Friday, March 18, 2022

The Mighty Kevin O'Brien --Powerful KTVU GM Pre-Fox

When i think of how once-mighty KTVU is being RUINED today by a bunch of amateurs, I imagine what Kevin O'Brien is thinking.

I wrote about O'Brien not so long ago. He remains one of the most powerful and influential TV News figures in Bay Area history. For many reasons.

O'Brien (pictured with Leslie Grififth and the late KTVU News Director, Fred Zehnder) was a larger-than-life figure. He ran KTVU during its mighty time in the late 90's and mid 2000s with a pugnacious style and candor some viewed as intimidating, but relentless. KOB had a lot of enemies but he also had the respect and envy of the industry. KTVU ruled with its franchise "10 O'Clock News"--how much so?

In the mid 2000's, the KTVU 10 PM News accounted for 1% of the overall GROSS earnings of Cox Media in 2000--(the previous owner, Pre-Fox, of KTVU); MILLIONS of dollars. For one newscast. That's a lot of money and O'Brien had his fingerprints on it. Which helps explain why O'Brien was the most powerful Bay Area TV GMs and highest-paid (well over 1$ MILLION annually).

Kevin also enjoyed the good life off the premises at Jack London Square. He was a notorious party man and frequented many SF restaurants and saloons. He took friends and clients out to eat and sip adult beverages. He had a boat docked at SF Bay and had some celebrated parties. You were his friend until you weren't. And then a whole 'nother party started.


  1. People hate Leslie Griffith for reasons I never understood. Stacked up against the current crop I'd take her over any of them. She seems like a nice lady and not in some fake assed way but genuinely a good person.

    1. I don't know about hating her but she's a nutcase. She's the female Dan Rather--and they're friends, perhaps not surprisingly.
