Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Marty Lurie Wants to Chill

Image result for marty lurie


The lowdown: Marty Lurie is abandoning his weekend Giants' Post-Game marathons--and sometimes they are; 16-hour days can be tiresome and Lurie is human, last I checked.

He will still do the weekend pre-game shows on the KNBR flagship --the new guy for postgame is former pitcher, now commentator, Bill Laskey, who's already getting ripped on Twitter.

I'm wishy-washey on Laskey--some days he's good and conversational--other days he drones on and on. We'll give him an honest listen.

As for Lurie, one can realistically surmise his lessening his workload is attributed to the overall state of Giants Nation. They have sucked major the past three-plus years and they seem to be in a massive rebuild.

Oh yeah, and this guy too has been a major PR disaster.


  1. While Marty really knows his stuff his show is achingly boring. Hearing him all weekend long was one of the reasons I pretty much never listen to the Bleeder during BB season.

  2. Going to miss Marty going till Midnight! Marty is sharp as a tack and he can see what is happening with the state of the Giants. Who wants to talk about a psycho path for 3 hours after another mid summer loss

  3. Vida blue has been on before too and he was awful,sounds like just lasky by himself?

  4. As long as Lockstep has a stranglehold on all other non-Farhan areas of the Giants franchise and as long as the inane Amy G is there unintentionally shooing off the Oracle Park faithful the way staff shoo off the seagulls, the Orange and Black Ugliness will continue.

  5. What? We won't get to listen to a boring as shit interview of some author who wrote a book about the 1955 Cardinals?

  6. I could never understand how KNBR pre/post game shows lasted more than double the time of the actual game. If you care about the game more than the players do, you care too much.

  7. Marty is the best part of weekend baseball on the radio, IMO. Not a Laskey fan so looks like I'll be listening to less post game, bummer.

  8. Marty had a great run. He burst onto the scene regarding the Giants in 2010 and really capitalized off the Giants success earlier this past decade with the 3 titles in 5 seasons. He was something new at the time, and I think everyone was captivated by his longer postgame shows on the weekends where he went more in depth into the game that just taken place, and had dialog with the callers.

    However, as the Giants started losing in 2017 to last year, his show kind of lost its steam, and it wasn't the same as it was in 2010, 2011, 2012. It's hard to listen to an extensive postgame show like Marty's after another excruciating 2-1 or 3-2 Giants loss where they didn't pitch well, hit well, or got outplayed by the opposing team. You felt kind of bad for him to try to take out positives after the worst 3 yr stretch from this team in a while.

    It will be weird not hearing Marty doing Giants postgame on weekends anymore, but maybe it was time for the Giants to make a change there. Marty was such a part of the culture of the Giants championship years, but now that the team is rebuilding and going in a different direction and the familiarity of this team is gone, especially now that Bochy and Mad Bum are gone, I guess it's time to go into a new era for the Giants postgame show on weekends.

    Feel kind of bad for Marty, but at least he will still be on the Giants pregame show on weekends. I also noticed he's been on Larry Krueger's podcast the past week or so. I wonder if he will do some podcast work as well talking baseball with various Bay Area sports media.

    1. I believe he has a podcast of his own as well. I need to start listening more.

    2. Once I e-mailed Marty to express my amazement at how long he would broadcast late into the evening and follow up with a morning show the next day. He responded by saying, "Sleep is overrated." LOL.

  9. I'll miss Marty, a bona fide historian of the game. This Giants team is turning blue as the front office and manager looks more Dodger-y. Not a Farhan fan and as for Kapler, well, any guy you tans his balls is "nuts".

  10. I've been listening to Giants baseball on the radio since I was a seven year old kid in 1958. I always wanted more baseball talk and Marty Lurie has provided that. His pre-game show is always educational with his take and interesting guests. Just think about the hours he spends researching and working the phones outside of the on air work. I am surprised he kept doing pre and post this long. I like Laskey as he has a good way with the callers and provides behind the scenes info as a former major leaguer
    The more baseball info on the radio the better!

    1. Amen! Loved the post game even when the Giants were losing...the more baseball information the more interesting it makes the game...And as for Laskey, he is gonna need a partner because he does drone on from time to time...I'm gonna miss Marty!

  11. This almost feels like the Giants equivalent of the Barnett move. It's not a demotion per se, but it's a different role.

  12. No one wants to listen to Marty's side chicks, Ally and Carmen! I immediately shut off the radio when they're on ! They pretend to know everything but they don't know squat !

  13. I absolutely love the Marty Lurie show.

  14. Lurie is an odd cat

  15. Listened in 2010 and it was nice to have a place to hang out on a Sunday afternoon/evening. He got irritating into the Giants run as seemed to feel success of the team reflected off him. I tried listening last couple years but found him too annoying as he often would sound off on a player's capabilities or what the team should be doing in some officious way. Seriously -- he is a fan who played little league baseball... keep some perspective.
