Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Tuesday Extravaganza; Circle7 Unease as Disney Tries to Unload Its O and O's; Ashley Factoid; Larry Beil Hovering; "CBS News Bay Area": Fake Bravado; Hire Better People; Raj Mathai's NBC SJ Maniac Zone; KTVU Karma? Cristina Rendon and Alex Savidge But Don't Hold Your Breath; Warriors Visit White House and Crappy "Fitz" Will Be There and There's Reasons


At 900 Front, (KGO) the latest drama at Circle7: the general feeling that Disney is about to unload its O and O TV stations, especially when there's talk they're aboaut to sell off ESPN, (they suddenly feel it's not a bigtime revenue producer plus they want to stream directly)--whatever the case, KGO-TV staff have another source of anxiety. As much a pain as the Mouse House is, their presence is a scene of stability...ha, ha, if you can believe that and you should, it's the gospel.

Which might explain why, again, Dan Ashley remains in contract extension purgatory. He's sort of a free agent, but appears OK with working under his old deal. He's mum to everyone and they, (ABC) are too. Not an impasse, more like both sides don't feel an urgency.

Whatever the case, the "building brigade" is a crapload of mega stress.

*ADD Circle7: as long as we're talking contracts, hey Trixie and mousies, you might want to take care of respected vet reporter, Lyanne Melendez, who has been your major, ace reporter for years now, a real substance producer who knocks it out of the park almost every day.

*I'VE TRIED to watch the new, "CBS News Bay Area" and it's utterly useless; especially in the morning where false bravado seems to be the state of the union at 855 Battery.

CBS has spent a ton of money altering its O/O operation, including KPIX, which was last relevent back in 1980 when they moved to the Embarcadero and had real stars and sincere mojo.

Nowadays, PIX is a vast wasteland of human tonsils who have NO IDEA of news chops, ZERO presence, and about as passionate as a Daly City McDonalds.

PIX is supposedly giddy because the early numbers are good but it's a false premise; of course the numbers are good because you can only go up when you're rock bottom. It's JUST THE FACTS, Ma'am.

LOOK, you can move the furniture around; buy new music; have weather anchors walk, (how revolutionary, sure) across the news set; all this doesn't make for new and improved. It's a wad of WASTED money built on complete style over substance. C'mon CBS, get a grip. Screw the gimmicks! Hire better people. Get decent anchors and reporters. You want notice, do the obvious and then you'll see real results.

*At NBC Bay Area, the leading lady man is once again, dating just about every woman in the building. Dear Raj, yes, you might think of yourself as the "Indian Walter Cronkite", but your buddies in San Jose think of you as a schmaltzy maniac! Stick to the news, Rajo, and just read the teleprompter. Or are you channeling TJ Holmes. Never mind.

*Larry Beil, the overrated Circle7 news anchor is hovering around the building, working the room, (so to speak) and working overtime to SWEEP IN just in case Ashely and the Mousies move on; Beil has every right to gain the #1 gig, it's just his ultra-sleazy methods are DETESTED by staff, including his most ardent hater, Dan Ashley himself.

I ROOT AGAINST bullies like Beil who make the little people at KGO squirm and feel uneasy when he wallks into the office. Beil is such a jerk and an arrogant one at that. Quote me.

*Cristina Rendon is not average at all. She doesn't need to make a fuss everyday and tell all how great she is, like others. She simply lets her body of work do the talking. Rendon and Alex Savidge would be the DYNAMIC DUO at KTVU and they sorely NEED IT. Rendon has pure STAR POWER and Savidge has the new-look gusto that the Foxies could use these days.

Sorry, Madame Haener, is so overrated and yesterday. Move on, Jules.


The Warriors entourage today at The White House to schmooze with Prez Joe Biden, will include hated TV guy, Bob Fitzgerald, who almost everyone in the Bay Area can't stand.

Fitz won't ever be let go and canned as long as Joe Lacob and Steph Curry are on the team and that's semi eternity. It's a long, complicated story that involves sympathy, understanding and plain old loyalty. Fitzgerald is a certified jerk, of course he is, but he's their jerk.


  1. If Disney wants to sell ESPN I would think it would be very attractive to Apple. They need to do something to add some excitement to their ho-hum steaming.

