Monday, April 25, 2022

NBC Bay Area Suffers Anchor/Reporter MIA; Covid-Related; Growing Unease at KRON; Pam Moore Uncertainty Status; Palefsky Honeymoon Over; ABC News Has BIG Plans for Dion Lim; Tom Tolbert Days Numbered at KNBR; "Tolbert-Copes" Lousy Sports-Talk Radio; CNN+ Had Grand Bay Area Plans for Anderson Cooper; Monday Extravaganza

NBC BAY AREA in San Jose indeed had a plethora of missing anchors and reporters at their San Jose studios the better part of last week.

The reason? Alleged positive Covid tests and a whole bunch of people feeling sick as all get go. And they were sick.

The MIAers included Janells Wang and Raj Mathai. Plus several reporters and staffers. No word on their status this week but I'm told the situation is murky.

*A growing unease at KRON and ND, Josh Palefsky, who has had less than a year on the gig. It's not his fault there is discontent from staff because of the uncertian status of Pam Moore who is rumored to be seriously thinking about leaving and/or retiring. Moore's fall at the station over a year ago has complicated matters. She is still suffering pain from the fall. And that has KRON suits worried up the you know where.

Moore's status before the fall was in question. For years she's looked "tired" and disinterested but there's also those at the station who tell me she still oves her job and doesn't want to leave for at least another two or three years.

Palefsky's honeymoon is over. His defenders say he had to follow the ruins of Aaron Pero, the tyrant who ruled like a mad dictator and almost KILLED KRON. Pero hired Palefsky and it's that DNA that is his biggest obstacle to success at 900 Front. I've complimented the KRON regime of late. They are not great by any means but overall, considering a tough environment, peform much better the past few years. I can do without the 20,000 weather updates but that's just me. I like Grant Lodes and Vicki Liviakis. Ken Wayne is still too generic for my tastes but he's serviceble. Justine Waldman, I've always liked. Dan Kerman is a solid reporter in the field and Reyna Harvey has potential in the morning.

KRON routinely beats several stations in the early evening news platforms.

The GM, Jim Rose, seems wanting to warm up to the staff. He's sincere, he's trying. But a pep rally needs to take place immediately. Rose, do this: buy lunch at Grumpy's for the staff and no tuna sandwiches! Cheeseburgers and fries and extra diet coke. That would show the rank and file a sliver of love and buy you more time to freshen up the place.

*If Dion Lim has a decent audition as an ABC News fill-in this week (World News Now and This Morning) ABC will get serious and offer her a network gig, probably out of LA, maybe NYC. They LOVE her. Disney loves the fact, she's a woman and she's an Asian woman. They regard her as a super ace reporter, or correspondent in network terms. At the very least. Moreover, Lim is held in high esteem at a news network that regards youth and temperment as star-worthy and Lim has both qualities.

A Circle7 source tells me, "she's also very smart and she knows how to sell herself." Which translated means Lim is probably headed to the alphabet network.

*Tom Tolbert's reign at KNBR might be coming to an end.

Tolbert's terrible ratings at all-sports 680 AM (2-6 PM), with Adam Copeland, is a major reason. The "Tolbert and Copes" show has seen PUTRID numbers; combined with Tolbert's $350K yearly salaary he's the most obvious target of another Cumulus salary purge and it's coming any day now.

Tolbert has plenty of allies; his buddy, Steve Kerr, is head coach of the Warriors plus Tolbert is well-liked but he makes way too much money for Cumulus' taste and Cumulus has NO MONEY which is why they continue to lay off people and rid the SF cluster (and other markets) of talent that makes over six figures.

Tolbert has also pissed off the KNBR bosses with his want to show up late for work and possess a cavalier attitude toward being on time. Bad omen. And especially bad when your numbers are as weak as KNBR's numbers are.

*By the way, Copes (Adam Copeland) can't carry a show. He doesn't know how to conduct the orchestra. Simply stated, he's a one-trick pony.

