Wednesday, April 20, 2022

"4-20" Day a Complete Farce Emboldened by SF Media Pot Heads

THE DOPES who insist on talking about 4-20 day as if they thought it would be taboo not to mention it. What a travesty.

First off, I'm not a prude. You can do anything you want as long as you don't mess with me. I couldn't care less. I'm not a weed guy. I know a lot of people out there are, great. To each is own, more power to you. But I don't need to be reminded of some artificial weed day to signify its excellence. Especially in SF where the pot heads reside. How charming. But wait, now they have media agents in their amen corner.

To wit:

KCBS, which isn't a news operation anymore, more a circus show, ran a SF/4-20 story at least six times and reporter, Melissa Culross, talked about the event as if she were covering a news conference at City Hall. They're all dopes, what synergy.

Culross, at least has an excuse. Some dopey dope assigned her the job. KCBS should be ashamed. Of course they'll say it's part of the culture, they have to cover it. Hell no they don't. They can mention it. Or they can send someone and broadcast an obligatory report because, yes, I guess it's considered news. I get that part of it. Anything extra? Gimme a break.

The KGO Radio clown/screamer, who has been filling in ad nauseum because KGO has hosts off the air due to Covid, was all, golly gee with Mayor Breed and making stupid, unfunny, jokes about weed, SF and hippie hill. About as original as a Taco Bell taco. He's an eternal substitute host for many reasons. He also chose to try to make SF-centric jokes and talk about various weedy/SF subjects only he's not a SF native and he's not even broadcasting from SF, he's somewhere in the midwest, what a total schmuck. Don't get me started on the schmuck. He makes my bloood pressure rise.

*The TV News stations here, which are basically useless and have about as much news acumen as a Belmont 7-11, will be all over this because they don't know any other way. They'll be endless live shots and the dumb, dopey dope "reporters" asking the various pot heads what it's like to smoke joints and celebrate their "independance", as if they were modern-day Winston Churchills. What a total crock.

I'll get bombarded with, "you're so old-fashioned", "you're so out of touch", "dude, deal with reality." You know what? If that's the case, fine, call me out. If you can get up off your ass and put the cheetos down and take a break from your fifth joint, weed boy.

I got your 4-20 right here.



  1. You're 100% right Rich. What a crock! There are much bigger things these idiot stations could be reporting on.

    1. DC in Rohnert ParkApril 20, 2022 at 6:44 PM

      Marijuana is still a Schedule I Narcotic in the eyes of the Feds and treated as such.
      It is also illegal in the eyes of the Feds to purchase Marijuana from a Dispensary and give this product to an illegal immigrant. I know someone who did this and gladfully reported the Illegal to ICE.
      Just doing my part.

    2. Good job, snitch. I'd need a pound of weed just to mask the manure stench in Rohnert Park.

  2. "If that's the case, fine, call me out."

    People do call you out. All the time. You just lack the courage to post all of the comments that do, but somehow have the stones to ask the same people you censor to donate money to your diatribe blog. You can't have it both ways.

  3. The whole 4/20 thing has always been stupid, now it's tired and stupid.

  4. The Bloom is off the Rose since legalization. The fear of being busted by "The Fuzz" and "Reefer Madness now belongs in a Russ Meyer/Louis Gasnier film. The kiddies found a new toy.BFD.You can't "Stick it to the Man" by puffing a joint in public. If so, it would be equitable to receiving a ticket for littering.

    Nobody cares anymore. Weed doesn't make you special, so go blow your dope you silly people and take plenty of selfies.

    Keep on Truckin Rich!

  5. It's a relatively new, $5 billion industry in California. It should be a news story.

  6. KTVU has been LEADING with this all day (and last night too). It's not a NEWS story. It's a manufactured PR event straight from the fax machine, which means it costs almost nothing to cover, so let's make the most of it.

  7. You are correct, ALL the radio news stations are "garbage" Same noise all day, everyday. The only good radio news station is Bloomberg.

    1. Did Bloomberg cover the 420 story? I was listening and I did not hear anything. Some really interesting interviews though, one with the CEO of Amazon Web Services. Bloomberg asked him about Elon Musk and he did not bite. Nice try though.

  8. This is where we miss real journalists like VLDC

  9. If we must hear about Made Up Holidays, I'd rather hear about Spliff-City instead of ...dare I say it? "Talk Like A Pirate Day" in the autumn. I HATE that little Holiday. The supporter think they're being so funny and so clever with their tired "Aye May-tee!" voices. Stupid.
    I say let those Polyester Pirates be Keel-Hauled!!"

  10. Whenever I hear "In today for Pam Thurston or John Rothmann is Clown/Screamer, KGO's Super Subpar Sub" I hit the off switch quick.

  11. No matter that marijuana is legal, state-wise, although as another commenter wrote, it IS still illegal at the Federal level. What I consider to be stupid, along with just using marijuana for the "getting high" effect, is the inhaling of smoke. I mean, where there is a fire, what is the first thing that is usually reported? A couple of firefighters were treated for SMOKE INHALATION. In other words, inhaling smoke is not good for you. DUHHH. I don't think the average person if they think about it, will say that inhaling smoke does not harm you. And yet, people in this day and age, still take up smoking cigarettes and now, marijuana, both of which, will cause damage to one's lungs, at the very least. And just yesterday, April 20, I saw on tv, the crowds "celebrating" 420 day, like it was some holiday or something. I mean, get over it, people! What a stupid thing to celebrate! And also, did anyone notice that the crowds were of people all standing in close proximity to each other, without wearing masks? In about a week or so, count on it, but we will be seeing yet another surge caused by all those crazoids celebrating 420 day. Oh wait a minute, maybe not, as doesn't marijuana "cure" covid? ;-)

  12. I just there was a way to control the smell. I hate it. If you want to smoke it fine but when it's seeping into my apartment 24/7 that's not right. That's not okay. I wish there was legal recourse for that. Why isn't there legal protection for my lungs and brain cells as opposed to your "right" to get high?

  13. Coastal cities like San Francisco often set the pace for the rest of the country, and 4/20 this year at Golden Gate Park had on-site sales for the first time. It is a big deal, and you fishing for things to gripe about is kind of sad.
