Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Point / Counter-Point

Point: "Rich, Carlos Ramirez is a perfectly fine sports anchor on NBC Sports Bay Area--the 49ers' pregame show would be so lame without him."

Counterpoint: "Jane, you ignorant slut! Do you honestly believe your own drivel? Ramirez is a weekly embarrassment and everyone at NBC and viewers alike know it. His latest shtick, super- accenting his name, is beyond pathetic."

Point: "Rich, why do you attack so many Bay Area women TV journalists, you're positively misogynistic!"

Counterpoint: "No Jane, quite the opposite, just people I deem as lousy or not that good. If they're man, woman, black, white, asian, hispanic, blue, purple, gay, straight, I don't discriminate. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm an equal opportunity shit disturber."

Point: "Rich, you constantly stress the negative--maybe if you were more positive and uplifting, you'd be more successful."

Counterpoint: "Jane, were I any more positive, I'd be the toilet attendant at the Shell station at the last exit before the west end of the Bay Bridge."

Point: "Rich, your constant attacks on Jan Wahl and Nikki Medoro are just so rude and bad-- you, Rich are just repugnant!"

Counterpoint: "Jane, you ignorant slut! Do you honestly ever even consider the facts? Wahl is just plain awful with self-serving drivel and Medoro thoroughly useless--like a bad dream gone worse, gimme a break!"

Point: "Rich, you're too nice to KRON, don't you know they suck!"

Counterpoint: "Jane, of course I know and had you read me over the years, I said so but they've improved. Substantially. They have good, solid, above-average anchors and their reporters are OK too, not great, but what's great today? Sure Jane, KRON reminds us they'll always be KRON but yeah, overall, they do a decent job and I'm all in for the most part."

Point: "Rich, if you keep riffing on Damon Bruce, I'm gonna kick your ass!

Counterpoint: "Really Jane, I might take you up on that! Damon was so good and edgy when he first started out but he's become such a lame, mild sausage, maybe having kids neutered his opinions; whatever the case, I can't listen to him, he's just plain boring."

Point: "Rich, maybe if you were nice to the Chronicle, they'd be nice to you."

Counterpoint: "Jane, you ignorant slut! The Chronicle is the worst high-school newspaper in the world. They're a joke now. No Herb Caen, no Art Hoppe, no decent sports page, just a drab of a paper and horrid SFGate too, which routinely lifts some of my stories."

Point: "The Bay Area media deserves better; your constant barbs do more harm than good, be an optimist!

Counterpoint: "Jane, I'm only doing my job, have you seen our radio and TV ? We're the shits; we have Fresno mildew reporters and anchors giving us the news, it's patheic, it's repulsive, it's god-awful, what can I say. Were I anything other than telling the truth, I'd be lying."

Point: "Rich, FP Santangelo is reallly cool on KNBR, again, you are so negative."

Counterpoint: "Jane, he's a cliche-driven, career.224 hitter who bombed in the field and also various bars in the Bay Area, ask the women he hit on. He's only on KNBR because they needed a body at night after Giants' games and Frank Paul volunteered, that's it, Jane."

Point: "Rich, lots of people love Check, Please on KQED, you're just not in tune."

Counterpoint: "Jane, lots of people like to read books while taking a #2, doesn't make it healthy."

Point: "Rich, making fun of Julie Haener is not condusive to your overall character. Julie has had a fine career at KTVU and you know it."

Counterpoint: "Jane, you ignorant slut! I've never said Julie was unworthy, I've simply said she had her time in the sun and now, she's just hanging on, you know, mailing it in and collecting checks. Have you seen KTVU's ratings? I rest my case."

Point: "Rich, KCBS is not that bad. It's a new world, they're trying their best, be real."

Counterpoint: "No Jane, you be real. They took a heritage station, Jenny (Seelig) and turned it into the shitter. They systematically crapped on a Bay Area radio institution and the results are in, it's a sliver of itself. And what you have left is an embarrassment. And someone needs to be accountable."


