Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Cumulus SF Outbreak

Cumuulus' SF radio cluster at Broadway and Battery has a major Covid-19 infection central.

At KGO, three hosts, including John Rothmann, Nikki Medoro, and a producer, have all tested positive and remain OUT. Rothmann is feeling better but is home and still tested positive. His return is not known. Medoro's status is not known likewise.

Pat Thurston was OUT on Tuesday, sick, but it's not a Covid-related illness.

KNBR has been hit of late with the Morning Show, "Murph and Mac" OUT and broadcasting from home after Brian Murphy and Paul Macafrey both tested positive.

A producer from 107.7 FM "The Bone" has tested positive.


  1. covid is highly contagious.. it can kill you. IS this new to you?

    1. What's with the snark? Rich is reporting the facts about a COVID outbreak; that's all. He's reporting it because it's NEWS. Is this a new concept to you?

    2. That you find facts "snarky" or nothing serious( "that's all") indicates that you still don't understand that indoor spaces and shared microphones and exhalations can kill during a pandemic.

    3. Driving to work can kill you.

    4. @3:43
      What I find snarky is that you entirely missed the point of Rich's essay and instead implied he doesn't know SARS-CoV-2 is a deadly virus. The news is not that there's a deadly virus about---we all know that---the news is that the virus is hitting the SF radio cluster, and this is a media blog.

      Would you comment on news out of Ukraine with the bleeding obvious like "Russia has an army with guns and tanks. Guns kill. IS this new to you?"?

    5. There is now a vaccine, which means that you are as likely to "die" from covid as you are the flu. Strange how we heard absolutely nothing from the fearmongers when 100,000 diet from the flu in 2018. So spare us the "covid can kill you' melodramatics. Time to move on with life

    6. How does one "diet" from the flu? A million Americans have died from covid so far. Vaccines certainly help the survival stats, but if you are over 65 as at least two of these hosts are, have any other pre-existing vulnerabilities, covid can still kill you, particularly if you work in an indoor space and share air with others.

    7. Dear 7:47. Mr. Lieberman is a blogger, not an essayist. Frequently here, people doing television and radio shows from home studios during the pendency of this killer pandemic have been mocked for their backgrounds or lighting. Turns out, they were the smart ones. I made no comment about the bloodshed in Ukraine, despite your insistence otherwise.

  2. Nikki was partying down hard in Vegas Baby!!! wooh she is vaccinated , lets party!

  3. And now Pat is 'not feeling well'

    1. She has tested negative so far. People do get regular colds, especially at busy broadcast studios.

  4. Could rothmann not broadcast from home untill hes ready?..I do recall him always saying he prefers doing it from the studio because it's like ten minutes from where he lives

  5. KCBS Rebecca Corral still absent.

    The KCBS AM Morning show was as chaotic as ever.

    1. No virus is stopping .."Peter Brady on steroids."
      Today double-dose of magic...lol
      No soft wake up with that !

  6. If Murph and Mac have it then Larry Baer must be infected

  7. Murphy slipped up on the air Monday when he said Krukow contacted him via text right before the Kruk show to say he (Krukow) had contacted Covid and wanted to opt out of the 7:30 radio show. In a pinch, Shawn Estes filled in. Then on Wednesday, his next scheduled radio show day, Kruk was absent again and Murph made no mention of his Covid and instead said he was under the weather, thus Dave Fleming filled in.

    Still no mention of Krukow's condition in the media anywhere.