Copeland is way too deferential toward Tolbert. There's no chemistry or favorable energy and although the show has only been on a few months, it's severely disjointed and chock full of awkwardness.

Copeland has an uber-annoying CACKLE and giggle that he cannot shake. It's more like a nervous disorder (maybe) but it's also irritating as all hell and it detracts from an already awful program. He doesn't help the show and he certainly doesn't help Tolbert who needs a lot of help.

*CNN+ had planned to send Anderson Cooper to the Bay Area for a special series of sit-down interviews (at the Paramount Theatre) with the likes of Mayor London Breed, Barry Bonds, Joe Montana and Willie Brown but that's all on hold now that CNN+ is kaput.

*KCBS: high-school radio is far more compelling.


  1. Rich ... You were probably asleep at 1am this morning and missed this goodie from KCBS. They announced the network news on the hour followed by a rebroadcast of 60 Minutes ... the usual Monday morning fare. But on the hour after the 1am chime they went directly to 60 Minutes and not the network news. After the three story introduction and a commercial they went to the news for the last minute of network coverage. Then after a traffic report joined 60 Minutes already in progress. It was just as bad and amateurish as you claim them to be.

  2. See? Called it. I knew it had to be COVID. The split anchoring with Asistio in the newsroom and Mathai in the studio after Asistio had soloed in the studio the previous half hour was a huge red flag.

    1. All you have to say is "I feel like I MAY have covid symptoms and you get sent home with pay...during a holiday lost vacation days. Get it yet? They all "get it" and are taking full advantage of the new workplace rules. Same issue at every other station in the BA.

  3. Tolbert has been mailing it in for years.

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSApril 25, 2022 at 4:23 PM

      The words “Copeland” and “Putrid Stench” go well together.

  4. Geez, gotta love that Mr. 415 Media has no way to contact him except for writing a comment. Way to go, Rich.

    Are you aware that KQED-FM, the #1 station in the market, has been on autopilot since at least 10 AM? I tuned in at 9:59 for an NPR hourly, and instead of a local TOH legal ID, they were airing the raw feed from NPR. Then into Here & Now, which isn't supposed to air on QED till 11:00. (Forum is supposed to air in the 10:00 hour.) I've been listening since then, and not a whisper of anything local. Not legal ID at 11:00. No local promos, no local newscast at 10:04 or 11:04. Nada, crickets. They seem to be taking the raw feed off the satellite and feeding it right into the transmitter.

    So what's going on at 26th & Mariposa? Hope it's not a fire, or a bomb scare, or some other catastrophic problem. But you, Mr. Media, shouldn't you be on top of events like this? You bitch and moan about every little technical glitch on KCBS, this one sounds to me like a big one, and all I'm seeing is your usual bitch & moan therapy session. C'mon, get on the case!

    1. Rich can't listen to every station all the time so give the guy a break. Lots of breaking news happens here.

    2. The issue at KQED was an electrical fault in their recently refurbished facility. File under “$#!+ happens” despite everyones best efforts

  5. I agree that the time has come for Tolbert. Copeland's personality reminds me more of a morning guy and I would pair him with Murph.

  6. "...Disney loves the fact, she's a woman and she's an Asian woman."
    Blast from the past: a network hiring someone because, you know, they're TALENTED NEWS PEOPLE!!! Gone are the days, I suppose, when an ability to report, write, and deliver the news constituted sound reasons to hire. Being part of the a favored minority, looking pretty, simply does not align with confidence in honest, straightforward news reporting...

    1. 1:34 Forget the fact that she's an Asian woman. She's pretty damn good at what she does. Me--I am SO SICK of seeing bleach-blonde, tanning-parlor-tanned duck-lipped White chicks still dominating TV stations across the country (I spend a lot of time in the midwest and south...and being the ex-TV sales guy that I am, cannot help but check out local TV newscasts).

