural charisma while others have gravitas. Without even trying
    to, they command respect.

  5. Here's a Stan thought: Now that Rush Limbaugh claims he has stage four cancer you think he's back to taking Oxy up the ying yang? huh? lol...he took them for fun and now you're telling me he wont take them for cancer? Sure.
    Listen to his show and tell me if he's dropping things on air..coffeecup,slurring words..ha.

    1. Stan the Observer....a truly repugnant post. Grotesque.

    2. It's the balance to what he puts out and makes a fortune on. Other..poor people's misery.
      I take solace that its ok..because I didn't cause his cancer.,his smoking for 60 years was another of his make money ideas..look the big shot. Image. Come home to roost.

    3. Wait until Trump announces he has stage four. What I have for him...

    4. Racist old black man yells at white and latino neighbors in Hayward.

      News at 11.

  6. Poor Nikki. She's a terrible talk show host, but since KGO has become an anti-trump echo-chamber with no opposing views in the building, she really stands no chance of bringing up the ratings. You need some diversity of views, I think, and they have none. Nor do any hosts there invite guests with opposing views. Ever. No debate. Ever. It's truly boring. Have you seen KGO's ratings lately??

    1. Are they bad? Would love for Rich to post them.

    2. Actually, Nikki Medoro had Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association President Jon Coupal on her program earlier this week with an excellent, unfettered, comprehensive interview in which he was clearly against California Proposition 13 on the Tuesday statewide ballot... and she agreed with him on his very valid anti-tax increase argument.

  7. And how much diversity does KSFO have? There are many more conservative talk stations in this area than liberal. Liberal KGO, and don't forget John Batchelor is still on 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. I believe. 910 am is liberal more liberal than KGO, KSFO, 860 AM, and 2 Sacramento stations 650 and 1530 AM are also conservative. Hannity might have someone one of opposing view, but shouts them down, Levin, Savage, Limbaugh no, don't even take calls from liberal or if they do, both Levin and Savage gets nasty, especially Levin, he usually yells: "Get off the phone you big dope". John Rothmann takes lots of calls from Trump supporters and lets them talk, Pat does also and so does Chip, but have less patience than John. So if you are proposing someone off opposing views, meaning conservative, do you then propose that KSFO and other conservative host take calls and invite liberal guests on?? To be fair Hugh Hewitt does interview some liberal guests, Chuck Todd and others, I haven't listened to Hugh Hewitt in awhile, because since I moved I cannot get that station. I do listen to Tom Sullivan 1530 AM, Sacramento, he is conservative, but he is reasonable and does take calls from opposing points of view and lets them talk and are respectful toward them.

    1. I think I can tell who you are by your posts. I always enjoy the thought and detail you give in your comments. You never seem to take shots like others (and I) do, and seem to play it down the middle. It's actually a nice thing to see. Keep up the good work! You are an asset to this blog.

    2. 10:03 Thank you I appreciate your comment. I try to be fair and refrain from getting too personal and nasty, although there are comments I have little patience with, racist, sexist and crude comments, and usually comments on that. The public discourse right now is divisive enough I don't see any good coming from adding to it. Did you write the original comment on 7:49? I have no objection to add my name to my comments I have a few times. I just couldn't figure out to do it via google or URL. Hanna in Concord

    3. Should have kept A & G on Kgo. Better personalities than most on Kgo, ( I can't stand trump)

  8. Great night tonight for Rothmann. While discussing coronavirus closures, he said that in France they closed the Louvre. But he pronounced it Loover. The one trick pony strikes again.

    1. Don't worry, he's a 162nd generation San Franciscan.

  9. Nikki is a woman of color and KGO needs some diversity in it's lineup. Her show is not good and KGO's ratings will continue to dive downward. KGO would have done better to bring back Old Ronnnn

  10. its interesting chip doing solo so far sounded ok, nikky and bret burkhart this feels like total disaster written all over it

  11. Again! Today Thursday using the term "freaking out" referring to coronavirus. Yesterday also. There is no chemistry yet between her and Bret. This is a yenta-fest. How many times has she had to mention her husband and her kids so far this week. Nothing original. Yesterday she touted how "new and different" her show is going to be because they are taking calls. You know who will be calling at 6:30 AM?

  12. Nikki who? I'm still listening to A&G.

    1. lol. Hell yea!

    2. A&G for me also. Lifetime democrat but their personalities are better than almost all Kgo hosts. Like John Rothmann, smart, respectful person.

  13. She has only been on 2 mornings, give her a chance. Armstrong and Getty talked about their kids, and other things going on in their lives. Armstrong youngest son has, and apparently was born with some heavy mental issues, and Jack Armstrong has discussed it several times, and Joe Getty talks about his kids (all in college I believe) I don't see anything wrong with it. You don't want hours and hours of their personal stuff, but a little is okay. For those of us who are woman and either still have children at home, or use to juggle work and career demands with motherhood, it makes her more relatable. Hanna in Concord

  14. Heather Harmon at least looks like a Heather. I dig the lime green corduroy hip huggers. Thumbs up.

  15. Heather voice very tough to listen to.

    1. Heather Hamann's personality is difficult for me. Too upbeat talking about car crashes, car fires, etc. Heard her say driver not able to move their eyes in 1 report. Don't need to know that. Too dramatic.

  16. Confirmed. This show is bad. Today Friday morning, discussions about Nikki's photos/promotional headshots, doing taxes, ugh! If they could keep to the news topics and stop saying "freaking out" there could be a chance. I like Burkhardt but he adds nothing here in the banter.

  17. Agree Hanna in Concord great blogger. Enjoy John Rothmann smart, respectful, fair. Wish I had a hs teacher like him growing up, Pat Thurston lost my respect when she was doing OTA ads. Don't believe she knows the dangers of daytrading. Don't hear ads anymore.

  18. H.Hamann should try acting. Soap operas? Not respecting those in accidents includ. injury accidents. Just help us getting to & from work, etc.

  19. Chip Franklin's biggest fan, himself. Thinks he's funnier than he is. He constantly interrupts his callers & guests. Today said he knew a dr named harry c beaver. It's true, look it up, Thanks, chip. (By the way, I've yet to be inspected for termites).
