Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Scotus Draft Opinion to Overturn Roe v Wade -Abortion Decision Gets Poor Local Coverage/Insight; TV News Inadequate; KGO/KCBS Asleep at Wheel; Tuesday Open

THE BIG NEWS on the political front--and it is BIG news, is the leak of a Supreme Court draft decision to overturn Roe v Wade, outlawing a woman's right to an abortion. It was a huge story and it dominated both the national and local headlines, as it should.

Politico broke the story.

The lack of professional insight on such a lethal story and its impact was evident early on; the Bay Area TV/Radio crowd was late to the show (as usual) and when it finally got around to reporting the news out of Washington, all the analysis was pretty poor and not very thorough.

First off, it was a leaked story, most likely. Did any of our local media members explore that element? Of course not. And even as this Chief Justice spoke out.

And mostly all went roughshod into the right-left abortion debate instead of exploring the entire issue and its effect on the mid-term election in November.

KCBS's not-ready for primetime morning drive morons--the amateur duo of Holly Quan and Jason Brooks--was on full display. Both had an interview with Congresswoman, Jackie Speier, who fielded benign questions without any insight and then some.

Quan and Brooks could have asked Speier about the SCOTUS opinion being a referendum on the Nov. midterm election but of course that would have required basic thought process--Quan is limited there and Brooks is a total lightweight fool.

KGO Radio and wildly incompetent morning yahoo, Nicki Medoro, took the usual, predictable, rant on abortion rights (all legit) but failed to address all the political particulars, including the court's leak and what the ramifications might be down the road.

I found it laughable that they opened the 8 AM hour fielding calls --three of them, from White male older guys who went into the usual partisan babble--they all oppose abortion rights. Of course Medoro didn't see the irony. Where's some womwn callers, KGO? Good producing. Not.

ON THE TV front, KTVU tried its best to inject some local angle, with an interview with a legal professor from Hastings but it was banal and uninteresting and didn't add anything to the news.

KRON and KPIX just stuck to its national, network reporters and left the entire matter alone. That may have been the wisest choice.

In prior days, a story as huge as this would have garnered knowledgeable insight and analysis from the local SF press --with a thorough series of interviews and reaction from both sides.

Moreover, the leaked element of the story would have allowed for whether all of this was intentional --and if so, what that means. We won't know because none of it was explored and none of it most likely won't be discussed.



  1. I had KRON on last night, they were going psycho about this.

    1. There are many reasons for that. Primarily, beyond the obvious, all privacy rights would be undercut, including interracial marriage and gay marriage, as well as use of contraceptives. With more direct impact, Democratic party futures in the 2022 midterms just got a huge boost.

  2. Tapped into KNX this morning full fledge coverage.

  3. Huge news. Should be talked about all the time, all day long. What do we get? Stupid analysis, and even stupider questions. Complete disaster all around.

  4. LMAO. Some doosh just climbed SalesForce Tower to protest the SCOTUS decision.

  5. The vast majority of calls into KGO are from men. Most producers will favor and bump up calls from women. Considering that Nikki and her producer are both female, I think it's safe to say she didn't receive calls from women.

    1. Nobody listens to KGO. Remember?

    2. Relatively speaking, plenty of people are listening to the weekday programming KGO. That being said, the number of callers is not indicative of the ratings share. Most people listening will never call a radio station.

  6. I was also watching KRON last evening at 8PM and they had a lengthy and very well-done interview with Professor Levinson from Loyola Marymount University.

    1. Mark Thompson interviewed her at the top of his show today.

  7. All local stations all over the guy that climbed the Salesforce Tower. That's News?

    1. Of course it's news! How often does anyone climb a high rise in ANY city? Pretty unusual, it not like climbing Half Dome or El Capitan.

  8. NBC Bay Area appears to have begun a news set remodel. Over the weekend people were anchoring from the newsroom only and yesterday Raj and Jessica were at what appeared to be the regular desk except the lighting was way way off and they were using laptops instead of their in-desk terminals suggesting the terminals had been disconnected because the desk wasn't where it used to be in the studio. Plus when the 7pm came out there was no wide shot of the studio and Raj was limited to the main desk. NBC Bay Area has the oldest set in local news, going on 10 years or more (they have made piecemeal updates over time). But if a new set is coming, we're probably looking at 2+ months of this temporary setup before we'll see it.

  9. I've been watching Deadline: White House, which had extensive coverage on the Roe issue.... maybe tomorrow the Bay Area will catch up with coverage of protests.

  10. I don’t think it’s fair to say KGO didn’t cover the issue. Every program covered it wall to wall. I think your complaint is with Nikki Medoro not having the intellectual prowess.
