Friday, December 30, 2022

The Dan Ashley Schmooze Sweepstakes --What's Up? Does He Stay or Go at ABC7? Plus Interesting Scenarios


The face-of-station, ABC7 (KGO) veteran anchor is working under an old deal. His exact contract situation isn't entirely known but industry speculation, (here and me too) is engrossed in wide debate and observation as to his future at Circle7. He has over thirty years at ABC7 ans so his status is a very legit concern-- good, bad, and indifferent.

Let's go over the scenarios:

*He signs a new deal. Makes sense, but this should have happended a few years ago. Ashley signed it in 2018 back when the world was a different place, pre-Covid and pre-thrifty Disney. In that time, Ashley was the highest-paid anchor in the Bay Area, (roughly $600K yearly)--only Frank Somerville at KTVU was near that figure. Now, nobody comes close. Which might be a negative for Ashley. Disney might be playing a rope-a-dope with him and he might be OK with that working his old deal but sooner or later, someone has to budge.

*He walks. This is highly unlikely but not out of the question. I pointed out on Thursday the scenario making the rounds at 900 Front. That Ashley could very well tell his bosses to take a hike. He has more than enough money and a good family situation and an emeging rock band get-up. Ashley loves singing and entertaining and playing like The Rolling Stones. He could dump news. But I can't smell that yet. He's only 60.

*He goes to another station. But where? KTVU, only The Firm isn't interested in signing expensive newbies. KPIX? CBS has the money but seems content with their present band of anchors. NBC? Raj (Mathai) is set in San Jose even if his sense of being the Indian Walter Cronkite is crazy. Plus, NBC is cutting bodies all over the places including LA, NY and The Bay Area.

*He goes to KQED. It's only a rumor but it makes sense. KQED has been threatening a local newscast for years now and who better than Dan Ashley could create buzz and make a splash on the local PBS front? KQED has the money, has the means to pay The Ash man but frankly, it makes too much sense. But, damn, what a juicy rumor.


He signs as a DH for the Giants? No chance because he's too injury prone.

*He goes to Southwest Airlines as a highly-paid PR director? 50-1.

*Explores politics and runs for mayor of Walnut Creek? But that would mean too much self-examination of his personal life and Danno hates that.

*Starts a new crypto-currency business and makes Luz Pena head of affairs? 25-1.

*Becomes new EIC at SFGate but lacks basic essentials --but he does enjoy a good orange burrito every now and then.

*Begins a new blog: "Dan Ashley-925 Media." Never mind. 100-1.

*Runs away from the Bay Area--takes Kristin Sze on mad-love rendevous to Fiji and tells everyone to go to hell. Even money.

*Back to the question at hand, maestro, que the orchestra:


  1. Can he go somewhere that does real news? I flipped to cable station NewsNation. They are talking about arrest of person in Idaho murders. The suspect is In PA. I am surprised no local station here talked about it since it was a big story because lf the brutality. We dont need 4 days of coverage but Ashley would be good in that kind of breaking news situation.

    1. So four murders in Idaho deserve Ashley’s attention, yet two children (1 and 5) were found murdered in a closet in their home in San Francisco the day after Christmas and barely a word on any local media. Hmmmmm, wonder why.

  2. Rich, you mention he has a young wife. All the bio stuff I read about DA is that he has been married for over 25 years. When did he trade in wife one for wife 2?

  3. 2 other ABC O&O 'faces of the station' have retired in the last month

    Jim Gardner just retired from WPVI - he announced it a year ago
    Alan Krashesky just retired from WLS - he announced about a month ahead

    Jim almost 15 years longer in the industry than Dan, Alan about 5 years longer. Both announced their retirements before Iger returned to Disney.

    Dan has roots in the Carolinas, not sure about his spouse

    1. He won’t come to WTVD where we made him but Steve Daniels if the face of the ABCO&O that Dan Ashley started at we had our face Larry Stogner but he died 8 years ago.

  4. More Scenarios:

    He decides to leave ABC 7 and 'Build A Better Bay Area' with his own two hands. (Very Charlton Thus ending all the bureaucracy and red tape involved with us constantly being reminded that Disney is the parent company of ABC 7.

    He takes over for former KTVU reporter John Sasaki as the new Director Of Communications for the Oakland Unified School District.

