Thursday, March 5, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

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NAME and TOWN, please.


  1. Not so much a question as a comment you can riff on: Did you see Azenith Smith on election night on KTVU, doing a live shot at a polling place where she kept saying votes were "casted"? Casted. Over and over. "People casted votes all day today..." Oh my God.......... The Dumbest Generation.

    Ootek, Walnut Creek

    1. That is hilarious and I haven't seen but heard the story twice now, it shows you the level of stupidity out there, you get what you pay for. Then again, "casted." Oh my god.

    2. On the radio yesterday, forget if it was KCBS/KQED/or KGO, the news guy, referring to a story about potable (poe-tah-ble) water, instead said (pah-tah-ble) water. I don't think I've ever heard that word mispronounced before. I'll grant it is a word that doesn't come up frequently, could have something to do w/it. But I hear pronunciation and grammatical errors very frequently on the media these days, both tv and radio, and even on national broadcasts. Perhaps I'm just pay att'n to this more now that before. Anybody else notice this change? You'd think before they'd hire & put someone on the air the station managers would make sure the candidate had a lot of training & experience with common word pronunciation.

  2. Hey Rich,
    How long do you think Nikki's show will last? What will they do in her place? News like the old days?
    Jim from Hayward

    1. I think they give her a year. Maybe more because they've invested a lot in this, figuratively and then some.

  3. Rich, long time reader-first time commenter. What are your thoughts on Noelle Bellow? She has a sneaky huge set of hooters!

    1. Hooters? Is that all? I haven't seen her, I'll look and review later. On her presentation not her....

    2. I too will get back with a report on said hooters.

    3. Just looked. Top shelf indeed.

  4. How do you like the change the Warriors made on TV, replacing Jim Barnett with Kelenna Azubuike? Any chance they replace Kelenna next season?

    I think Kelenna talks way too much. He won't stop talking! If you listen to the analysts on the national broadcasts, they inject when required, not having to dissect every single play. Kelenna seems to talk as much as the play by play guy. Kelenna was fine as part of the pre amd post games, but not as the color analyst. I turn off the sound at times while watching games because of his constant yammering. I miss Jim Barnett doing the televised games.

    1. I don't want much of their games anymore and I'm not the only one. Their ratings are down almost 70% and the BNA, as a whole, is way down. A lot of the Warriors' negatives have to do with their stars being absent due to injury. As for Azubuile, I like him from time to time, but you're right, he never shuts up.

  5. Has the Kenny Choi/Michelle Griego off-air Cold War thawed at all? I still notice occasional subtle facial expressions and body language that suggests possible lingering resentment between those two.

    1. They are professional if not loving plus they have to pay their bills so they work together for now because they have to.
      For now.

  6. Kenny and Michelle deserve one another. You made that bed now lie in it!

  7. What's the deal with Ovaltine? The mug is round. The jar is round. They should call it Roundtine.

    1. I though I had too much time on my hand thanks Kenny.

    2. "It's Gold, Jerry, Gold!" Well, there is a lot of yada-yada-ing on the Bay Area airwaves. Might as well flick on Netflix and watch Jerry Seinfeld's Cars/Coffee series.

    3. Kenny Banya- The voice of a new generation. Enjoy your soup at Mendy's 'cause that's all you're getting

    4. That's GOLD,Jerry, GOLD!

  8. I was google searching something the other day and came across a post from 2010 where you were promoting something called, "Rich Lieberman Presents". Think Ronn Owens Cruise, minus the cruise ship. And you had Jim Brown as the featured speaker and had tickets up for sale.

    Why haven't we seen any "Rich Lieberman Presents" the better part of the last decade? We're overdue for a Rich Lieberman event.

    1. No Lowenstein boolshiit from the Great Jim Brown. If there was a Super Bowl in 1964-65, Brown would have run over all of Buffalo's linebackers, and Cleveland's last football title would have been bigger. Real sports stories, not Knibber crap.

