Wednesday, January 15, 2020

415 Media Wednesday Video Finale--The Ballad Of John And Yoko

{The Beatles featuring John Lennon and Yoko Ono}

*415 Media Video Finale

*Please $upport 415 Media


  1. always liked that .been thru ''Gibraltar near spain '' on an ocean liner back in the day-but what I want to tell you(another beatles song) is that those ''drones'' over Colorado which you can follow on ''drones over Colorado Facebook'' are in fact ,some kind of extra human entities, same ones seen at Phoenix in 1997. well, even if you don't believe this, watch n how media is dealing with this. military denies this, so what gives? my mother was Jewish but she died when I was younger that 10 years. she knew Stanford educators in 1950's. my step father knew ferlinghetti. so im no liar. drones are obviously not ''drones'' . watch how media spins this coverup. a lighter note, seems joe Starkey would be ammore genuine excitement if he was 49 er broadcaster, and oh ,BTW, almost forgot ,Aaron Rodgers himself sawe these ufo lights himself and stated that to the media.havent looked it up yet but I'm about to.aliens, about time, we need it.

  2. The term "You know they didn't even give us a chance" has become part of our everyday life vocabulary the past half-century. We can thank John & Yoko (& Paul) for that.

  3. "The Ballad of Harry and Meghan"
