Thursday, December 29, 2022

KCBS Commercial Overload; Begging Too For Traffic Anchors; Munnich MVP; Circle7 Great Rigo Chacon Reflection; ABC/Disney Needs Dan Ashley More Than He Needs Them; KRON's Reyna Harvey Hot Stuff; Hackney's KPIX Moody Blues; Darren Peck Overload; Audrey Asistio Bloom Off at NBC Bay Area?; Raj Mathai Not So Excited; Foxy Lauren McCoy to KTVU?; Warriors' PBP Guy Tim Roye Still Excites; Former 49ers' Great, Donte Whitner Kills on KNBR; Thursday Media/Coffee Extravaganza

IN ADDITION to ALL the other dreck, KCBS's barrage of commercial spots has reached epic overload: there's now less than ten minutes of actual news per hour when you take away traffic and weather reports. But the way the news is reported I'm beginning to root for more spots.

*When he first came back, I was a big Jim Taylor fan. Now, the obnoxious KCBS reporter's manner of making sure his voice is inserted in almost every report he files is uber-annoying. It's obvious Taylor is an ego maniac.

*How bad is it at KCBS? The other day the traffic/sports mgr. had to beg an afternoon traffic guy to do the overnight because the guy that usually does it, was taking a much-needed night/morning off. Who knew? Frank Munnich, MVP.

*In the 70's, 80's, 90's and early 2000's, there was a guy at KGO-TV/Circle7, named Rigo Chacon, who garnered local attention because he'd hyper-accent his reports with "ReeeeCO Chacon, Channel7 News!" It was enduring, it was funny, it was sort of poigant and Rigo himself was cool with it, nobody screamed and yelled because they knew it was cool. Nobody was making fun of Rigo and he never made any sort of fuss. In fact, he loved all the attention.

Today, everyone is "offended", sullen, pissed off, angry, I could go on and on but you get my point, what an entirely fucked-up/no sense of humor world we've become and the Bay Area is the home office.

*A Circle7 sage told me this; it's not the gospel but it has some legs. The person said there's a feeling at KGO that Dan Ashley, who's working on his old deal, could walk away from Channel 7 and Disney altogether. He has thirty-plus years at ABC, a new wife, family and rock band happy hobby. He has more than enough money and is enjoying life. Disney needs him more than he needs Disney. Again, why hasn't he been extended? Maybe it's The Ash that has put his foot on the brake and told Mickey Mouse to relax? Stay tuned.

*One thing to consider too and it's HUGE: Ashley is tight with Bob Iger, ABC/Disney boss who was recently hired back to run the mouse house.

*If KRON morning diva, (in a good sense) Reyna Harvey, were to ace out Darya Folsom, I'd have no problem with that and neither would Nexstar, which could save a few few dimes in the process and they love that.

Harvey, who has received interest from some LA stations, is an emerging star with the right type of look and appearence, plus she can chat and anchor as well. She's multi-faceted and fresh and young, all stuff the Dar has LOST and it's been years now.

*At PIX, the "smartest man in the room", turns out, is not that smart.

Brian Hackney is supposedly "stuck" on the weekend and wants more prime time love during the weeknights but, yo, Brian, talk to the boss, Scott Warren. Talk it up and shout you're ample more gusto than Ryan Yamamoto. On the other hand, Hackney, is good but he lacks 21st century personal ingredients, if you know what I mean and I think you do. Yamamoto checks all those boxes.

Could Hackney end up at Circle7? Humn...

*ADD KPIX: That 11 PM newscast is beginning to look like an unfunny SNL skit. I admire the idea of PIX trying something new and different but weird looks, camera angles, strange disco music and walking weather and news anchors is a bit too much. How about some quality news anchoring, bold one-on-one interviews and fast-paced stories? You don't have to go weird on us PIX, you already have enough issues to chew on.

*HERE'S the problem at PIX, (among many) they're now putting jerky Napolean figure and over-exposed weather guy, Darren Peck all over the place. He's fine and dandy but he's not as good and groovy as he thinks he is. Plus, his blase attitude and assholeness towards staff is a major turnoff. Peck needs a low pressure system for his ego and a permanent placement on the weekend and not sniff Monday-Friday.

*In a perfect world, Audrey Asistio, would have her own spot on NBC Bay Area --anchoring solo and entertaininh the Bay Area with her words of wisdom and such. But her mojo has been lackluster of late; either that or Raj Mathai has more juice than I thought. Raj apparently isn't that enamoured with Countess Audrey but at least he isn't dating her.