  2. "Dear Raj, yes, you might think of yourself as the "Indian Walter Cronkite", but your buddies in San Jose think of you as a schmaltzy maniac! Stick to the news, Rajo, and just read the teleprompter. Or are you channeling TJ Holmes."

    Sounds more like John Holmes.

  3. Fitz is horrible, I literally stopped watching games because of him...

    1. Same. Fortunately many of their games are broadcast ESPN or TNT, so I'm able to watch without the grotesque homerism.

    2. I hate those 3 espn clowns when WARRIORS don't have Bob and sidekick on.those clows ruin warriors game EVERYTIME

  4. Also whats up with the weekday scheduling? Jessica is there in the morning but Darren Peck is there at Noon,3pm and sometimes 5pm in addition to weekends doing his double shift, and Heggen is there from 5pm to 11:30pm.

    Isn’t Burch or any AM weather anchor supposed to cover noon as well? Unless Darren has to fill in for Jessica or Paul, he needs to just stay on the weekends, otherwise bring Mary Lee or at least 1 more meteorologist into KPIX.

    Is this a small sign that Jessica could be out the door soon?

    1. Working the noon on a Lt's salary?

    2. Correct. He’s there at noon and 3pm now (On Monday while Heggen was there at 5PM, Peck was also there except giving a detailed overview of the water year). Heggen is there around the 5pm newscast though I do hear his KCBS update at 3:48PM, 4:18PM and 4:48PM (I can always go to those time segments on Audacy).

      My guess might be possibly at certain times that owing to the recent storms we had, she is part of the National Guard after all & maybe working the morning shift and is needed for helping out with some cleanup efforts. I do remember last week at the end of the noon newscast, she was telling Ryan she was getting so many calls from the National Guard on cleanup efforts. My guess is this is temporary, but at least Peck doesn’t have to wake up in the wee small hours (hence he is also there Sunday at 11PM).

      What if Heggen takes a full day off? Normally Peck will cover him if he is off (unless the morning anchor is off too), will he work from 12-11:30? But I remember Peck during the height of the storm worked from 9am-4pm, so wouldn’t be surprised if this is longer perhaps?

      If this is the new trend like say what KTVU has, they have to find at least 1 or 2 more meteorologists, none of which have to be Brian Hackney. He can do the weather and is smart but certainly I’m sure he prefers not to do it & leave the detailed explanations up to other meteorologists. At least KTVU has I think 5 or 6 meteorologists.

      Again, despite Peck having a large ego, he loves his job even if he works 7 days a week (like December holidays).

    3. Is Peck’s schedule of Mondays & Tuesdays on both the noon & 3PM newscast permanent? Why is Burch not on at noon on Mondays & Tuesdays and only Wed-Fri? Paul Heggen is only coming at 5PM on Mondays & Tuesdays. Rest of the week there from 3PM.

      I imagine Peck has worked overtime filling in for Heggen during the holidays & Burch at the 1st week of the New Year.

      On weekends, I don’t like seeing casual Heggen’s forecast on Saturday mornings (he does great but lose the jeans and tieless attire perhaps on air?) and those forecasts are recorded segments probably taken before or after the 11PM Friday night show. Peck likewise is still coming on the weekend evenings but not mornings anymore and also Sundays while he is there, his previous day attire is also there so same thing like Heggen, recordings. Hope this is not permanent. If we get any more rain or extreme weather on a weekend one of them has to at least be live with the latest coverage even in the weekend morning.

      Are they still on the hunt for another meteorologist? Why not bring in Mary Lee for weekend mornings and rest of the day she has off? This happened last March but not recently.

      I do miss the interaction they had with Devin, especially Peck & Devin when curveballs are thrown.

  5. Disney corporate/marketing/business units/investments, in any business, strategies and various profit centers are constantly being watched. Often, decisions to keep/cancel/divest are also constantly suggested and made, whether monthly/quarterly/annually. There may be some longer term internal promises to give a business unit a chance, understanding there could be ups & downs depending on various factors.

    1. Disney needs to free up money to buy WWE from Vince.

  6. KPIX does indeed look sharper.
    However, all the changes combined amount to only 17.8% of the boost they could get with "one Dave McElhatton" anchor.