    He follows in the footsteps of former NBC News Bay Area anchor Linton Johnson as a new spokesperson for BART. His platform guarantees a resurgence in ridership, lower fares and BART commission pay cuts by 2030. The same year that track to San Jose is set to fully open. (Good luck with any of that. lol)

    He replaces former ABC7 news anchor Natasha Zueves as Reggie Aqui's duet partner and they give new meaning to the song 'A Whole New World' from Aladdin. lol

    He camps out on a beach in Mykonos with his band along with recently retired ABC7 stalwart David Louie. They reminisce about old times while sipping on Ouzo, playing rock & roll and enjoying the good life. (Later Day

    Bottom Line: Dan Ashley is not going anywhere. lol The face of ABC7 from here to eternity. (Or at least five more years. Remember when 65 was the standard age of retirement?) He's in the catbird's seat. Most of the other networks are still trying to find a face. (I mean...Mibach...Yamamoto?? Must be slim pickings...)

    1. He, could, as Rich points, out, just quit, and spend his days noodling on his Stratocaster.

  5. KQED isn't going to pay any staffer 500 k plus a year. Most people work at SAG-AFTRA scale and even the Forum hosts don't make TV reporter/anchor salaries. It's also very unlikely they'd hire an older white guy, when they are committed to a more diverse staff and have a solid bench of people to promote from within. Plus a KQED anchor is going to be mostly focused on interviews and not on doing anchor tosses to 12 short reporter packages. Think the PBS News Hour, not a commercial news cast. They aren't going to be doing short hits on car wrecks, shootings and long weather segments.

  6. ABC7 without Ashley is just KTVU, KRON, KPIX, KNTV...
    His presence is the primary reason I turn to ABC7.
    Without him, my news selection is just a spin of the wheel to any station.
    At one point years ago, I favored KTVU, but no more.
    Ashley has some of that Dave McElhatton type appeal on KPIX.
    Trying to save a extra $200,000n or so would be a huge mistake.
    Lose Ashley and you lose me.

    1. As much as I like Dan, he can't make me stomach the "Building a Better Bay Area" crap, or the lineup of sub=par colleagues.

      And now it seems all the other stations have hired the same consultant. They're all doing something like "Good news," "Stories of kindness," "We care," yada-yada. Don't hold my hand, just tell me the frickin' news without comment and without the tsk-tsk and sad eyes at the end of every story. I graduated kindergarten. A long time ago.

  7. He will stay unless KGO want to be the first station in the Bay Area promoting pride, equality and diversity. I already give you a hint who will take over Dan spot if he leaves. So far, KGO promotes it, next KPIX.

  8. Ashley to KQED indeed makes sense. That means it will never happen.

  9. If Ashley were to ever run for Walnut Creek mayor I have little doubt he’d be the immediate front-runner. Not because of his local news name recognition, but because of his reputation in the community. He’s known for donating to community causes including schools and social organizations, buying meals for the needy and single-handedly funding toy drives for children during the holidays. I’ve lived here for almost 20 years and have never once heard anyone speak negatively of him.
    The same can’t be said for other local news stooges such as Greg Papa and Julie Haener, two completely self-absorbed asses.

    1. “Greg Papa and Julie Haener, two completely self-absorbed asses.”

      I don’t know about Julie Haener but Greg Papa is known to park his Maserati in blue zones while dining at restaurants and shopping in the tri-valley area.
      Self-absorbed ass is right.

  10. Dan Ashley can leave for all I care. Just because he’s been with ABC for over 30 years doesn’t make him the face of the station. I think it’s time to bring in someone young and fresh. I’m tired of his unkempt hair and excessive make-up. Anyone can read the teleprompter and get better at it as the months go on.If he doesn’t care about how he presents himself to the viewers someone else will. If he goes maybe I’ll start watching ABC7 again. Right now I’m happy watching NBC, KRONON and KPIX

  11. Dan is a talented anchor and seems like a nice and charitable guy, but his music (lyrics and voice) make me cringe. The on-air debut of his Valentine’s Day song a few ago could have been a better than average SNL comedy skit. Is he really considered a musical talent? Are my wife and I tone deaf?

    1. Lol, I agree. That song was awful!

  12. I, too, stopped watching KGO7 soon after they began with the nausea-inducing slogan, "Building a Better Bay Area". Makes me cringe and change the channel every time I hear it. I make a point of avoiding KGO news ever since. I don't care who the anchor is. After hearing that pretentious slogan a few times, I'd prefer not watch any news at all rather than listen to them.

  13. Ummm, Dan A. - They say its hard to keep a good man down, but in my experience it's good to keep a good man up...

  14. Inside comment: Dan’s been in contact with KABC news director Pam Chen about a big pay raise and his own car and parking spot at the Burbank lot. Word is Dan is TIGHT with Bob Iger
