Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Exclusive: Ex-KGO News Guy Burkhart/ KCBS Gig Leads to PM (Probable) Drive or Morning; Jeff Bell Leaving All-News 740; Midday Still Mystery; Rebecca Corral Out of Sight


Veteran PM drive anchor, Jeff Bell, according to my sources, will be LEAVING (end of June) KCBS

Recently hired, ex-KGO newsman, Bret Burkhart, is rumored to be Bell's replacement, although Burkhart --who was a fulltime hire--could also become the morning co-anchor. No one knows for sure on where Burkhart will be, (time slot)--my best guess is he goes to afternoon (to co-anchor with Patti Reising)--Burkhart anchored afternoon drive for years at the old, pre-Cumulus, KGO Radio.

*The AM drive time slot is more problematic.

*Holly Quan has been away from the anchor desk for a good three weeks; she's on assignment and is scheduled to be back sometime next week. KCBS continues to shuffle (what else is new?) fill-in anchors like Jason Brooks with no permanent person hired just yet. Again, conceivably, Burkhart could become the new morning anchor (with Quan) --but it's all up in air.Like I said, he did PM drive at KGO --we'll see.

*Bell (pictured at top), leaving the station is not some acrimonious parting of the ways; I'm told he has his own non-profit company that deals with mental health issues and Bell simply wants to devote more time to it.

*The midday whack-a-mole anchor staus is unchanged and remains an embarrassing circus.

Rebecca Corral has, (again) been absent from the microphone. She's been taking care of her elderly parents --in addition, dealing with her own health issue (believed not to be serious) --even with that, KCBS has been using multiple anchors to replace Corral.

The Corral issue has led to an uneven midday time slot with lots of confusion and bewildered staffers wondering when the situation would be resolved. No one has a clue.


  1. It's unfortunate that corporate America doesn't care that a one time decent radio station has gone down the tubes!! To not have decent leadership is like the problem with public schools., incompetence leads. I don't get how they stay on the air? I guess they haven't lost enough $$. And poor Eric Thomas, - they are either fuc!@#*& with his technology or he really should not be on radio. I liked hum on ABC.

  2. "On assignment"
    A trip to the drug store to pick up covid meds ...
    The doctors assignment..for you !!

  3. Jeff Bell is leaving. Everything else is uncertain.

    Peter Felch

  4. Seeing Burkhart on morning drive. An "up" voice. Not Al Hart, But "up". Thomas more suited to evening drive, a mellow rendition.

  5. Rich, have you ever done an exposé on Pam Cook? Watching Mornings on 2 now and I know there has to be some dirt beneath that phony facade. I heard she met her husband at KTVU while still with another man. Don’t know if it’s true or fake news but would love to get the scoop on her.

    1. Yes, I can't find any reason that financial genius is on the air. Zero original thought. Kind of like Contessa Brewer who moved to CNBC and they had to find something she could do...read off the prompter without flubbing what she doesn't even understand.

    2. I’m not a Cook fan. She manages to keep her job only because she’s a female senior citizen. At this point she’s just hanging on like Tom Vacar and Bill Martin. You know she’s getting paid a criminal amount of money since she’s been there for what feels like 260 years. she should be ashamed to cash those checks considering she can barely read the prompter and looks constipated half the time. In the meantime, The Firm can’t do anything but wait until her contract expires.

  6. Have never been a huge fan of Holly Quan....but - Melissa Culross has really been tiresome to listen to - she's way too "perky", and speaks too fast, resulting in mis-speaking, and thus saying "rather" waaaayyy too frequently. Will be good to have Holly back in the mornings....

  7. MOST UNPROFESSIONAL COMMENT OF THE YEAR: Gasia Mikaelian asked London Breed if she voted for Chesa Boudin to be recalled! Breed was visibly uncomfortable and replied she won't "go there." I can't believe Gassy asked the mayor (or anyone) such a personal question; I would have shot back "Did you, Gasia?" and see what she said.

    KTVU's election coverage has been marred with sound glitches, wrong graphics and incorrect information—another day at Channel 2, in other words—but Gassy's thoughtless, clumsy question really took the cake. Were I the ND, I would suspend her for two weeks, but I'm sure their wallflower commander-in-chief will do nothing.

  8. Love Bret & Bell

  9. they could put greg papa and Santangelo together and call them ''Papa and the Saint''. the theme would be , ''Get Religion...with Papa and the Saint right here on KNBR, theeee sports leeeeder...''

  10. So glad Bret moved over. Was equally happy when the Rat joined his wife at kcbs. Sorry to hear of Mr Bell's departure, tho. KGO is a carnival horror show with us bearing witness, hourly.

  11. KCBS isn’t much better. While KGO is being run by soulless automaton
    Lee Hammer, who cheerfully does Cumulus’s budding, KCBS’s newsroom is overseen by an equally untalented fraud named Jennifer Seibel. According to those who have quit or have been forced out of KCBS the last few years,,Seibel is like Hammer; an untalented hack
    who is thoroughly unqualified and overwhelmed by the duties if her job. The ‘news product’ that she and the parent company Audacy have out together in recent years is s sad shadow of what a highly respectable legacy station used to be.
