Friday, April 22, 2022

Lousy Feeling at KGO Radio; KRON Back to Being the Old KRON; Pelley/CBS Crew Head to SF To Smell The Garbage; Lightweight KTVU Heather Holmes; Radio is Sound, Maybe; Friday Happy Hour

There's not many people at KGO Radio this Friday, in fact not many people around the entire Cumulus SF Cluster for that matter, but the few that are there, a feeling of anger, disgust and regret permeate the building.

They're pissed off at certain personnel, including one in particular, but they're also angry and resentfull of a management that seems more concerned about their own rear end than those who actually show up and risk their own safety and perform under the most dire of circumstances. All to get a radio station revving up that isn't quite running on all cylinders.

A story hit the snack bar on KGO late Thursday: the big bosses discussed the idea of buying lunch for the ladies and gents who showed up to keep the station on the air. Maybe buy some sandwiches and drinks from the deli across the street? That never transpired of course. Cumulus can't even dole out 20 bucks. Good way to maintain crappy morale.

*A KRON senior staffer, concerned about the vibe that has been murky the past few weeks; a bad feeling with regards to rampant rumors about the future of a longtime anchor leaving, sent out word to the news director to perhaps, set the record straight, have a Friday meeting and let everyone know all was well or was not? Certainly, it would calm everyone's mind and improve production but the meeting didn't take place and the idea of letting newsroom personnel get some degree of communication, (God forbid) was dismissed by the suits as balderdash. Which means KRON is back to being KRON because, well, why apply logic to a hopeless cause, right? Right.

*CBS News is sending an extraordinarily large crew to SF to once again examine if the streets are as ugly and dirty as they seem and look to the rest of the nation (as well as the world); Scott Pelly is the reporter and his staff include a producer and, get this, 2! cameramen. Me thinks this is "60 Minutes" material.

*If you want to see why many people out there don't take KTVU teleprompter reader, Heather Holmes, seriously, take a look at this--news chops? More like saltines in Toledo without salt.

*Why have radio producers if you don't take calls? You can book guests by allowing the publicists to coordinate their time for an interview, you don't need a producer to do that and you certainly don't need them to screen calls. The absurdity of concentrating on texts from listeners is even more ludicrous when the whole aspect of radio is that it is a SOUND medium and good SOUND is heightened by the SOUND of a human caller who expresses his/her opinion and engages with the host. It is patently absurd to not take calls and rely on text gibberish--how ridiculous and bizarre and downright idiotic but yeah, radio is dead, damn right it is when the fools who run it are DESTROYING it!

*John Rothmann is very disingenuous --something I discovered a long time ago that more people are beginning to realize--it's not an outward characteristic but it's there, trust me.


  1. Let’s hope CBS news cameramen don’t get robbed

    1. OMG! Sadly, that happening isn't too far from the truth. However, it would make compelling video if Pelly's doing a stand up on Twin Peaks with the SF skyline in the background and the crew gets hit. If anything, that would send a message that yes, SF is one hot mess.

  2. Speaking of Kron, today om the 3pm mewscast, their meteorologist gave us today's Giants home game weather forecast, Problem is,they're in Washington DC. In their very next news story, the anchor proceeded to tell us that studies show alcohol is actually good for our health, nevrrmind that it kills 100,000 in the US every year. What kind of news station are they running over there?

  3. I can see why news/talk stations and sports stations have stopped taking callers -- they're stupid. Every once in awhile, rarely really, a call is enlightening. They're almost never funny or interesting. Both KGO and KNBR were guilty of allowing the same callers on the air repeatedly, sometimes several times a day. They always have the same ax to grind. I'd rather hear a good host's monologue. Then again there are no hosts in SF radio who can deliver a good monologue, so I guess they need the crutch of throwing out a topic and hoping somebody will call to react.

    1. I hear you but a good host can take the often boring callers and make something out of each one. No one was better than that than Jim Eason. Or Pete Franklin at KNBR. They loved taking calls and it showed. Rich often brings up the past when discussing these older people, why? Because they were all great, interesting, non-political hosts. Now it is all political 24/7 or poop and beer jokes. A complete Bay Area wasteland.

    2. knbr used to have a guy called salty balty or something like that, who called in off and on for years and years..he was this over the top, lunatic guy who ranted on about the giants and the 49ers i believe mostly..he would propose trades, want everyone seemed every host had interaction with him, "tommy t" used to make fun of him all the time..i guess he died a couple of years ago..they don't have callers like that anymore

    3. The worst part about radio call-in shows were the callers. Most were idiots.

      Salty had the same pattern for years. He would start out calm and then be a raging lunatic by the end of the call.

    4. 6:59 Yeah, I remember Eason often taking calls from "pete in Lafayette". The guy was always so nervous he was constantly clearing his throat. Never quite got that one.