*Speaking of Raj, I remember him when he was this quaint, cool, distinguished sports anchor and not the ego-centric fuse he's become. Look, Raj, I couldn't care less about your dating life; sure, it's warm and fuzzy, fine, go for it. I'm nore mystified with your want to claim youre the Indian Walter Cronkite, that I have issues with but then again, I'm complicated.

*Still talking a mile a minute: our military heroine, Jessica Burch.

*If former Fox anchor, Lauren McCoy comes to the Bay Area and makes residence at KTVU, I fully endorse such a move. Hell, I might even watch KTVU.

*The assistant PD at KNBR, Mike Hohler, is far cheaper and more valuable than the schmucky guy from Texas, Kevin Graham. Why Cumulus needs the latter is beyond me, not that Hohler is such a nice guy, he isn't.

*RISING STAR: Former 49ers jock, Donte Whitner, was both funny and extremely interesting on KNBR Wednesday, (with co-host, Kerry Crowley. Whitner told behind-the-scene stories of his college and NFL life. They were cool and compelling anectdores, dare I say, move-needle material. Maybe KNBR has found a star who is original and pointed and doesn't cackle like a hyena at his own jokes.

*Still as damn good as it gets: Veteran Warriors; PBP broadcaster on radio: Tim Roye.

Roye is as close to Bill King as all get-go. His accounts of the game are crisp, clear, utter-descriptive and both funny and illustrative, (when need be).

He's also got the verbal NBA chops and sports-lingo narrative down so as not to be so inside and snobbish, just damn entertaining and informative. A special "Elavation/Sensation" on your Dubs' radio network. Heard locally on FM, 95.7 The Game.

*Happy New Year to all and yeah, if you love the blog, (or even hate it/me) $UPPORT IT!


  1. Yeah, pompous peck is super annoying. Been saying it for years. And, who in the hell is doing the 10pm ch 2 news with Julie? Guy looks asleep.

  2. Maybe KCBS's problem w/getting their operation under control is they are trying to fix everything at once, and with a tangle of knots, don't know where to start. "Analysis paralysis" in the words of organizational experts. For example this morning (Thursday) the anchor was attempting a lead-in to a sound-bite about Pele, the soccer star who recently passed away. But the sound bite didn't materialize on queue, so the anchor had to claim "technical difficulties" & move on. I'd suggest KCBS management to put aside the tangle of knots & solely focus on that particular incident; determine exactly what caused it, and put in place mitigating measures so absent sound bites are much less likely to happen going forward. This concept seems simple enough, but if instead the management focus is untangling a bevy of knots, this sort of problem might seem like it can be deferred. It can't. In fact resolving this sort of problem is the pathway to the entire solution.

  3. Why doesn't ABC7 move "Loothy-Goothy" Peña to weekday mornings? She seems to have fake, overly-obnoxious personality required for the morning shows.

    1. Luz just doing her Rigo Chacon tribute act

    2. Yes but it's difficult to understand her during a 90-second report. Imagine having to decipher what she's saying for an entire newscasts each morning. Thanks but no thanks.

    3. she isn't hard to understand at all , unless you have hearing issues.

  4. the lieutenant gives accurate and very helpful specific info in a few short seconds....this is a good thing.

  5. Peck is fine . He does a great job explaining the weather rather than just giving numbers.
    Saw him on the evening shows with his pal Goodrich. Bet he misses her since she moved onto her own shows.

    1. Peck is a song and dance man. He over-explains. If you listen to him long enough, you just want to dance out of the room.

    2. I like Peck’s explanations and generally I find he’s more comfortable as both an evening fill in & weekend meteorologist. I cannot see the same with him on weekday mornings as a fill-in.

      At least I can tell you he is still better than Hackney in terms of his explanations, chart and details. Hackney is really boring from a weather standpoint (smart & knowledgable but lacks many things). So happy they did not put Brian Hackney as Heggen’s fill in. And Burch is showing up each morning and does a great job and is so kind and humble about it.

      If anything, Hackney should stick to anchoring on the M-F primetime or simply put, just retire he’s already 65. And they have to find 1 more meteorologist who is NOT Brian Hackney!!

