Sunday, April 24, 2022

Bloomberg 960 is a Good Listen; Useless KTVU and KCBS; Sunday Quick Hits

Yes it is, Bloomberg 960 is a great, objective radio station with news, business analysis, talk and commentary. And if you miss any of the Sunday talk shows, Bloomberg runs all of them in their entirety. What a delight to listen to reasonable radio without the usual babble and non-stop commercials.

*It's to the point now, KTVU is just plain useless. It has become a caricature of itself. Nobody takes them seriously. And the abundance of reporters leaving in droves speaks for itslf. It's not retirements, the main reason why everyone is leaving it's because KTVU has deep internal issues and horrible leadership within. Most people who work at KTVU can't wait to leave the place.

*KCBS is also beyond embarrassing these days. The mistakes that used to happen every once and awhile happen every day now. Anchor shuffles, nameless reporters, drab traffic people, awful sports anchors, overnight mayhem, that's KCBS today.

*John Rothmann was asked to talk about the demise of CNN+ and Rothmann sounded almost silly and ill-prepared to talk about it because, well, he was. Rothmann's producer knows that but whatever.

*Which is why Rothmann rarely has guests.

*Literally, KSFO has not a one person behind the mic.

*If KTVU didn't have Fox programming, it would basically be a KRON only KRON is now far more superior.

*And if PIX wasn't owned by CBS? Dear lord.


  1. Are there really that many unfilled positions elsewhere in the Bay Area to go to if leaving KTVU ? asking for a friend.

  2. I just ran into Black Information Network, AM 910 today. It was a good listen, lots of interesting, general news and few commercials. The only annoyance was that they tell you it's Black Information Network at least once every 30 seconds.

    Have you heard it?

    1. It's ok.
      Sounds more like a "black employees network" then anything else.

    2. what if you had a Brown Information Network? Yellow Information Network or heaven forbid a White Information Network? Not being racist just pointing out the name that was chosen. Why does it have to evolve around color? As long as people continue to divide themselves based on the pigment of their skin you will always have division.

    3. Not talked about but obvious.
      KCBS the commercial & info-mercial information network.
      Rock bottom noise.
      Information for dummies.

    4. I can hear a Portuguese station, a Bollywood station, and a Catholic station. Not to mention a s-load of Spanish stations.
      If there are enough black folks here to support a station tailored to them, God bless them.

    5. BIN is awful. they have almost zero ratings. A real head scratcher.

    6. Corporate underwriters

  3. CNN+ was a brief streaming attempt by CNN, nixed by new management, who figured people weren't willing to pay for news content. There isn't much to say, is there?

    1. It was also a misnomer to call it CNN+. Due to cable carrier contracts, you couldn’t access any traditional cnn news reporting from the network. A library of speciality shows, documentaries, and new interview shows. Not exactly must-see content.

    2. CNN threw 500 million at PLUS and they only had 150,000 subscribers. The new guys bought them and closed it down. Smart business. No one watches CNN anymore, the only place you can watch is in airports, SF, and Washington. CNN should fire everyone and just do 24/7 straight news. I would love that.

    3. It was 300 million for 15,000 subscribers. Even worse.

  4. Gee, you must not have been listening, but I heard John talk about pay for play news media, pointing out that radio was still free. If you watch any cable news, you are already paying.

  5. Rich,

    Thanks to this blog for turning me on to Bloomberg 960. I cannot listen anymore to KSFO, KGO, KCBS. All covid, racism, gender, and commercials.

    Bloomberg is smart, informative, interesting and practically commercial-free. How they make money I have no idea, but I LOVE their repeating the network shows on the weekends like you said.

    I am entertained and learn a lot but to be honest much of the money talk goes over my head. They also have great traffic, weather, well-known local and national hosts. Wish they had a bigger reach.

    Thank you again for giving me a new place to listen to when I drive and to stream it when I am home or at work.

    1. KCBS is still running covid stories 24/7. The same thing every day, masks, masks, masks. Will it never end? Sloppy, easy journalism. Recycled garbage.

  6. I thought Larry King was dead, but I saw him tonight as I was flipping through channels promoting a male impotence cure. It must be amazing stuff it can bring the dead back. Larry made a couple of claims that I'm sure are true: 1. He says he doesn't get up to make three or four bathroom trips a night. That's got to be true. And 2. he says he sleeps like a baby. I hope so. He also suggested that he's having great sex. I didn't want to think about that too much. That's a picture you can't unsee. But imagine women visiting him at the grave. Like KGO and KNBR hosts, he wasn't taking callers tonight.

    1. Thank you, very funny.

    2. Is the show re-named "Larry King Dead"?

  7. Bloomberg is all I listen to know. It's on iheart for those that have reception issues. Just stream it to your device.

    1. Will have to give them a listen.

    2. Looked at the local ratings for Bloomberg and did not see them. What is their call sign on the local rankings that Rich puts out every month?

    3. Yesterday was a total bloodbath. A total market collapse and Bloomberg had it on all morning. It was very interesting and informative, I lost a lot of money but no one else was covering it so I had only one choice. This was a big story but KCBS did nothing and neither did KGO. Appointment listening event.

  8. Rich I summitted a post that said that KTVU was still #1 rated. some reason you don't care to post it or it doesn't your "mail it in" investigative reporting.

  9. Makes sense, if it wasn't FOX, KTVU would still be an independent!!!
