Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Sunday Morning Circus Continues at KCBS and Lisa Chan is at the Forefront

MORE THAN JUST BUTCHER NAMES and offer incomplete, incoherent, absurd-sounding broadcast news on KCBS this (Sunday) morning, Lisa Chan was downright incompetent and bizarre.

Welcome to the circus, again. everyone. And I'm being kind.

I thought I was having a bad dream. (Again.) The Sunday 7 and 8AM hour crappola known as all-news 740 AM was in full audio display and Chan was the conductor of the orchestra.

Reporters would give their reports. Then back to Chan but not before a good two-to-three seconds of DEAD AIR. Again, again and again. Story after story. More DEAD AIR after the bottom hour CBS News and Top-hour. Dead air after traffic sounders. Inexplicably, after a traffic update, an incomplete weather report went nowhere. Business updates with no sounders and more dead air.

How bad was it?

I called the KCBS editor's desk and asked the editor was I going nuts?, that there seemed to be a lot of dead air and anchor issues, maybe technical glitches? "No, it's not technical problems, it's the anchor's style," he said.

Collective laugh and giggle by me and editor, I think his name was Mike.

Let's put aside Chan for a moment because it appears she's either in over her head, doesn't know how to run a board, and is simply incapable of doing just an average broadcast. Or all of the above. And clearly, KCBS doesn't give a crap about its Sunday morning programming.


What a total train wreck and it continues to happen. Just what the hell is going on?

Never mind.


  1. Rich, 960am is as you said
    Great Listen

    1. Trying them today. But I am having trouble tuning them in where I live.

  2. In honor of this morning's post and KCBS.

  3. KCBS The Bay Area Crapola Station. Sliding down the hill fast. Very sad to see and hear this happening to a once great station.

  4. Yup. I was in the car and tuned into KCBS hoping for Jennifer Hodges. And then the distinctive three-second delay (or whatever) followed by low audio tones for the voice and then hearing who was talking. I almost drove off the road. Wasn't she done? What happened to Jennifer Hodges? Fortunately, Lisa NT Chan (no talent) gave up the audio board to Dan Michenson at 10 am. Energy came back on the air. Fortunately I've discovered Bloomberg Radio at 960 AM. I can listen to that while I'm driving around on Sunday mornings. Actually, EVERY morning. Now here's a good question: why is it that KNX in Los Angeles, owned by the same Audacity people, can sound so much more professional than the KCBS School of Broadcasting?

    1. Because their News Director is former KGO Assistant ND Julie Chin. She’s rock solid and widely respected.

    2. There is no "Audacity". Try again.

    3. Yo @426, you got no sense of humor. "Audacy" has the "Audacity" to own radio stations. Go look at a dictionary.

  5. Well it could be worse. Ryan "Sleepy" Yamamoto could be doing the news. Then you'd see an increase in car accidents on the Bay Area highways because he'd be putting you to sleep. But then again, anyone with a brain would be listening to Bloomberg or satellite radio instead.

  6. Not just KCB.S. with issues.

    It looks like the KGO Transmitter is out of FCC compliance.
    They are showing up all over the AM dial. Mostly on 1670 AM & 1620 AM to name a few.
    Failed filters or transmitter failure drifting off of AM 810

    Maybe some engineer can chime in and explain how KGO radio is taking over the AM dial beyond the licensed 810 frequency.

    1. 1620, being 2x 810, would indicate 2nd harmonic distortion. Some distortion is inevitable because no components are ideal. KGO, at 50kW (day), would transmit at 5W with 0.1% distortion (-40dB). That's as strong as the average CB radio. I'm an engineer, but not a broadcast radio engineer (except unlicensed low-power stuff like wifi, bluetooth, etc.), so I don't know what the limits are for spurs (spurious, or out-of-band, output levels). It looks like the nearest station at 1620 is KSMH, a 10kW Catholic station in West Sac. If KGO is stepping on them, their engineer would certainly want to follow up on it, and get the FCC involved if need be.

      1670 is more difficult for me to understand, unless you're very close to the KGO towers and have a receiver with mediocre out-of-band rejection. (Old-school analog tuners usually have better OOB rejection than digital ones, for reasons that are complicated and rambling.)

  7. Just tuned in to KNX for awhile online. Smooth operation!

    1. KNX is great. Agree 100 percent.

  8. What do you expect, it was a complete Sh¡t Show when she anchored the weekend news on KPIX.

  9. I just accidentally crossed over into the KTVU twilight zone. Julie Haener thinks she's in a fashion show. WTF with the wild outfits?

  10. nothing is going to change at KCBS. They'll continue to have people work on the cheap because their ratings are consistent, even though lower than they once were, still very good

  11. Just this morning, Monday, at 6.45am, the KCBS sportscaster referred to the Cleveland Indians sweeping the A's. I know habits are hard to break, but let's get with the new reality, huh ?

  12. Listened to Bloomberg 960 this morning too. The market was way down, then caught up at the end, it was very exciting. All through it I was entertained by some truly funny announcers. And got traffic and weather updates regularly. Did not miss KCBS or KGO at all. And no silly laughing or Kars for Kids commercials.

  13. At the top of the incompetant list should be Amanda Starrantino. Send her back to the Midwest or Chapman University. Actually dont do that. We have enough blond bimbos in Orange County.

  14. coldhandswarmheartMay 2, 2022 at 1:36 PM

    Lisa was probably too busy juggling her real estate job/duties than be bothered by KCBS radio. Didn't they know she already have another occupation before hiring her? Priorities?
