Monday, May 2, 2022

Profile in Courage: KGO Radio's Pat Thurston Opens Up About Her Bout with Covid

Pat Thurston was a profile in courage Monday on her KGO Radio show (Noon-4 PM).
She could have remained relatively mum and not talked much about her bout with COVID-19; the disease that kept her off the microphone for more than two weeks; the bout she experienced and told her listeners almost killed her and made her feel miserable; Thurston was matter of fact and to the point as she described in detail just how bad it was. And it did sound awful.

Thurston opened her Monday show talking to a UCSF doctor and then taking calls from listeners. Dare I say it was like listening to vintage KGO only more chilling and descriptive, first person.

Thurston's vivid account was a far cry from a fellow KGO person who has chosen to remain virtually silent and absent any description whatsoevr even though that same person had a similar experience and had daily rants to callers about the need to be vaccinated and maintained-booster shot status.


  1. Rich, I agree. It was vintage KGO radio and Pat is just as good as many of the old timers were in KGO's Golden Era. Pat has a regular list of experts in many fields that make her show a must listen to when I can. And she has a warm sense of humor.

  2. Would that be John Rothmann, Rich ?

  3. That's a bit of a stretch.

  4. I heard it, and I agree. It was a very interesting and informative hour of Pat's show, and I also wish a certain other KGO radio host had shared a bit more about his experience with COVID. All of this makes me wish they'd bring back the mask mandate. This is far from over.

    1. Pat was very ill in early 2020, long before the vaccine, and said she might have covid. Now Pat says she nearly died of covid despite being fully vaccinated? Pat sounds like a drama queen. Does Pat have other underlying health issues that puts her at risk for covid and flu?

  5. I agree, Pat Thurston's recounting of her experience with Covid was very informative and downright frightening.
    She brought home the reality when all we've been hearing lately is how mild the current varient of Covid is.
    But for the drug and vaccinations including booster, she would have been hospitalized.
    So, as you said, good radio.

    Now, having said that, how sad it was to see her in the next hour personally touting the need for good nutrition "especially now" she said.
    Then proceded to pass on a outright lie that taking 6 capsules of Balance of Nature dehydrated powder, will give you 10 servings of fruits and vegetables. She said it twice... a simple way to get 10 servings of fruits and vegetables "especially NOW" she intoned.
    Any examination of the bottle labels, proves beyond any doubt that 6 capsules containing only a combined 4 grams of powdered produce will give you less than one single serving.
    Far less.
    Its a scam, a outright fraud, and Pat continues to personally endorse the fraud, thereby cheating KGO listeners, mosty seniors.
    The proof of the fraud is clear with the labels and simple math.
    To throw in "especially now" during the Covid crisis is shameful.
    Trying to profit on a pandemic by telling lies to fearful seniors.
    You can't use a "keeping the station alive" motive to justify lying to listeners.

  6. I didn't listen to the show but it sounds like I should have.

    KCBS Rebecca Corral still missing from the air.

  7. With all due respect, I'm not sure how or why this is courageous. Also hard to believe that she was only gone two weeks and it almost killed her. She may have felt horrible and like she wanted to or thought she might die but actually almost dying I find hard to believe.
    This is more embellishments of the COVID-19 crap we Continually hear from the more liberal segments of society. COVID is horrible to contract but also has an overall survival rate of close to 99%.
    I can hardly wait for the attacks on this post to begin 😂

    1. Agree 100%. So much drama. I'm sure she was sick and felt awful, but almost died? C'mon. Plus, what part of describing her illness constituted a courageous act?

    2. @2:26 PM:
      A highly infectious disease with a 1% fatality rate and a 10%-30% (estimates vary) long-term disability rate shouldn't be discounted as "crap." If commercial airlines had a 99% success rate, there would more than 400 fatal crashes per day.

    3. She was treated with Paxlovid.That's not a mild case!

    4. Yeah, getting sick and talking about it is not courageous. Sheesh, it's not like she pulled a bunch of crippled kids out of a burning van.

    5. Paxlovid is for mild or medium cases. If worse, you go to the hospital. Horrible tasting stuff. But works. 5 day treatment.

    6. I do believe Pat said she FELT like she was dying. That of course is subjective. Someone might feel like they are dying when all they have is a cold, others refuse to seek medical help even though they might be dying.

  8. KGO, John Rothmann, is doing his best to give a defenceman on being Jewish

  9. Well she said she was close to going to the hospital. She was taking Paxlovid which fought off her infection but it took some days to take effect. She said she'd most likely have died without the booster and vaccine. She was very candid about her fear and the impact being that ill had on her. It was refreshing after hearing nil from Mr Rothmann re his covid illness.