  1. Brilliant! Well, that just left any comments standing naked and alone on the side of the road. Love it!

  2. Dibley is talking about a high school reunion at Niners game. Such an amateur.

  3. I agree Rich should be more positive, however that does not mean he can't be critical of hosts or TV personal. My problem with Rich is he gets stuck on one or 2 people and become very repetitive. Such as Ronn Owens and John Rothmann, it is not that Rich's don't have a point, but he gets very nitpicky and would write several blogs a week, often go over the same point again and again.

  4. Good is good, Mediocrity is mediocre, Lousy is lousy. Call em as you see ‘Em Rich.
    It is like Wine enthusiasts: good wine is what YOU like, and bad wine is what you don’t like.
    I have not witnessed Rich editing anyone’s opinions. If you like something he doesn’t like , say as much and justify your opinion. Simple.
    I am starting to wonder how many of the “hosts” are still employed because they know all the dirt, and where the bodies are buried. Some are simply atrocious.

  5. I expect most Bay Area media viewers and listeners value the perspective of your stark media opinions.

  6. I miss the classic SNL! Thought of one...

    Point: "Rich, you had to post Jan Wahl's picture on the blog, now my eyes are burning!"

    Counterpoint: "Sorry folks, it had to be done!"

  7. I’m not sure if you might find this information useful but since you’ve commented on Justine Waldman’s eyebrow-raising wardrobe…on Monday night she word thigh high stockings on air. There were a couple of times that it was obvious when she was sitting and you could see the lace part of her stocking tops. Clearly trying to sell sex.

    1. And how exactly do you know she was intending to “sell sex?”Maybe she just prefer to wear those. Get your mind out of the gutter and clean your room before your mom gets mad.

    2. Big deal. Lots of women wear those.

  8. Why does Darya where a plunging neckline and a dress that shows off her shoulders and biceps in winter?

    1. Also, she always does that pose when standing sideways where her bicep is hanging down but she's holding that arms hand with the hand of the other. She's flexing all the time.

  9. **"Jane, you ignorant slut! Do you honestly ever even consider the facts? Wahl is just plain awful with self-serving drivel and Medoro thoroughly useless--like a bad dream gone worse, gimme a break!"

    Hey now Rich....Nikki has gotten an average of 262 viewers over her last 17 episodes!

    Sure, some episodes of "The Nikki Medoro Show" have as little as 61 or 63 viewers and sure the Barbara Walters vid skewed the average with 1,000 views...BUT an area with a population of almost 8 million people, 262 people on average tune into The Nikki Medoro Show!

    That's .003% of the population buddy!

  10. why dont you like tolbert and copes? ''because there aint nuthin' there''. ''we'll be back and talk college football with tom''.

  11. If you want to read praise and only nice things about local television and radio personalities, then don't come to this blog, just watch and listen to station promos, which will tell you why you should invite all these wonderful people into your home. And that they're providing a public service, just a bunch of friends who are building a better place just for you and me. I'm dumb but I ain't that dumb.

  12. Darya, more power to you!

  13. That's it. I'm moving forward and building a better NBC CBS Bay Area news channel. Plus.

  14. Finally a good end-of-newscast human interest kicker story: KRON4 talking about the idiotic Stockton couple that locked themselves in dog crates and shared the security cam video of it with the world. If they couldn't manage to escape the cages, their next move was going to be asking Alexa to call the neighbors.

    Stupidity never looked so dumb. All the smarts of a Larkspur Sonic.

    Up next, Mabrisa annoyingly shouts the weather without taking a breath, but her highlights look terrific.

    1. Mabrisa comes off as way too intense and high-strung. It’s off-putting. I’m talking about her demeanor and personality, not just her rate of speech. She needs to take a chill pill and relax.

    2. Mabrisa has more crutches than an orthopedist. But her highlights look terrific.