    1. Love the new graphics and music but some lingering parts still play CBS Local…that should be out the door soon

  7. If you think CBS branding for locals is odd try watching CBS Los Angeles ( via CBS streaming, formerly CBSN). No longer CBS2 News at…Now ALL newscasts are KCAL News CBS Los Angeles. No channel ID appears whether on channels 2 or 9.

    1. True, and if I hadn't seen your comment I wouldn't have needed to add mine. CBS has wiped out any reference to KCBS Channel 2.

    2. 7:55PM - My understanding is if I went to LA and put on both channel 2 & 9, it will just be KCAL 9 news only right?

      They should just discontinue the KCBS channel and have that channel be freed for something else.

    3. 8:31 This has been rumored to be on the table. People I know at 2 in LA are a little nervous because of this...

    4. KCAL Plus!!! On KCBS 2

  8. I remember when I was in broadcasting class at Chabot College in Hayward and one of our classes took a tour of some stations in the City including KOIT, KSAN (few months before they went Country), KCBS and KPIX in their new location. KOIT and KSAN gave us some stuff like boat loads of bumper stickers, information and rate cards.

    1. And what? So,.you got some schwag.

  9. What's the over/under on the number of days before Raj Mathai makes a pass at Emma Goss?

    1. I’d be shocked if it hasn’t already happened. Raj is the ultimate skirt-chaser. Goss has been there a couple of weeks now. There’s zero to no chance in hell Raj would wait this long to feel her out and proposition her.

  10. Random Thoughts from L-2 (me).
    KTVU. I was merely picturing someone like Allie Rasmus sitting in the same spot as Julie Haener. With some coaching & practice, Rasmus, or anyone could fill Haener's spot if/when Haener leaves. Rasmus would just need some practice and confidence speaking nightly from the anchor desk, instead of just once/month as a fill-in.
    KRON. As someone else mentioned, I also saw Anny Hong doing weather the other day. I'd thought she'd made a permanent career change to house-wife & mother (an admirable life-change, btw). Perhaps with the child/children older, Hong is able to get some "me" time, to keep the news-career going, along with some extra income (doesn't hurt). (I still miss Elizabeth Wenger, KPIX, from ages ago.)
    KPIX. "The Late News with Sara Donchey". That's quite a title for the 1/2 hour local show M-F. It's as if it's NBC national like "Nightly News with Lester Holt", also a 1/2 hour show, but at the national level. OK, I'll agree with a previous anonymous poster from week earlier, Donchey's physique is just so-so, or maybe it was just the non-descript black-colored outfit she was wearing last night.

  11. Fitz is the shitz.

  12. “Sorry, Madame Haener, is so overrated and yesterday. Move on, Jules.”

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Why she’s still on air is beyond me. She had a decent run but she’s a has-been now. Antiquated. A relic from the past. Her presentation is stale and flat. Half the time it looks like she’d rather have her teeth extracted than be at work. The other half the time she’s traveling the world and boasting about it on social media.

    Local news has changed as have viewer expectations. Haener simply doesn’t fit in anymore.

    1. It looks like Haener has aged 15 years in the past 2-3. Clearly the stress of working at “The Firm” has taken a toll on her.

  13. KPIX News crew in the morning is weird. Except for J. Moran….Moran is awesome.

  14. Well TJ Holmes and 'The Indian Walter Cronkite' Raj seemed pretty chummy together when they worked at NBC Bay Area back in the day. So...birds of a feather or I learned from the best!! I also remember them hosting the Winter Olympics from their hotel room when he was just the sports guy. The shenanigans that must've taken place then. Checkout time at noon, ladies. In the words of Janis Joplin...'Get It While You Can'...i guess.

    And yes...The re-arranging the deck chairs on The Titanic seems apropos for CBS News Bay Area. Poor Juliette Goodrich. Last week she was combination anchor, reporter and camerawoman with her cellphone while reporting on a fallen tree that destroyed a house in Freemont. Is the news budget that low over there? lol Yeowomans work, nonetheless. One of the few bright spots. Just hope she doesn't pass out on set from all that walking around. 'Quick...toss to weatherman Darren Peck'. He's always around. lol

  15. I celebrated Fitz’ termination from KNBR, (Ralphy too, who opined 2347 times too many times on OJ).
    I am lucky that I can’t see Warriors on TV, if I could it would be with the sound turned off, and listening to the radio.
    I think promoting Savidge would be a good move. Don’t really care one way or another about Haener - she’s Ok. She will move on when her coffer is filled with lucre.

