Sunday, April 24, 2022

Your Support is Vital

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE BLOG if you appreciate independent thought not beholden to corporate interests...

As long as I'm able to write the blog, I will. And I'll blog multiple times, but I need your continued $UPPORT to post every day. And I do mean every day. Your Easter holiday was no different, I published. As I did on Passover Friday. This is your site as long you all continue to contribute.

*As an added bonus, I will send you an autographed "Rich Lieberman 415 Media" coffee mug if you make a donation over $15...


Go to the right side of the blog where you'll see the "Pay Pal DONATE" button--simply click on it and follow the prompters. It takes less than a minute and it is 100 persent, safe and secure. You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally call/email you THANKING YOU for your donation. If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine too.

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