Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sources: Lisa Chan Mixed Her Real Estate Chores With KCBS on May Sundays While On Air

I CAN'T BELIEVE what I heard--(from multiple sources)-----is true.

Were the reasons why KCBS weekend anchor, Lisa Chan, broadcasts so chock full of dead air, wrong sounders, glitches galore, uneven voice, were the result of her doing her real-estate job while simultaneously on the air?

KCBS sources--and a majority of them are right inside the building on Battery, tell me that's the deal.

And it was not a one-time occasion.


Chan indeed has a fulltime real estate gig. The idea that she would mix business and use her broadcast job while on company time is outrageous. Does KCBS and Audacy know? Aparently they do--Chan's bio on her company web site states her broadcast job quite overtly. Which, I guess, is fine but is that not ripe for conflict of interest(s) issues? KCBS might want to know--or worse, they did know and gave Chan a pass.

Either way. this is both unbelievable and incredibly ludicrous --both on Chan's part and KCBS/Audacy. It is essentially KCBS --namely, VP/News Director, Jennifer Seelig--telling its listeners what it thinks of Sunday programming. And in turn, how Chan regards her on-air job at KCBS and priorities.

KCBS has a lot of splianing to do here. And Chan herself should also be accountable. I'm not going to hold my breath.

Simply embarrassing on ALL those involved here.

I persoally heard all those Sunday broadcasts in May. I was astounded how utterly terrible they sounded. I was so shocked I called a KCBS editor and asked what the hell was taking place. Was I having a bad dream or was all this real? It was no dream. It was all reality. And it got worse and it was repeated.

All of this would be termination-worthy and not just on Ms. Chan's part. Her bosses too. But they seem to get passes. Maybe this stuff might be time for reflection.


  1. coldhandswarmheartJune 8, 2022 at 12:53 PM

    Didn't I say that? Told you

  2. Why is this yutz taking space from someone trying to make a mark in the business? She's probably not taking her job seriously. And it shows in her product. I wouldn't buy a house from her. She's probably conning people into buying a condo in that sinking downtown SF building. Glad to see KCBS is supporting her hobby. Where's the satellite radio?

    1. > Why is this yutz taking space from someone trying
      > to make a mark in the business?

      Because she was willing to work for wages that a Burger King trainee would reject probably, which is why she has to do two jobs at once.

      > She's probably conning people into buying a
      > condo in that sinking downtown SF building.

      She'd be lucky to get a commission that big and a client that wealthy. Actually, there's a six-month waiting list to get a condo in that sinking building. People want to live in SF so bad (don't ask me why; I don't even drive through it anymore and I would never, ever park there) they'll be substandard and dangerous housing.

  3. Last night when Allen Martin said goodbye for last time, he reference previous co anchor who he was afraid of, not Juliette. Whom did he mean? There have been so many changes at channel 5 , I can't keep up or remember who was previous anchor when he started? He said it in reference to Juliette being welcoming to him and not making him feel afraid. Michelle Greigo or Veronica DLC? Thanks

    1. Probably Hackney. He scares everyone because he has an IQ over 102.

  4. Wed June 8, 6pm news on kpix, around 615, thry report a car shames into a home. Pic shows a car inside of a house in Martinez. I am sure there is shame but no one at that station uses spell check before story goes on air??

  5. Your question makes no sense. The "previous" co-anchor--yes, I believe it was Veronica De La Cruz--was different from "the previous anchor when he started," who was probably someone from back in the 1970s since he's been around that long. So..........what are you asking here exactly?

  6. You can easily run all the KCBS programming out of L.A.
    Careful what you wish for.