  16. Raj has one thing Walter Kronkite never had: dirty sneakers with a cheap suit.

  17. So if Raj is dating every women in the building doesn’t that make him a real “ladies man”?

  18. I'm sorry to keep picking on horrible Carlos ramirez is,but now he's not even saying his name the same from week to week..Lol..
    It's either Carlos ramirez,then he does Car Los Ra MI Rez then he did another that sounds like Car Lo Ramire..how boutsGood Bye Carlos

  19. The CBS O&O reworking is a vanity project by network execs who for some reason want the "deconstructed eye" motif and four-note "This is CBS" sounder to appear every ten seconds. It is so repetitive that it overshadows the newscast content. All the new graphics distraction make Ryan Yamamoto look like Dave McElhatton. CBS has torn up its L.A. heritage station, KCBS (formerly KNXT, which revolutionized local news with the country's first hour-long local newscast in 1960). There is no more KCBS, the signal merely simulcasts "KCAL News" on all dayparts. KCAL, the CBS/Viacom sister station on Channel 9, has run news as counter-programming and makes enough Nielsen book so network brass says, "it's better known in the market for breaking news" -- meaning, famous for mindless helicopter coverage of police pursuits. Like "Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh my gosh, now he's getting back on the 605!" etc.

    1. Spot on they’ll go traditional again in less than 2 years

    2. Always amazed at the helicopter/freeway chase news that is prioritized in LA. Barely ever see coverage on things going on at LA's City Hall. It's no wonder the Bay Area politicians are who gets elected to state and national office. So Cal people have no idea who's running things down there...but fairly certain they can pick out the best car flips on the 405.

  20. Remember when Raj was a sports anchor at KNTV, when it was still simply a San Jose station and trying to carve out a Bay Area niche (it still is)? He was "Roger Mathai" then and now all this dish makes me wonder if he and Terilyn Joe ever had a fling. (if anybody knows, don't say it. You can't unsee something like that)

  21. Damn Goodrich is a tall glass of water. Legs for days ! Didn’t realize until I watched her walking in studio. How tall is she ?

  22. Next week a former ABC7 reporter plans to publish an on-the-record exposè about Dion Lim on Medium.com.

    1. "...a former ABC7 reporter plans to publish an on-the-record exposè about Dion Lim..."

      Does this mean they'll post it using their real name, and not do it anonymously? If so, this may be interesting.

    2. Will they finally expose to the world that Dion Lim is as phony as a three dollar bill?

  23. Expose about Dion Lim? Sounds like a cure for insomnia.

  24. Bobby Fitz doesn’t care what anyone says about him anymore. He made his bed years ago when he shamelessly schmoozed his way into KNBR and then used his Dad,, sleazy KNBR GM Tony Salvador and an unscrupulous agent who’s mane is not worth mentioning to poach Greg Papa’s TV job with the Warriors. His smug and annoying personality may have fooled some of the suits, but a vast majority of hard core NBA fans here in Northern Californua can see right through this phony.

  25. I'm surprised no one has file a sexual harassment suit against that phony Raj. I thought he was married.

  26. Raj Mathai is a putz. He doesn’t add anything to the newscast. Watching paint dry is more exciting than Raj read the teleprompter. I prefer a team of Jessica Aguirre, Audrey Asistio, and Janelle Wang. They are really good anchors and easy on the eyes. Management should show Mathai the door out of the building.

  27. I can’t stand Raj Mathai. He comes across as a pompous jerk. Indian Walter Cronkite? What a joke! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  28. What happened to Rob Mayeda? These weekends now Cintia Pimentel is filling in doing a double shift like Peck. Not seeing Vianey now. On the bright side, she is very good forecasting the weather and seems to have a good bubbly personality

    KPIX needs to get 1 more meteorologist. If Lee can’t do weekend mornings or Hackney doesn’t want to do the weather, they need to get 1 more meteorologist. When Peck was working in Seattle in 2018, he joined without replacing anybody & instead was working weekend evenings & filling in on other broadcasts (similar to KPIX) since KING 5 had a very small meteorology team and needed to grow.