    3. @8:06PM - There was one comment last year on a YT video when Mary Lee returned from the holidays that Mary & Paul get to the point and Darren has a slower flow which means he over explains things. He even gave many charts too. His YT weather segments are 4-5 minutes long whereas Burch is 2 minutes and I think Heggen 2-3 minutes.

    4. I like the way Peck inserts a little meteorology lesson whenever he does the weather, but he does have an annoying tendency to take 15 seconds to say something he could have said in 5 seconds.

  6. Dan Ashley retiring?? I don't see it happening. Most of these anchors hang on until they start mumbling sweet nothings to the teleprompter. He is definitely the face of ABC 7. Solid. Well respected. And been at the same station forever. That's a hard gig for any person to let go of. (I can't believe Pat Harvey is also still doing the news in LA long after Jerry Dunphy left this plane for the otherworld.)

    But if he does leave...More power to him. It's gotta be a little soul draining reporting all the negative news night after night. But a well paying gig, nonetheless. Enjoy your life Dan!! Because like the late Pete Wilson used to say in his tagline...'There's more to life than news, weather and sports. (Take a lesson Frank Sommerville and Mark Ibanez.)

    And yes...Donte Whitner is an interesting cat. And quite the snazzy dresser,I might add. I enjoy his insights on Niner's Post Game. He's chaser with his commentary and little bit of wit added to even out the mix. KNBR could definitely use a fresh dose of that.. ijs.

  7. I agree. The in-studio walking around act, with the PIX anchors, is a bit too much.

  8. Sick of seeing Audrey face on those please donate to food bank ads. Over reacting on tv, I support Gia Vang more.

    1. Exactly. And she arches her back to make them look bigger and oh so damn fake.

    2. Strange I always want to head to the milk case when I see it

  9. Reyna Harvey replacing "diva" Darya Folsom? I would have no problem with it either. If Brian Hackney wanted more airtime on KPIX weekdays...why cannot he do weather 3 days during the week and still do news on KPIX weekends. I agree talk to your boss Brian...

  10. Audrey Asistio? Words of wisdom? On what? Plastic surgeons?

  11. Audrey Asistio belongs in LA. She's all wrong for KNTV. Her look is all wrong and she has a bad habit of wearing the same outfits that Jessica Aguirre already wore. The latest example was the brown leather pants she wore last night...the same pants Aguirre wore a couple weeks ago.

    Is there any truth to the rumor that NBC Bay Area had to expand its studio footprint in order to fit Raj Mathai's ego inside?

    1. @3:04. Exactly. Audrey is more of an LA newscaster or TMZ than Bay Area. She’s a little too enthusiastic for a newscaster. The picture of her laughing above looks like Raj said the worlds funniest joke.

    2. Not sure about Raj but I heard the same rumors about expanding it to fit a certain anchors blatantly fake "LA" fun bags.

    3. Audrey is actually a really nice person. Not sure what your guys issue is with her. She’s way better than any other anchor Nbc Bay Area has

  12. KTVU Note-- Zak Sos comes off as someone MADE him go out and do a package. So monotone and blase blase. Total channel changer.

  13. Mike Holeinthehead (Hohler) isn't a nice guy. He's got the ego of Gregory Papa and Rudy Fitzgerald. I've seen him at 49ers games and he did the press box PA at Sharks games, probably because the PR staff thought if they could kiss Whoreler's ass, they may get some airtime. With that collection of junk? At both places, he acted like the premier horse's ass. Someone needs to tell him that local sports radio is about as relevant as a free round trip ticket on Southwest Airlines these days.

  14. Best part is top of newscast when anchor walks out from backstage... here's Saraaaaa

  15. Agree Lauren McCoy seems like she would be a nice addition on KTVU and Donte Whitner on KNBR. KTVU based in Oakland has no female black anchor for some time now. KNBR has mostly boring/bland guys talking over each other, sucking up, etc.. Don’t know if Donte knows much about other sports though. I like his direct no-nonsense delivery; so maybe I don’t care as he can ask a concise question to anyone on any sport that does not go on and on until you forget the first part of the question. Tired of listening about the gambling spreads and nonsense unrelated to sports. KNBR should also hire qualified female talent too as look who is in the stands of sporting events and in numbers.

  16. RE Ashley and Iger…

    Two of their legacy big name anchors announced retirement on Chapeks watch…

    Krashesky at WLS after 40 years

    and the big kahuna

    Jim Gardner at WPVI

    Both signed off in the last month.