  10. Jesus Christ! Get over it. Just because someone works in radio or tv, they don’t owe it to the public to reveal their health issues, you fucking idiot!

  11. Oh brother, why does everybody in the media think the story has to be about them? What's wrong with her making a brief announcement saying, "I was off for a few days because of Covid. I caught the bug like 60% of Americans have. Happy to be back."

    1. Because she wasn't off for a few days, she was deathly ill for two weeks and couldn't get out of bed for much of that. She wants to share her experience and highlight what can still happen when you're fully vaccinated. It's beneficial to hear her relate her real life experience. Long covid and serious illness are reality.

  12. Here's the link to listen to Pat's segment with Dr. Peter Chin -Hong

  13. Sounds like a 2nd booster is a good idea

  14. Dr. Peter Chin-Hong is definitely the Bay Area equivalent of Dr. Fauci. He offers nothing except that you should be vaccinated and boosted. Wear a mask as often as possible and be careful. Ok, got it Doc.

    1. You mean you still haven't figured this out yet, 9:32? No vaccine offers full immunity, nor did they promise same. Your best protection is to avoid others, wear clean, well-fitting N-95 masks, gloves when touching stuff like the gas pump and use your brain. Variants are cropping again because of people like you not being smart enough to figure this out.

    2. Yeah, he's sticking to the facts and sharing the latest scientific developments. Sorry if the truth isn't good enough for you.

  15. I applaud Pat. I am much younger and in good health. I got Covid a few weeks ago, from a crowded SF restaurant (no masks at all). I started with flu like symptoms and got much worse. All over body aches and high fevers. I am vaccined and still had to get Paxlovid. Horrible tasting drug BUT it helped out. Has taken 2 weeks to feel better. We're back in it folks. Need to take better precautions. IMO most will get it his time, as it is very contagious. And those with vaccines and Paxlovid will end up mostly ok. Those that are without? Maybe/probable hospital or worse sadly.

    1. I am fully vaccinated and am not wearing a damn mask at a restaurant. If you are concerned, do not go to a restaurant. It's time to get back to normal life.

  16. To the (fellow) anonymous commenter who for weeks now has been ranting against the Balance of Nature product and calling it a fraud... OK, fine; you've made your point (about a dozen times in fact). I'm not sure where all the anger comes from; won't be the first or last advertiser to over-promise on a product. But they ARE an advertiser and KGO is a business, so at the end of the day they're going to take the cash. If that fact is untenable to you, consider listening to non-commercial stations like KPFA instead.

  17. To someonesomewhereMay 3, 2022 at 12:12 PM
    Sorry you don't like to hear me continue to go after Pat Thurston for personally endorsing Balance of Nature.
    It is NOT just KGO/cumulus running the advertisements.
    It is Pat Thurston herself doing the spots and personally endorsing the product with outright lies.
    She is the first one to go after companies (PG&E) for lying and ripping off consumers. So its a double standard when she herself plays a personal role in lying and ripping off KGO listeners.
    By the way, this is not just about a company "over-promising", as you put it. No, it is about a company out right lying.
    Pat saying people will be getting 10 servings of produce, when the labels clearly prove that KGO listeners will only get less than ONE single serving in the daily dose.
    Imagine a egg company was selling a dozen eggs and only gave you one egg.
    Except in this case Pat is pushing the false product to the tune of $100 a month on unsuspecting seniors, few of whom read the label, and do the math, and thus unknowingly end up being ripped off for 90% of their money.
    So yes, as long as Pat participates in clearly ripping off seniors who trust her, I'll keep posting about it.
    BTW, she has a history of pushing products that were found legally to be fleecing seniors of millions of dollars.
    (see the legal settlements of Online Trading Academy and the FTC, where Pat not only did commercials, but also did 30 minute long infomercials)

    1. Take it up with Pat! We don't need to read you rehashing this complaint.

  18. I am fully vaccinated. Should I wear a mask and hide under the bed? Fearmongers please advise.

  19. Here are the facts: If you are vaccinated, and otherwise relatively healthy with no serious pre-existing conditions (cancer, heart disease, morbidly obese, etc) you are NOT dying from covid.

    1. She never said she was dying, she was talking about how she felt and the fact that she was scared. It's still a horrible experience and could lead to long covid. She was sharing her experience and lot of people appreciated hearing it.
