Sunday, June 6, 2021

Siege Mentality at KTVU; Gerston Sunday Media Powerhouse on KCBS/NBC Bay Area; Betty Yu on PIX Needs To Be Paid; Miller-Krukow Mellow; Sunday Brunch

IT'S NOT QUITE the Asiana Fake name backlash just yet but it's close.

The mood at KTVU is gloomy. Lately, it's that way more than a land of happy faces. Sure, TV newsrooms aren't any different--good and bad--than your aveage workplace but in an industry where positivity lends itself to productive activity, KTVU is sort of in the abyss. And the last thing tht wasn't needed was its leader (on the screen, at least) taking a leave over a bizarre, on-air appearence that is very difficult to watch, even today, a week later.

The gloom and doom in Jack London Square where KTVU operates is at least neutralized by its ratings lead, right? Wrong. KTVU still commands at 10 PM but in the early evening, it lags far behind the rest of Bay Area news stations. And many staffers at Fox2 (as I reported last week) are disillusioned with the lack of direction and incompetence by management. Now comes the Somerville crisis. The atmosphere is even more toxic. Outside of a very brief statement, the ND, Amber Eikel, has said basically nothing. And her lack of communications has irked plenty inside the newsroom. The uncertainty and chaos presents a new challenge at 2 Jack London Square. And with Somerville on a LOA for the next few months (my guess) that lack of tranquility could be massive.

*Larry Gerston is mister Sunday morning news powerhouse. He did his usual 7: 20 AM political chat on KCBS (with anchor, Lisa Chan) and then at 7: 45, a nice TV interview with NBC Bay Area's Kira Klapper. I'd like to hear more of Gerston's takes. He's profoundly interesting and blunt. Gerston called out, for instance, the San Diego judge (federal) who tossed out the state ban on assault weapons. Said the decision was overly political and probably headed to the Supreme Court.

*KPIX (CBS) has something to consider and me thinks they better act NOW or regret altogether. Their STAR reporter, Betty Yu, has resisted a whole bunch of network offers because she loves the Bay Area and would like to stay here. But when, say an ABC or NBC News, rolls out a six-figure OFFER(s) the temptation to migrate is mighty. Yu isn't a hardball player but if CBS tosses softballs her way, she might give them a royal thumb. Yu is one of PIX's most popular news people, a personality to boot.

*IRONY CENTRAL: When NBC Sports Bay Area is gonno and FOX televises the game (like Saturday) the radio broadcast is terrific--when Jon Miller and Mike Krukow stick to the basics on KNBR and broadcast without the gloomy Duane Kuiper) it's a pleasure to listen.

*Yes, Kyla Grogan is the clubhouse leader to take over for retiring Bill Martin (probably in September) as long as FOX doesn't pay her a couple cheese sandwiches for her compensation.

*CBS' "Sunday Morning" this morning had a very watchable segment (with reporter, John Blackstone) talking about the city of SF's new policy of NOT sending police officers to some 911 calls dealing with non-violent offenders; mentally-ill and drug users. It was great stuff. I thought to myself, "where's the LOCAL station(s) on this? Hello KCBS and PIX.

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  1. She has the sexist lips on local news

  2. Speaking of PIX: I saw some tweets that are giving me the impression that Griego will be taking a job in Colorado, in the near future. Any story behind her impending departure, Rich?

    1. so Mackovic, Turner or Medina replacing her?

  3. > Yes, Kyla Grogan is the clubhouse leader to take
    > over for retiring Bill Martin...


    > ...(probably in September)

    Why the long wait?

    I have to watch that senile old man babble and digress for another three months?!?

    1. The Pete Giddings Memorial QuiltJune 6, 2021 at 2:59 PM

      Kyla is the lesser of two evils, compared to the paranoid narcissist Rosemary Orozco.

  4. I suspect she just wants to go home. She grew up there, and worked there before coming to KPIX.

    1. KPIX can finish last with her or last without her.

  5. Yes, no doubt that Betty is a star in the making. And as others here have noted, those "duck lips" of hers are definitely her money-maker! That was probably the worst part of the pandemic, seeing Betty Yu wearing a mask to cover up those lips! What a travesty that was! I still wonder as to how it is always she, who gets the prime reports such as luxury homes for sale, private jets, expensive cars, etc. Nobody else at KPIX gets those stories, they always send Betty Yu to them. But, man, she looks absolutely fantastic in those luxury settings too, so I guess I just answered my own question there! Thanks Rich, for all you do!

    1. Those "duck lips" you are referring to Betty is too disgusting to watch.

      The Asiana incident did caused one major thing, Tori Campbell has to fled to Singapore and apologize daily for her mistake.

  6. How about the nepotism there at comcast with "kuip" son who has no business being on tv, but here again they have tried to revive the horrible 20 something pregame hosts on sunday..what an abomination

  7. So, KTVU "staff", being paid 6 figures a year to read a teleprompter for an hr a day are all gloomy?? Good god!

  8. I am watching Betty Yu more now.. especially if she doesn't wear a mask!