  7. Maybe Tommy T can get a job at Twitter? There are going to be many available positions very soon.

  8. Tom's show on KNBR is really awful, no energy, no life, no relevancy. But when you hear him with Roye on Warriors basketball he is just great. He has it in him to be interesting but he is old, had a major heart surgery, and tired. He has been at it for years now and not much more to talk about with a partner he does not care about. Very sad.

    1. Tom might look old, but I believe he's the same age as steve 56 is now considered "old"?

  9. I'm enjoying this iteration of Tolbert. I much prefer Copeland to the insufferable Brooks and Kruger. Copeland is knowledgeable and most importantly likeable. There's seemingly some chemistry between the two, that will likely increase over time. Much easier on the ears than the dreadful Bruce.

  10. Man, radio around here has taken a dive into the pile of cow dung. What a joke on all ends. We might as well listen to KUSF (do they still exist?), KALW and KCSM as opposed to the other wastes of dial space.

  11. Copeland rode the coattails of his father into the biz. Then the whole silly sacking of P-Con favored the novice Copeland and put him at the mic. He has always been ineffective as a broadcaster: the break-neck speed of his delivery is a huge and glaring strike against him and breaks the number 1 rule of Basic Broadcasting 101, a course of study he never took obviously. He's amateur as well as immature. Unlistenable.

    1. P-Con's demise wasn't a silly sacking. He deserved to be booted. Maybe Copes is better suited for the 5-6AM slot where his delivery speed suits a shorter time slot.

    2. Vendors and service providers for the SF Cumulas cluster are being paid with checks drawn on the Cumulas Fresno station cluster bank accounts...Fresno is paying most the bill except for the payroll obligations. Fresno cluster has sales...SF does not except for some low-billing CDC paid PSA's.

    3. Pcons sacking was so silly he never got another job and works at a trucking company. Dude was a sexist pig and people hated working with him.

    4. Copes does a wonderful job! He paid his dues working that absurd 5am shift. He was brilliant. P-Con was canned for wanting to body tackle a teenager. Copes is a pro, polite and capable

  12. Wow. Amazing that the pathetic Tolbert is still on. It was somewhat listenable decades ago when it was Razor and Mr. T. and Ralph carried him... Have no idea why anyone would tune in to Tolbert

  13. I believe he was canned for being a sexist

  14. Time to bring back Frank Sommerville!

  15. What's happening at KGO tv. Looks like a large scale audition for the morning slots. Has vivid raised it's ugly head?

    1. That's covid! Autocorrect strikes again.

  16. Your comments about Tolbert sound very familiar to those of us who recall how Ralph Barbieri was acting toward the end of his reign at KNBR. History is repeating itself.

  17. I imagine it has to be killing Kristen Sze that Dion Lim is doing so well here in the Bay Area, but now on the national level too. It just goes to show that if you stay focused, do your job with professionalism, and above all treat your coworkers with kindness and respect, your going places.

  18. I turned on KNBR this morning hoping things had changed and I can leave the station on for more than 10 minutes (outside of a ballgame). Was surprised. About 8:15 someone was giving scores, a few radio highlights, then some commentary re the Nets. Yay!
    Next thing you know it is back to celebrity gossip and canned soundbites (they loved talking about a shirtless John Turturro at Coachella). After a minute of this it was back to my Sirius music station.
    The Bay Area needs a real sports station.

  19. Asian women are not a novelty in the news business. Linda Yu was a news anchor for 32 years at ABC's O&O in Chicago, after 5 years as a reporter for WMAQ, after she left KGO-TV.

  20. copes laugh not NEARLY annoying as lund happy yeah yeah enabling towards papa.also dieter Kurten bach constant jabbering under his breath when he's talking to instant dial change.or turn off radio.

  21. Not impressed with Lin on the national shows. Felt like she was the visual version of Alisa Clancy… always grinning while delivering the news. Also the fake facial cues to indicate “concern” Bleh.

  22. "Disney loves the fact, she's a woman"
    Can you find out who the biologist is that determined Dion is a woman? Since Ketanji Brown told us all only a biologist can tell what a woman is.
