Friday, April 22, 2022

Rothmann Draws the Ire from KGO Staff Over Covid-19 Status

John Rothmann, the KGO Radio talker (4-7 PM) RETURNED to the studio on Thursday from a two-week bout with a Covid-19-related sickness. Rothmann tested positive for the disease and may have infected others at the station.

In fact, off the radar but very much around the KGO premises, Rothmann is now drawing IRE from some staffers for his lackadaisical behavior --complete with him not wearting a mask and putting everyone else nearby in danger of his infectious condition.

Indeed, some of Rothmann's co-workers, including midday talker, Pat Thurston, tested positive to Covid. Thurston has been out of action during the week and has been at home recovering from the illness. Her status remains unknown.

Newswoman Kim McCallister, who subbed for Rothmann and was in his presence the week he felt ill, has been broadcasting from a home studio in the North Bay, away from KGO. She has tested negative.

A KGO source told me Rothmann's public stance toward Covid seems "sort of hollow now." "And his reputation has taken a hit."

Gees, I wonder why.

No wonder Rothmann basically IGNORED his ordeal on Thursday's show (barely mentioned it) and instead acted as if nothing took place and that he was fine.

He made it a point to talk about other subjects (Ukraine-Russia war) which would have been fine under normal circumstances but it's hardly been normal for Rothmann and KGO the past few weeks.


  1. So are you claiming he returned to work while still positive?

    1. no, not at all.
      Why don't you read the article.

    2. Anonymous 4/22/22,
      That's the way I read it, too.

    3. He didn't test negative before coming back???

  2. Another self absorbed A-hole. Throw his sorry ass down a flight of stairs and COVID will no longer be his main concern.

  3. Democrats gonna Democrat.

    Somehow they'll find a way to blame it on the "FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! AND THE REPUBLICANS!".

    Maybe their cuck, Chimp Franklin, can fill in next time.

    1. A lot of this is Trump's fault though. To be fair yeah, no one knew this pandemic would last this long and no one knew or understood the severity of this pandemic when covid hit, but it could've been handled differently from a United States standpoint and it starts with Trump. Trump made fun of it and started blaming China for it. He was immature about it the whole time.

      If Obama was still president, or even if Hilary Clinton would've been the president instead in 2020, I'm confident they both would've handled the pandemic differently and treated it more seriously from the start before covid hit the United States.

    2. Yes, why blame China for a virus whose origin point was Wuhan?

      And Trump did do better than Boris Johnson, at least. Our COVID death rate was consistently lower than the UK's, till Joe Biden took over and let the Delta variant in.

    3. Trumps fault? Sure Otis you clueless buffoon

    4. @1:12- I'm not clueless and I'm not a buffoon. You're so much up Trump's ass like other Trump supporters that you fail to see his errors at the start of the pandemic.

      Yeah, he might not be all at fault, but he has to take some of the blame.

      If it's not Trump's fault, then who's is it?

    5. Sorry Rich for cussing on here. I couldn't let that comment from @1:12 slide. Trump supporters are vicious.

    6. @11:04- Yeah, I see what you're saying, but blaming China is low hanging fruit. It's easy to blame them. The virus just happened to originate in Wuhan, China, but it was done in a lab. The virus could've originated anywhere like other viruses have in the past.

      As far as Trump doing better than Boris Johnson, is that really something to be proud of? Both of them failed during the early stages of the pandemic. They both should be responsible for how bad covid was in the US and in the UK respectively.

  4. I don't get your article, did he break any station rules regarding mask wearing? At this point there would have been no state or fed requirements for him to wear a mask before testing positive. You should clarify what you are saying he did wrong before attacking his character

    1. Just go back 2 articles to the Q&A from yesterday, and scroll down the comments to 4:24 pm (or search for "Roth"; it's the first instance of Rothmann's name in the page). He'd walk around maskless back when masks were still mandatory in the workplace. I'll let you read the rest for yourself.

    2. 1:45 ..If only he'd sought Nurse Heather's advice!

