Thursday, January 16, 2020

Breaking: Sussman Leaves KSFO; Cites Health Issues; As I Wrote in November, Money Was an Issue

Image result for Brian Sussman

SUSSMAN LEAVES KSFO--SAYS 'STRESS' LEADS TO HEALTH ISSUES --YEAH, MONEY (or contract issues too) takes toll on human body

Here's his farewell to read.

And here's my take back in November where I correctly pointed out that Sussman's abrupt, three-month LOA may have been due to an ailment called, "lack of coin-itus." I'm not trying to be funny and I do believe Sussman but I know the contract was an issue. I didn't go into detail then because I wasn't specifically aware of Sussman's malady. It was not the proper time.

That said, Sussman leaves KSFO first and foremost because of money (or lack thereof) --lack of money/contract can be one, heckuva stress enhancement, especially when you work early-morning radio and it dominates your life. For that, I give a lot of credit to Brian because I know it can affect your health and well-being. I believe Sussman and his explanation for being gone for three months but I'm also disappointed in his lack of candor regarding his contract situation --he could of (and should of) been more frank. He sort of went the disingenuous route.

I respect his broadcast acumen but I didn't like his (and the show's) hideous theatrics. Politics, we can all agree to disagree (and boy did I disagree) but boorish sound effects, personal attacks and false modesty weren't a "KSFO Morning Show" flavor.

I know the reality of today. I told Sussman himself that he catered to the lowest common denominator by acting like a clown on the show from time to time. He sort of chuckled (wink, wink) --it was me understanding he had to be more animated to maintain the program's edge. He didn't have to really. He could have tried to mimic the late Lee Rodgers who was a master at his craft and made the show infinitely listenable. Sussman was never close. But I still like him.

Sussman, I predict, will take a break (again) and will end up on radio here --somewhere, maybe even KGO, maybe extended fill-in work on local and national radio shows. Not so long ago, his $300K per-year contract was cut in half by Cumulus but he stayed on and rocked the boat if not the needle. His show now is behind him and his younger brother, Brad, is manning the mic and might be auditioning for a full-time gig.

I'll keep you informed.


  1. Listening to Katie Green makes me sick so I can only imagine how bad it was for Sussman.

    1. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

      Your comment says more about your mental health than it does Katie.

    2. Thanks for your concern, Katie. But I'm doing fine.

      And if you're referring to my listening to you repeatedly, don't worry. I even rush across the room to turn off the radio whenever I hear one of your commercials.

    3. It's cute that you're trying to deflect by accusing the person of being Katie. Nice try. You only look foolish.

  2. Oh No, Rich! Who will shit on us on a daily basis now? Is Christine available?

    1. Christine is a loser, Full of hate.

    2. And Brian and Katie was not full of hate? Not for Trump certainly, but did you listen when Obama was President? Didn't always agree with Cristine, but if you are talking about Christine Craft she was well informed and pretty balanced,

    3. Don’t use the word “pretty” in the same sentence with Christine!

    4. Asinine comment, looks have nothing to do with a radio hosts qualifications, and the way I used it, it had nothing to do with looks, as you well know, unless you are real dumb.

    5. NOt only that, but I'm cute as hell.

    6. Men with small penises are threatened by intelligent, confident women.

    7. I find her sexy.

    8. Ha, ha Christine, good for you.

  3. Glad the Number 1 Trump shill in this area is off the air. And his parrot (Green) is just a cackling fool.

    1. Now if we could just get rid of Chip and his sidekick Rosie Perez the trifecta would be complete.

  4. He apparently has told colleagues he has NTDS, which is better known as No-Talent-Douche Syndrome.

  5. Look at all of the triggered little snowflakes. How cute!

    1. There's no snowier flake than Wussman.

  6. I’m a conservative, let me be clear, he was/is an embarrassment to the cause.

  7. I have to say that if he has been pouting for this long he should be abandoned by all of his listeners (and KSFO) who have been duped into thinking he was gravely ill for the last 3 months. I have in the past worked the grave shift for 15 years. That is much harder on the body then getting up early and working a mic for several hours. No stress or tension on the body working the hours he works. I guess he's a snowflake that can't work to hard.

  8. Please give that spot to Mr. Gil Gross. Everybody likes him and the Missus.

    1. We're trying to wake up and get to work in the morning not needing someone to bore us into sleep like Gross.

      And don't use the word everybody. He is not that liked and his shows with his wife even less.

    2. Gil was okay when he first replaced Pete Wilson on KGO, then he got fired and was given a time slot on 910 am, the station that didn't want callers, he just got worse and worse, and his wife didn't add anything to the show. Do I like him personally, he seems like a decent guy, but don't think he should be back on the air, at least not as a talk show host, perhaps reading the news would work.

  9. Replace with a syndicated talker?? Sounds likely to me.

  10. How I miss the late and great Lee Rodgers, more now than ever. A master at his craft.

  11. Mental Health Issues.

    1. Word. Small lost to broadcasting. He's a nut.

    2. Why are you bringing up Democrats?

      Stay on topic.

    3. Let's hope KSFO does not hire an Angry White Liberal from Frisco California.
      KGO is your home Angry White Boys.
      Let's see who has the nerve to respond.

    4. @1205....Why would KSFO higher a liberal? They're home to right-wing nut hate radio. Hiring someone with a brain would lose all their dumbass listeners. More syndicated crap to compliment Rushbo and Insanity.

  12. Or he played one on the radio. We certainly don't need him on KGO, they finally have some decent programming, most of the time. Doqes he want or need to work? Rich says he quit over money issues, but if you do that you know that you might just loose your job altogether, so unless you can afford to go without a salary most people don't take that route.

  13. I listen to him one time, and he really sucked, petty immature jerk, and funny how people consider liberals as snowflakes, the twitter and chief has is biggest snowflake and the guy has nightly melt downs.

  14. Let the Pinko commie like Rothman and that other pinko chick takeover

  15. I've never called a radio talk show where the person who answered (Katie Green) sounded like a low class gang member & who was so rude rght fron the jump. I called in to complain about Sussman's constant replays from one week, then one day to the next and then I heard him say "well we got rid of one segment!" Telling me that he was slogging through his short shift. I was very polite though but Katie blurted out in he.r nastiest ghetto voice "thanks for listening every day" and hung up on me. I never listened again. Also don't believe that Melanie is friends with her. Come on, Rich.

  16. To suggest Rothman is a pinko commie is very, very ignorant. Rothman is a liberal that are pretty middle of the road. He is Jewish and a strong defender of Israel, not close to a communist, read some history and educate yourself.
