Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday Deli; Various Musings; Clancy/KCBS Bizarro; John Wasserman Was KGO Cool; Sonny Buxton Too; KTVU Goes Dark; Watergate Hearings Retro

SORRY FOR A LATE POSTING... I've been idling on the phone with my Internet provider--I had a connection issue and naturally I was placed on hold for almost an hour and finally hit Eureka--let's party.

So I already have a headache. The coffee tastes bad and the toast wasn't toasty enough. Problems like this and I'm non-functioning. Like a KGO Radio and assorted sick hosts who got the Cumulus Covid treatment.

Lost the Internet and TV too which is fine since there's nothing on TV anyway Saturday with 5000 channels and all. I don't watch BBC+ or CNN+, the latter? Gosh, was that a mistake or what? Next.

*The usual suspects, KCBS and KTVU were at their best on Saturday. KCBS and the woman from KCSM, (who was fired) sounded her usual bizarro self with the giggly voice and weird voice inflections--almost as if she's on purpose, trying to piss all of us off (mostly me). Her giggle voice was flat out crazy when she broadcast a story on the Ukraine-Russia war. A disgrace really, this Alisa Clancy. I now know why KCSM let her go. It's one tning to sound goofy on a morning FM jazz station, it's another when you're anchoring a supposed all-news legacy station that has now been shown to be a toilet bowl. I'm being kind.

*By the way, I love KCSM. The jazz, the old-school sound and Sonny Buxton on Saturday morning cup of jazz and BB King and Miles Davis. Nothing is as sweet as all that. I remember Buxton on KGO in the 70's doing news-talk on Saturday afternoon. Buxton one week, the late, great John Wasserman, the following week.

Wasserman and his fantastic movie reviews was must read in the Chronicle.

His demise ( He died in a car accident on February 25, 1979, south of San Francisco in which two others in another car were also killed. His blood alcohol level was found to be .26, nearly three times the legal limit at the time, and he was driving the wrong way on the freeway.) was beyond sad and tragic too.

Between his KGO work and writing in the Chron, it was a delight to hear actual talent; an interesting man chock full of creative writing thought and intelligent discourse on radio. He never screamed nor shouted, he didn't have to. And he was 100% genuine and sincere. When you think of the old KGO, Wasserman wasn't always at the top but he deserved more attention, thus a plug here.

*KTVU Saturday early morning was two minutes of DEAD air which wasn't so bad--saved them a crappy, gooey mistaken weather graphic gone wrong (again, and again, and again)--indeed, something wong, eh, wrong.

*I watched the Watergate hearings on YouTube the other night. Riveting, not-boring and lots of genuine drama. The suspects, even the crooked ones, were characters in and of themselves, delightful 70's vintage TV. Sam Ervin and Howard Baker grilling made for intrigue and true grit, what a combo. And what compelling TV. Get out the pizza and ginger ale.


  1. Something maybe going on at NBC Bay Area with COVID. Aguirre and Wang were out all week and Matthai was gone as of Wednesday. All 3 have been off all their social kedia platforms while gone save for a single post from Wang. At the start of the week Audrey Asistio was anchoring from the newsroom solo for the but at 5:30 she moved out of the studio into the newsroom while Matthai anchored from the studio and that setup with Matthai in the studio and Asistio in the newsroom was used on the 6 as well. this happened both Monday and Tuesday and then Matthai was gone Wednesday.

    Once Matthai left, Asistio was joined by Garvin Thomas in the main studio.

    All these incidents taken together sure, looks like one more of the main anchors had a positive test and that threw the rotation and talent positioning into disaray.

    1. Maybe Asistio is just better than Wang.

    2. There are also little annoyances like Easter vacation/ Spring break...vacation days, paid covid "sick" days and general staffing issues that all businesses are experiencing.
      Try scheduling a 50 person newsroom and it can have some challenges.
      Did I mention ego schedules?
      Don't ask.