  9. Any chance you can get me a signed photo of Teresa Estacio's toes?

    1. No, but check the Dollar store in Hayward where she hangs out and ask her, I'm sure she'll be there for you.

  10. Round Table needs to re-release the "Big Vinny" and reintroduce you to our airwaves. Any chance of that happening? Those commercials were iconic on a local level. Think, "Paul from the Diamond Center".

    1. Thanks for the memories, now go into action mode because I could use the money right now, Dan.

  11. Has KGO ever considered giving "The Tech Guy"
    Leo Laporte another gig as a general talk show host?

    1. God I hope not Ron but they do need content. I never gravitated toward LaPorte I know he has huge fans but I'm not one of them.

    2. I listened to that show years and years ago until I noticed that the answer to almost every listener questions had to do with improving how the computer's interrupts were managed. Listener: My gramps computer won't work, keep getting error message 1418. Leo: Tell your gramps he has to improve the computer's interrupt management. Me: How is gramps supposed to know how to do that????

    3. Leo has no need for a general talk show. He owns the Twit network of podcasts which keeps him quite busy and quite well paid.

  12. This is not a local issue, but more national. I saw Matt Gutman on the 3:30 PM live edition of ABC World New Tonight at Pier 27 reporting on the coronavirus cruise ship bound for San Francisco.

    Is his suspension completed? Any details to report?

    Big Matt Fan/Nob Hill

  13. can you release the salaries of top 10 news anchors?

  14. Wow! You’re right. Her cleavage is something I can look down upon, yet still approve of!

    1. Surfer Dude, U need to check out Arasya Karapeytan down here in surf country (Fox11..LA). Or Courtney Friel. Or many others for that matter.

    2. Is Arasya Karapeytan LA's Gasia Mikaelian?

      The 36:50 mark. You're welcome.

    3. 8:22P... in LA you get to see skin and a leg

  15. Gary Radnich many times said the Pam Moore would only last as long as he did. So,any rumors she's about to end her career?
    I didn't think so. Solid as a rock.

  16. From George San Jose. Perhaps it was just garbled audio, but on a recent (yesterday or day before) KTVU (channel 2) newscast, the audio seemed to say there were now 27 cases of Coronavirus in Santa Clara County. The closed captions definitely said "27". But there were actually only 7 cases (at the time). How could such an inaccuracy occur? Did they offer a correction later?

    1. There were 20 yesterday, now 27.

  17. What do you think of Sara Zendahnam in the morning? Her reporting cadence is different. I thought I hated it at first but she seems to be succint- yet thorough in her reporting. What do you think?

  18. Doesn't KTVU pay André Senior enough to buy suits and shirts that fit? Every time I see him sitting at the anchor desk, I expect a button to break off and fly out at the camera.

    1. I agree @11:25. I think he and other on- air types think they look beefy/muscular that way when, in actuality, they just look uncomfortable and fat.

  19. Linda - Santa Clara. You mentioned awhile back that Susan Leigh Taylor is retiring, and Holly Quan (?) may take her place...I've heard Mike Colgan's retirement mentioned - but nothing about Taylor - and of course she's still on the air. When will this take place, and when was it announced?

  20. What's up with Savage?He never shows up for work & when he does he brags about his horrid samo/different day books and/or brags about his college degrees & how he is disrespected by his peers after all the horrid names he has called them.And so phony how he is suddenly sad that Limbaugh is sick after all the names he has jealously called him all these years. He is a waste of air time plus eating on the air is so disgusting.He's over.Goodbye

  21. Rich, thought you'd like to know: I work for the pictorials of her phat ass...), SF Gate (yeah, smh). Sure glad our iPhones have unlimited access to WWW, and the state (that is, US TAXPAYERS) pay the electricity to fully charge them ...

  22. Rich, I think you might "really like" Zerlinder Maxwell on MSNBC....a really beautiful black woman! What say you?
