Thursday, January 16, 2020

'This is War!' --NBC Bay Area Anchors Aguirre and Wang in Jealous Rage; Don't See Eye to Eye; 415 Media Exclusive

Image result for Janelle Wang Jessica Aguirre NBC

"THIS IS WAR!" -- NBC Bay Area  anchors don't see eye to eye.

They may appear to be buddies on air and in the back offices, but the real story is far from cheery-eyed.

San Jose/NBC anchors, Jessica Aguirre  and fellow desk mate, Janelle Wang are FIGHTING MAD--at each other!

A veteran NBC Bay Area staffer who has a front-row view every day told me flatly, "They can't stand each other." "This is war!"

OK, and what's the fuss all about? The staffer told 415 Media it's all about attention.

"Janelle can't stand the fact that 'Jess gets all the buzz and that Jess is just the #1 star here."


Jessica-- "star?" You'd think if she were really a star, then the NBC bosses would take care of her. She's been working without a contract for over two years. Aguirre isn't starving though and she has an upcoming wedding on her mind.

Meanwhile, Aguirre is pissed off at Wang for her cutesy look and male admiration society--Wang consistently gets tons of mail --fan mail. Clearly, Aguirre isn't impressed and lets Janelle know every day.

The backdrop has reached epic crisis proportions in the newsroom at KNTV's San Jose studios. Both appear in a fighting/jealousy mode and the two sides don't appear to be backing down either. It's not a catfight yet but there's no detente on the horizon either. And don't fall for the giggling pictures--there two, after all, are AT WAR!

Image result for Janelle Wang Aguire


  1. Rich loves coming up with these girl vs girl scenarios. Professional competition among men is never written this way.
    Sad,pathetic Lieberman.

    1. Hello, I guess you don't read his blog much, he goes pretty hard with the boys of KTVU and their loathing and jealousy of each other.This would include Bill Martin, Frank Sommerville and Mark Ibanez.

    2. "Professional competition among men is never written this way"...

      That's because Aguirre vs Wang duking it out in a hot tub full of lime Jello is much more visually appealing than Beil vs Ibanez...just sayin...

  2. This endless "catfight" bit is pretty stale and blatantly sexist. Here's a clue: Most people in television newsrooms don't adore each other. It's a highly competitive, vastly superficial world,with big egos scrapping for air time and recognition. Did you think all the pretty boys and avuncular anchor types kissed each other?

  3. Aguirre needs to put more work into her Twitter and Instagram accounts. The number of followers and likes to specific posts, and not fan mail, is now it works nowadays.

  4. Boy, isn't diversity grand?

  5. For one, neither is a journalist; at least I've never seen them "do" any journalism. For two, both can read copy pretty well. Viewers don't care about anything else unless they behave badly on the air.

  6. My guy walked by when I was reading this and said "Woot - Cat Fight!!"

  7. Nothing beats a good old fashion cat fight! Tough to call who would win. Wang probably knows Kung Fu but Aguirre probably has a couple dozen cousins that will back her up. Perhaps it’s my yellow fever talking, but my money is on Wang!

  8. Maybe it's just 2 women with too much "Menstrual"

    1. With all the present day political correctness where we try not to offend anyone in any way shape or form, especially with the words we use, it's time to remove "men" from MENstrual, I don't have anything to do with that stuff.

      Another word which needs to be changed, broadcasting. It could be construed as fishing for pussy, that's not right.

  9. Never understood the fascination with Wang? She's just so-so at her job and isn't much to look at.

    1. They have to have a few orientals in there nowadays to meet the "political correctness" quota.

    2. @9:09 Talk about having low IQ. You're still calling Asians, "Orientals." It's 2020, wake the fuck up!

    3. Anon 01/16/2020 at 9:09 PM: huh? Orientals? Do you refer to African Americans as Nubians?

      Geez, what part of the country are you from?

  10. From my perspective it just doesn't matter. Wang is on at 5 pm and Aguirre comes on a 6 pm. If they have to sit next to each other occasionally while anchoring; passing each other in the hallways; or being near each other in the offices/cubicles; that's their problem (and maybe management's problem if it interferes with work. It might as well be "Joe and Mary in the sales department don't like each other". Why should we care?

  11. If the agent for Aguirre and the reps at KNTV could see eye-to-eye, then maybe there would be a contract and a reminder to Wang why NBC Bay Area may treasure Aguirre more. But no, contract logistics continue to be a hurdle for each side. Smh

    1. If Aguirre put on her JOKER face again and went back to her college days of shoving her whole fist in her mouth, im sure she would get another contract

  12. Even while wearing flats, Janelle is taller than Jessica, therefore they'll never see eye to eye!!!

  13. I like them both, although I have not watched the news for a while.