  2. I used to love listening to G. Gordon Liddy. What a character.

  3. I have a reliable source at KCBS and management has no plans to change anything. Their ratings are stable enough to where they're not going to spend money to find a replacement for Stan Bunger let alone other shifts at KCBS.

    1. Peter Felch at KCBSApril 24, 2022 at 7:31 AM

      I can corroborate said source. The information is true.

  4. the more knbr stories the better,nothing more interesting than knbr rumors.also- pushover sports teams don't care if they ''lose to the warriors'',theygot millions and don't care if they win the ''chip''.they wanna go relax with lemonade they got enuf money.or ''the nats'' cant even beat a rag tag leftovers giants team. weak sports leagues and you buy the tickets.

  5. While I don't understand why a news station would hire someone not known for doing news, I must point out that Clancy was forced to retire from KCSM because she and the Station Manager did NOT get along. They butted heads five years ago when she was forced to do away with live DJs in late-nite (after the College botched the bandwith auction of their TV station and instituted severe budget cuts) and again at the start of the pandemic when they wanted her to make the station automated 24/7 (she prevailed and was allowed to have live jocks from 6a - 6p). So you have her to thank for the fact that KCSM wasn't completely decimated 2 years ago.

    1. Every time the station is in "beggin' for pennies" mode (pledge drive), I wish some local tech billionaire would hear it and tell his assistant to tell her assistant to tell their assistant to tell its foundation to write a check for enough money to keep the station on the air live 24/7 for the next hundred years. It wouldn't even amount to a rounding error on a rounding error for one of these people. There has to be one out there that likes jazz.

  6. Only ONE out of the top 15 stations is AM. How things have changed in the past ten years. AM used to be king.

    KQED-FM News/Talk KQED 7.9 8.5 7.9 9.0
    KCBS-AM All News Audacy 6.7 7.1 7.3 7.0
    KOIT-FM AC 11.1 5.9 6.6 5.8
    KIOI-FM AC iHeartMedia 3.9 4.6 4.6 4.8
    KYLD-FM CHR iHeartMedia 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7
    KDFC-FM Classical USC 3.5 3.1 3.3 3.4
    KISQ-FM AC iHeartMedia 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.3
    KMEL-FM CHR iHeartMedia 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.3
    KOSF-FM 80s iHeartMedia 2.8 3.3 3.2 3.3
    KMVQ-FM CHR Bonneville 2.2 2.3 2.8 2.9
    KRTY-FM Country KRTY 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.9
    KBLX-FM Urban Bonneville 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.8
    KLLC-FM Hot AC Audacy 2.5 3.9 3.0 2.7

    1. Not really. KCBS-AM is really a simulcast with KFRC/106.9, and most of the listeners are tuned to the FM.It's listed as KCBS-AM because that's the branding, and if Audacy (and CBS before them) had opted for going by the FM, the listing would have said "KFRC-FM", which would have confused readers and advertisers alike. (And before you ask the obvious question, KCBS-FM is a totally separate Los Angeles Audacy station, so listing it under than name is out of the question.)

    2. So are you saying that in reality even KCBS is basically an FM station? I don't understand radio other than what Rich posts here. Does that mean NO AM stations are in the top 15?

    3. It's *possible* the AM side gets enough listeners to make the top 15 list, just not likely. KCBS-AM would need at least a 2.7 share, which would bring KFRC-FM down to 4.3. But I'd read, a few years back, that as much as 90% of the listening came from the FM side, and that combo would be more like a 0.7+6.3. Unless someone has access to the non-public Nielsen data, you can't really know with certainty.

  7. Wait - 2 minutes of dead air on KTVU? What's the story there - that is CRAZY! That used to be a fireable offense in the old days.

  8. Dead air this morning on KCBS, about 10:12am, for at least thirty seconds and probably a whole minute. I thought my radio had quick working. I kept turning it off and back on.