  17. Yes, Looth Peña’s accent is annoying as hell, but it’s nothing compared to the nails on a chalkboard voice of Emma Goss. I don’t know what happened to her over the past few months but her voice went from annoying to unbearable. She talks like she’s underwater trying to talk with a close pin on her nose and a stick up her ass.

    1. Those close pins can be really annoying. You are talking about bowling, right, not hanging clothes on a clothesline ?

    2. 8:22pm, whenever Emma Goss comes on I immediately turn the channel. I can only imagine what her colleagues must think when they hear her obnoxious voice.

  18. You hit it “dead nuts” in describing the excellent sports discussion by Donte Whitner and his associate. As I listened to them, I wondered why are these guys not on every day? They are 5,000 times better than Smurf n Smack, Greg “A-Gap” and Lund, Tolbert and Chatty Frat Rat. None of the “filler” of “who’s better?” or “I think the (insert name here) will win the contest” or “Garroppolo, Correa, Derek Carr,” ad nauseum.
    Lastly, RIP PELÉ, who truly was a National Treasure. Like Gretzky and Jerry Rice, Pelé’s numbers scream “BEST EVER!”

  19. KPIX needs to ditch the late night talk show intro.

    1. Yes!! From your written comment to God's ear's. Just stupid and she has been on late night for many, many, many days now! ???????

  20. Dan Ashley is obviously good. He is a good soldier who basically seems to do what he is told. He spouts out that "bay area" garbage with a straight face, which I am sure is hard to do. And the fact that he is working on his old contract, while that may be somewhat of a blow to his ego, that they didn't immediately sign him to a new one, the fact is that it means he is working at his old HIGH pay levels, that are far above the current market, where salaries are being reduced. So that is a good thing! And while he could retire and be perfectly fine, I think he is like athletes who want to keep on going and don't know when to quit. While he could go out in style with a huge contract and work in NY for the network, he is rooted here in the bay area.

  21. Rigo Chacon was a neat example to me, a young white kid on the Peninsula, of a person who was terrific at their job, very professional, and took great pride in his name and heritage...that mixture was very helpful as I sorted through various cultural images and assembled my own mind-set with regard to acceptance and respect for people that I did not know personally.

    I also recall his efforts with "Abrazos and Books," which he founded.
    Abrazos and Books has a three-fold mission:

    • Financially assist university-bound high school students in Santa Clara County
    • Contribute to young victims of poverty, disability or major catastrophe
    • Select students on merit and need, not ethnic origin
    “ I know some think Abrazos and Books is for Latinos only, but it is not,” Chacon says, “Abrazos and Books is an American scholarship. It is a scholarship for all Santa Clara County scholars.” The scholarships of Abrazos and Books are named in honor of people who sacrifice to help others.

  22. Down here in LA, KNBC and KCBS/KCAL had Linda Alvarez for many decades. She always got a lot of hate for how she pronounced her name (Leeeeenda Alvarrrez). I never had a issue with it. I appreciated how she never forgot her culture.

  23. Rich, you hit the nail on the head when it comes to professional Warriors pxp. I turn down the TV and turn up the radio broadcast. The TV broadcast is nothing more than a "homer" broadcast filled with mindless chatter about when the next event is at Chase center - pathetic.

  24. I echo your sentiments concerning Tim Roye; really good at what he does. Doesn't make the broadcast about him, unlike the nauseating Papa.

  25. Agree about KPIX. What the heck is going on there?! Every week they're adding new (WEIRD) tweaks! And nothing works!!!
    SNL comparison is right. WTH? Just sit down and report the news! Stop trying to be cute!

  26. "Brian Hackney is supposedly 'stuck' on the weekend and wants more prime time love during the weeknights but, yo, Brian, talk to the boss, Scott Warren."

    Warren is a doofus (I've talked to him on several occasions...I didn't know you could get that dumb without being dropped on your head) and someone with the intelligence or Hackney isn't going to make any inroads with someone who frankly hates news but love nonsense like weather and soft feel-good crap. Brian is truly stuck unless he leaves the Bay Area and finds a market where news is still appreciated...and there aren't many.

  27. I'm with Raj. I'm not all that impressed with Audrey Asistio either. She's too animated and OTT. Someone needs to tell her she's presenting the news, not selling Diamonique earrings for QVC. And she has a real annoying habit of over pronouncing words with "oo" or "ou" vowels. "Toooooo!," and "Aboooouuuuuut." What's up with that?!
