Monday, January 16, 2023

Noelle Bellow Still Rocks The Bay on KRON's Nooner; Dave Spahr? Weather TMI; Tim Roye/Jim Barnett Winning Combo on Warriors' MLK Matinee


Noelle Bellow prove once again she's far BIGGER than a mere Noon newscast on KRON and is 100% destined for a far wider reach --LA and Philly beckoning.

Bellow's 12 o'clock anchoring is as smooth as ever and delivers the news with precision, crispness and authority all in one.

She laughs. She has a sense of humor. It's just damn straight.

Memo to KRON --Nexstar: PAY HER now or risk a solid performer leaving the Bay Area and that's our/KRON's loss.

SIDE NOTE: Not necessarily a negative, but by her side, weather geek, Dave Spahr, who I generally like, but Mr. Spahr's way-too-inside weather talk is a bit too much for the Nooner.

Spahr needs to lighten up, maybe laugh a little? Tell a joke, perhaps. The weather lingo is too intense for yours truly.

A BREAK: the sun is out!

As Lloyd Lindsay Young would say, "Hellooo Turlock!"

MONDAY SPORTS LISTENING MUSE: I watched --and then flipped to radio, the Warrior's MLK matinee --from Washington DC and was humored, educated and blessed with the BEST NBA duo: Tim Roye and Jim Barnett.

Roye is amazing. Detailed, knowedgable, funny and even poigant. And not afraid to rip the home team if they deserve it.

Barnett has a wry sense of humor and knows the game--also witty and pointedly humurous. A winning combo.



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  1. “Memo to KRON --Nexstar: PAY HER now or risk a solid performer leaving the Bay Area and that's our/KRON's loss.”

    They don’t care. They’d put a mechanical dunking bird in her place is they could. They don’t want to make stars, because stars earn more money. They prefer dunking birds because they go “cheap-cheap!”

    Don’t know why you keep thinking any of the owners care about quality or talent. Cheap is all that matters.

    1. If they pay her they should include a weight clause in the contract.

  2. Welcome back Rich. I was going through 415 Media withdrawls the last day or so. I hope all is going well.

  3. Noelle Bellow is a breath of fresh air. Candid delivery. Unlike some of the other tenured fake fossils at the anchor desk.

    1. Noelle and Kyla together are my favorite. Very easy to watch.

    2. Indeed. Intelligent, attractive and succinct.

  4. Hi Rich: Totally agree with you, Noelle Bellow is a keeper; always like her from the beginning, could KRON hook Kara with her? That would be sooooooo great, also can't watch ABC7 at 11 AM, too many clowns there......

    1. Any show with Ming on it is too much to watch

    2. Can't stand Kristen, starting to like KRON 4 Stephanie Lin, very genuine and not phony like Kristen

    3. Sorry, I meant Kira Grogen, not Kara

  5. Tim and Jim are the best. Those TV guys are so awful, especially Fitz.

    1. Fitz is the WORST and the Warriors need to move on from him after this season. The best NBA franchise and its fans deserve better. C'mon Bob Myers!

    2. Totally agree. Make Roye the TV announcer and bring back Barnett too. Love those guys.

    3. Tim Roye! The best pbp guy in the Bay Area, hands down. He deserves FAR more praise than he gets. Just outstanding. You listen to him and it's like "Aha! THIS is what an announcer is supposed to sound like!". A true pro. And has a very dry, subtle sense of humor, which I really enjoy. Greg Papa might give him a run for his money as a basketball pbp guy -- Greg is far better at basketball than at any other sport -- but I digress. If there was a Ford C Frick equivalent for basketball Tim would deserve it.

  6. Sze has been at ABC for 35 years per her bio. How can that be? She looks mad all the time on air. Clearly no one cares!

  7. Love Dave. Good weather man.

  8. Noelle has a certain sex appeal that i enjoy watching. She comes across genuine and not phony. You don't have to look anorexic like so many look today.

  9. I said it before right here in this blog, that Noelle Bellow just "has it". And this is despite her not exactly having the ideal TV appearance, except for her face. She reads well, presents the news well, and just seems like a good anchor. That all being said, despite her totally not being my type, I would just to bang that! I mean, WOW!

  10. Bellow is blah. Nothing special. Average at best. Doesn't jump off the screen, doesn't have grab you. For KRON, that is better than most, but still, nothing to gush over.

  11. Thanks for highlighting these emerging talent Rich nice to hear

  12. Noelle's pic shows a couple of reasons why I like watching her.

  13. Mr Young, not a meteorologist was a huckster. When the going gets rough, you don't need a huckster.