    5. I also remember Radnich talking to callers and making it a part of his show. "What are you driving?", Johnny the Gout Man or Mr. Electricity. Remember when that local painting company hired Gary's callers to represent them in their KNBR commercials? There was an article about it on the Chronicle. Radnich even had them all on his show live. Made for some fun radio. I think that was around 1996 or so.

    6. Wow, what a memory.

      Totally remember this cause Gary had a couple of those regular callers in studio when they did the commercials. For one whole hour too, it was his peak I think. Did a search about this and found on Gary's last show, GOUT MAN, was on and they talked about this. It was a take off on Armstrong Painting. Armstrong has famous people on their ads so this company wanted the ordinary people to represent them. Cool idea.

    7. Salty died a long time ago..

  4. I don't get it. I looked at that picture that Heather Holmes took and it was just some green lawn. Nothing with her in the picture. Man, that girl ignites some posting around here. Good/Bad, Negative/Positive. All the others are like dead news but anytime her name comes up it is like OH MY GOD.

    1. Yeah, I don't get this at all. She went jogging. Clouds. Grass. So what? Seems completely innocuous.

  5. Thinking out loud here, regarding what it must be like to be or get into being a news anchor.
    First, one starts off or gets to be an on-air field reporter. Eventually, if that's what you wish your career to go, you end up anchoring on whatever schedule is available and/or where you get.
    You can stay; leave; or negotiate different days, hours, or schedule. Salary/pay is negotiated perhaps based on various things which probably includes how many on-the-air hours and the days/times you're on. I also suppose there will be a certain amount of self-initiated projects/interviews/investigations which will help as well as how well one does on assigned projects.
    All this, like any other job, must be coordinated with one's personal and family life, especially when raising one's children and their schedules & needs.
    It's understandable if an anchor might choose the morning shift or the evening shift based on what's needed at home and with the family/children.
    For a viewer (me), depending on when I want to watch the news, I like to know what anchors are on for specific days & hours. I'll tend to choose a specific channel based on the personnel and specifically NOT choose a channel if I particularly don't like an anchor. I might even record the station's broadcast, such as M-F at 4pm if specifically I want to see Heather H. KTVU gets a bit confusing with it rotating various anchors into it's 5pm, 6pm, and 10pm Sun-Thurs anchor spot, while seemingly giving that anchor time off on what used to be their regularly scheduled days & times.

    In the Bay Area, things are compounded with the various staff turning over seemingly so often. There have been so many who have left either the area or the entire business over the years as, like Rich L., I'd grown up here, even though I'm now mostly in Nevada (some turnover there, too, but not as much).

    Please add/comment on your views/opinions on the reporter/anchor or other job careers as I'm an outsider to the industry whereas some of you seem to actually have worked or are still working in news/tv/radio.

    BTW, before I forget, while I don't mind Robert G. coming back to TV, I wish (easier said than done) she'd lose the weight she's gained since, what I remember her looking like, when she was doing triathlons and exercising a lot (I remember her doing the "Ickey Shuffle" way back when she was thinner). I hate to weight-shame but it is TV, a visual medium:(

    1. Thought I was the only one to VCR KTVU to see Heather. If she is on I watch, if not, erase before watching any more. As far as Roberta G goes I am kind of neutral on that. She does have a perky personality so I do like her smiley attitude. Sure she thinks about her weight but she is just fine to me.

    2. BTW, I also record Norah O'Donnell, Margaret Brennan, Nicole Wallace, as well as HH..

    3. You certainly have good taste.

    4. Margaret Brennan,mmmm, FINE!!!!

    5. That's a lot of words there L-2 , brevity should be your friend...

    6. Nicole Wallace? Not even on a week long bender....

    7. Ok, I would substitute Amy Rohrbach for Nicolle Wallace

  6. Oh great, more Jan Wahl. another hour long run-on sentence. Riveting ego servicing.

    1. I agree. I was so disappointed that after John Rothmann was out for so long, he still wasted an hour on Jan Wahl last night. I figured he'd take a week or 2 to catch up with his callers after being out for 2 weeks. Nobody missed Jan Wahl in that time.

  7. Hey Lieberman, lighten up on Holmes, she's not bad and looks good.

  8. Holmes is all over the place on KTVU. 5, 6, 10 and 7 and 7:30 sometimes with the channel 20 things. She certainly is flexible in what they ask her to do, and sometimes Julie is around the dial too. Nice to see that the women rule the roost there with two solid anchors.

  9. I agree with you Rich. With CBS sending their large group of staffers to SF it would only mean that its 60 Minutes material and its possible this will finally show the whole nation how “Mayor Breed” is an overrated mayor...

  10. At KGO, only Mark Thompson remains uninfected. Kudos to him for following all the station's masking rules.
    Thankfully nothing interrupted his show's drops, dings, hilarious Florida nuggets and a update on Fresh Faced Albert's budding career.
    (of course it also had the news, and 17.3 minutes of advertising, plus saying hello to the next hour's fill in host)
    A action packed 2 hours to be sure. Ratings will be rising, guaranteed.
