Friday, April 29, 2022

Just the Facts, Ma' am


They (Bay Area mainstream media) got it the day after and they got it, by way of a press release! (massive lol material) And I had it confirmed back on Jan. 21, when it wasn't even on the radar.

And they didn't even have the journalistic chops to attribute me. It's called professional courtesy. They don't like me, maybe embarrassed that a blogger beat 'em to the story. Those of you that come here regurlarly know I don't feed off press releases. Because that's not why you come here, you come here to read the REAL DEAL and not the SPIN, not the bullshit they give you.

Before they took the BS quotes from their press release story, I was already giving you my analysis and the principle players involved in the story. They were still immersed in their BS and late to the party, no wonder they didn't want to credit me.

I'm just as CHARGED UP as ever. They have energized me!

And I'll continue to bring to you the SCOOPS and EXCLUSIVES they can only dream of (a day later) while you all GET IT FIRST! As you did with the Mibach/KTVU exclu and year-long Somerville stories and all the other original stories you get here, including the NON-BS crap they throw you (and days later)

I'm not always perfect (as you all know) but I WORK HARD and try, every day, all night, to provide you the kind of content; the edge, un-filtered, not beholden to corporate interest, commentary they will NEVER ever bring to the table because, frankly, they DO NOT have my sources, they DO NOT have my willingness to go the extra mile to bring you all the story you desire and EXPECT, and DESERVE!--and they never will. Ever.

As long as you support me and maintain this site as the #1-read Bay Area media blog, I will carry on and bring to you the VERY BEST, original, NON PRESS RELEASE, content ever!

THANK YOU --all of you, even the haters--for SUPPORTING 'Rich Lieberman-415 Media."


  1. Succeeding at being a thorn in someone's ass means you have their attention.Keep rubbing their nose in it. Screw the lazy and inept!

  2. Mainstream media is lazy. They want things handed to them. That's bad for everyone. Screw the bastards. Keep on keeping on.

  3. Any reputable media outlet will not attribute a source to a blogger. Doesn’t matter who the blogger is. It’s called public image and credibility. I’m sorry, Rich.

  4. The Chron and Merc will never give the source of where they learn about stories because, if they did that, people would realize that they're stealing most of their stuff. They steal stories from bloggers, broadcasters and community newspapers every day and never attribute it.

  5. Spilled milk Richie.

  6. Mainstream media? Pretty sure you meant to say ‘Lamestream’ media.
    Great job on getting the story first. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and these lamestream media assholes around here are more focused on pretending to be influencers and growing their personal Instagram and tiktok accounts than journalistic integrity.

    1. 1:58pm, I completely agree with all you said.

  7. I have given many scoops to this blog. And you get the credit. I have no issue with that. Do not need the money. Rich does. I am a giving kind of person. Cheers.

    1. A few years I found a link about Young Broadcasting selling KRON 4 and Rich had nothing about it here yet. So I left a link via an unpublished comment and little later he posted the story with extra stuff the link didn't have.

      Also my cousin left a comment on Smercury's story and it's still there a day later! I have told her about 415 and she skims here once in awhile.

  8. This email/text "journalism" is the laziest form of reporting. Reporters used to actually go to interview news subject in person...NOT via text and emails. It was always good to see a real person, and look into those eyes for the truth...or lies.
    This is your beat...not those stealing, weaselly news poachers who just swoop in to "bigfoot" your hard work.

    Keep up the good work...if they have to steal your stuff, than you know it's good.

  9. LOL at the "Lamestream" reference. Shouldn't you be canvassing for Sarah Palin in Alaska, where they don't want her? To be fair, 95% of "journalists" today are a joke, but I'd still put them ahead of the Fox News & related crowd where they just make stuff up, rather than lift from bloggers or somebody else.

    1. There are different levels of "incompetence." Sometimes it's laziness, other times it's overwork and under-staffing. If papers like the Merc or the Chron are hemorrhaging money and cutting staff to the bone, those that are left can't do everything, so they're going to focus their efforts on the big stories. (And sorry, Mibach getting promoted at a competitor doesn't quality as a big story to them.) A corollary is that young people work cheaper than older reporters with experience and families to feed, so the newspapers (just like the TV newsrooms) are populated with green newbies being thrown to the wolves without proper (or any) training. It's a race to the bottom, but the reasons are more complex than just being "lamestream."