    3. Agree. He's not contagious anymore. What's the problem?

  5. He’s being a hypocrite, lecturing the audience to be safe, while not adhering the Covid protocols throughout the pandemic. He was caught 5-6 times not wearing a mask in commons areas when it was required by SF. After his son caught Covid, he walked around without a mask until management forced him into compliance. This time he threw an ill-advised party with 30 people and tested positive a few days later. They’re upset about his cavalier attitude. Coworkers have immunity-compromised family members and children too young to get vaccinated. So instead of being responsible and honest when he got back on the air, he talked about the Covid outbreak at San Mateo High School. Rich is 100% correct about his disingenuous behavior. It’s all for show, literally.

  6. Nothing really matters since all of them got paid anyway due to the emergency covid work pay laws.
    Their "compromised relatives" will still be compromised next week.

    1. I'm sorry but that's a terrible way of looking at it. Yeah, that sadly could be the case, but we have to do what we can to stay safe during this time.

  7. Not taking Covid protocols seriously when people are working hard to protect their families is a dick move.

  8. Does this mean Rothmann doesnt upkeep the Raymond Burr bathroom at cal mart like he loved to tell everyone for years? Or maybe he didnt really write three books on harold stassen either

  9. Another post bashing Rothmann. I frankly have a hard time taking it seriously.

  10. Rothmann is a pompous boring blowhard that talks about Dwight D. Eisenhower every show. It has been mentioned that he is very wealthy so one wonders why he is constantly babbling on KGO. Ego?

    1. Yes, it makes him feel important to be seen as an expert. I.. am.. John Rothmann! You’ll notice that he never has KGO political analyst Gary Dietrich on because John is a know-it-all who thinks everyone else is wrong. He mansplains to Pat every day!

      He likes to hold court and rarely has guests “because they don’t really add anything,” but he’ll have someone on if they’re in his community or serve a personal interest. Why do you think he’s done so many shows about the murals and the sf school board. Personal vendetta.

      He doesn’t care about programming to a general Bay Area audience, he only talks about what he’s interested in himself. This is usually a conflict when there’s local breaking news like a wildfire. Serving in the public interest? he’ll entertain the bare minimum interruption.

    2. Gary Dietrich was boring, a one-not samba, much less knowledgeable than John. The best talk hosts talk about something they know about.

    3. If anyone is one-note, it’s Mr. I pretend I had a major role in the Nixon administration. He can’t speak rationally or entertain any criticism about Israel without blowing a gasket. He’s stuck in the past obsessing over Harold Stassen and other obscure political topics that have little appeal to a general drive-time audience. All his Presidential Primary predictions have been wrong. The best talk show hosts can change gears and talk about something beyond a narrow scope of American politics.

    4. I've never heard him mention Eisenhower that often..but he does seem to be obsessed with long forgotten dead republican political figures from the 50's and 60's that he grew up admiring..the problem is nobody in his audience cares or has heard of anyone he mentions.
      Kim mccalister had no idea who nelson rockefeller was for example

    5. A journalist who does not know who Nelson Rockefeller was, needs to read some basic American contemporary history.

    6. 12:02... I think you are confusing General/ President Eisenhower with Richard Nixon. John was a young political aide to Nixon, by virtue of his very wealthy family's political contributions.

    7. That's completely untrue. Making up lies about people is rude.

    8. He’s a double trust fund baby, MJB Coffee and Levi Strauss. Oh, and it’s just a coincidence that he went to Nixon’s Whittier College for his BA political science and MA in teaching. Then *poof* he’s working for Nixon in the White House. KGO is just a personal hobby to service his ego, because he doesn’t need to work for money.

  11. Don't blame John , blame the CCP. It's their flu.

  12. I don't think it is fair to be critical of Rothmann for not having many guests, and he does have some, every so often. Gene Burns didn't have many guests, Limbaugh did not have guests. I listen to Tom Sullivan, he rarely has guests. Each host have their own way of doing their show, some have guests all the time (Hannity, Pat Thurston) others do not.

    1. The criticism isn’t that he doesn’t have guests, it’s the reasoning behind it. He thinks he is an expert in all subjects and he’s not. He’s condescending toward Pat and Kim.. and he doesn’t have Jan Wahl on because he wants to talk about movies, he does it as a personal favor. He couldn’t care less about movie talk.
