Saturday, June 5, 2021

Somerville Takes Off Outta Bay Area; Kevin O'Brien Powerful GM and KTVU Kingpin; No Leadership Currently at Fox2; Saturday Schmooze


*Frank Somerville has SPLIT the Bay Area; taken a dodge outta town to try to escape the media rush of his status and get an early-heads-up to his recovery tour. It's probably the best tactic not only professionally but more importantly, personally too.

*Kevin O'Brien was easily the MOST POWERFUL TV GM in Bay Area history. O/Brien was not only the KTVU BIG BOSS at the station at a time when KTVU RULED (in the 90's and 2000's) O'Brien was the glue that kept the station in tact. He not only ran KTVU but he also programmed other TV stations. He was both FEARED and RESPECTED. O'Brien led KTVU to an era of DOMINANCE and unbelievable admiration. The ad revenue that poured in to KTVU's coffers was mighty. The numbers were off the chart. Moreover, KTVU was the envy of the industry. It was 2000's TV News nirvana at its peak and O'Brien was its kingpin. Sure, he could be a real jerk but he was also the station's most-admired figure; if you loved LOYALTY, then O'Brien was your best friend and ally, no matter what (ask George Watson) --look, KOB had his faults because when he enjoyed life when he wasn't at the station, he REALLY enjoyed life. (use your imagination)

*AMONG OTHER ISSUES: KTVU, as big as it (still) is and as popular as it is in Bay Area TV News circles, doesn't have the leaderhship on board to run the station. Not just in times of crisis but overall. The immediate mood at the Oakland studios and offices is DOWNCAST and that was BEFORE Somerville's incident. The feeling at KTVU amongst most of the personnel is that the people at the top are unproven and un-experienced and not worthy of respect. That translates into a lack of confidence and morale problems. Like I said, that was all before the latest crisis. Imagine what's going on now. OMG indeed.

*O'Brien would have been at the forefront of the Somerville crisis. He would have met with Frank and arranged for him to get help and stave off the current mess that is KTVU. Where the ND and GM haven't said a word publicaly and where the only statements coming out are from a FOX PR person. Of course KTVU is trying to save face and is in CYA mode but being SILENT too is thoroughly LAME and ridiculous. You can CYA all you want and still have a pulse. It's the essence of TAKING CONTROL and rallying the troops. KTVU doesn't have the right folks doing anything. How sad and telling.

*I'd expect (and this is a guess) Somerville back in the early fall. Like a few weeks beyond Labor Day. That's when TV News viewing realy begins. Right now, it's the lowest. SWEEPS are history and post-pandemic, people are taking vacations. Hardly anyone is watching. Should be an interesting summer.

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  1. You can see Kevin O'brien in that George Watson - NBC dateline youtube video posted... in last weeks blog.
    Looks like KTVU is on auto pilot now. No direction.
    Like that blow-up doll in the 1980s movie "Airplane"
    The KTVU staff all ate the in-flight fish... and are all sick.
    They parked in the red zone.

  2. Something like this happened at Channel 4 in San Diego. The main anchor uttered an obscenity over the air that he claims was written on the teleprompter. The anchor, who was the face of the station, was fired. He wandered about like Frank is going to do, growing a long beard and playing the jazz flute. Then one day all of the stations were covering the birth of a baby panda at the zoo — a potential Peabody- and Emmy-winning story if there ever was one — when a reporter for a rival station allegedly pushed Channel 4’s female co-anchor anchor into the animal pit. Channel 4’s general manager had to find the fired anchor in an hurry to bail them out. He came rushing to the zoo, along with his once lost little dog Baxter, to rescue the female anchor. The once-fired anchor rightfully regained his position as the dean of the Eyewitness News team. And they all lived happily every after.

    1. This sounds like a Tom Hanks comedy. Cite?

    2. @4:30 It's the movie Anchorman lol.

  3. Let's all hope someone buys sal castaneda a razor at the next holiday party and maybe some new glasses too

  4. Never liked this guy and have no idea why he's the "face" of the station. Kenny Choi and Raj mathai are way better than this overrated clown.

  5. @ 6/6: Kenny Choi? Really? The guy is blander than plain oatmeal. Zero pulse. Straiter than strait, he adds NOTHING to the broadcast. Might as well have Alexa read us the news. She has more personality.

  6. Veronica, Pam and Frank are all hanging out, laughing their assess off!!!
