Monday, June 7, 2021

Somerville Was Working on Extension for 2022; Haener Not Long; 'Core4' Still Has Solid Ratings; Monday Open

ANY DAY NOW, YOUR 10 o'Clock News on KTVU will have a radically new look. I've been saying as much for the past few years; only circumstances have prevented the BREAK-UP of the "CORE4" --until now.
*Frank Somerville: He told me a few months back during a coffee he signed a one-year extension (through March, '22) --FOX was OK with that and Somerville too because the COVID-19 situation was still fluid. Somerville figured (and I agreed) that when things opened up (as he thought, me too) then a long-term deal would be good for both he and the station. Sound reasoning. After all, the pandemic was keeping everyone away (although Frank was in the studio.) Somerville, as industry speculation grew, was thinking LONG-TERM extendion. Yeah, maybe a modest cut in pay (he's making $600K a-year) but RATINGS were still (and are) SOLID at 10 PM and KTVU still rules Bay Area newscasts.

Somerville's on-air bizarro couldn't have come at a worse time (for him) --had his slurred-broadcast incident not occured, there's a strong liklihood FOX2 (KTVU) would have extended him another 3 YEARS and with a virus waning and strong economy to boot, WHY NOT? Somerville's FAS (face of station) status was quite pronounced; Somerville, the HIGHEST-PAID TV News anchor in the Bay Area. Now? Reset central.

*Julie Haener has been mulling LEAVING the news business and settling into social life in Danville. She has more than 20+ ears at KTVU from the later days of Dennis Richmond to now. Both she and Frank get along but Haener clearly was FLUSTERED over Frank's Sunday misadventure. Haener could leave KTVU anytime she wants.

*Mark Ibanez signed an EXTENSION to remain at FOX until March, 2023 --probabaly Ibanez' last dance. He's 65.

*Bill Martin is officially retired from KTVU until Kyla Grogan is ready to forecast Bay Area weather, probably in the fall.

*DO THE MATH: Somerville $600K --Haener: $600K --Ibanez: $330K --Martin: $250K --almost $2M invested in CORE4. Even today, that's a lot of money.

*Alex Savidge: nice guy, fairly solid but NOT a PRIM TIMER.

*Heather Holmes: I'm still not a believer. KTVU feels the same. Fo now.

*Andre Senior: Not yet.


  1. What about our favorite, Cristina Rendon? If she hasn't gone on maternity leave yet it will probably be soon. What's her future at KTVU? I'd watch her watch paint dry.

    1. Ethnic, but not ethnic enough.

    2. Yeah, I like Christina too, but her news skills,not her looks lol..

  2. They should hire someone else than Kyla. She is a new hired staff must be the cheapest in salary vs Rosemary and Mark and did left KTVU then came back for unknown reason.

    The most important question, what is the possibility they select 2 morning anchors on the evening news like and Mike or the other guy with glasses and Gasia. They have been promoting two Asian reporters like Jana and Claudine as main anchors replacement. My choice the guy with glasses on 5AM and Gasia.

    1. Kyla came from The Weather Channel which is national tv, there's no way she's cheaper than Mark the KRON weather producer and Rosemary the Queen of Sacramento. Plus she's really good. I love it when she's on for Bill. Saw her last night. They'd be crazy not to sign Grogan up and quickly.

    2. Dave Clark and Julie or Dave Clark and Gasia, my picks. Mike and Pam mornings. Heather, I read too much negative about her behind viewers back. Frank should be a permanent morning anchor defeating his rival Michelle on KPIX with terrible ratings. The big guy on KPIX is the main reason I tune in when Michelle disappear that day.

    3. 11:03 - If you were even as sentient and intelligible as Rich I'd listen to you, but you can't even manufacture one coherent sentence, so what do you know?

  3. I vote for Andre, Julie and Kyla. They were just on together and I like that combo. That's a good solid team.

    1. Julie probably wants to see her boys play their college sports, one is the starting QB at Fresno State and the other is a Lacrosse player at SMU. She is proud of those two guy and rightfully so, they are great young men.

  4. I think Frank Malicoat or Dave Clark would be great replacements for Somerville.

  5. Julie should definitely stay. She's the only one steering the ship! Especially on that crazy night. Credit where credit is due.

  6. Is Bill Martin really worth $250k a year? They could hire any blonde or latina with big tits to draw in the viewers. It's what they do on Telemundo.

    1. Until we're all on fire. Then Tits McGee isn't gonna be who you want doing weather.

  7. Is Dave McElhatton available?

    1. Um, maybe if you hold a seance.

  8. Andre and Heather. They teamed up well last week.

    1. Agreed. They were no Brian Hackney and Catherine Heenan, but they are a lot better than any of the other combos on KTVU, which tends to have the most sterile, brain-dead anchors in the business.

  9. Ugh, I can't stand Andre. Almost anyone but him. I say bring Ken Wayne back to anchor the evenings. When Julie leaves, promote Christina Rendon to evening as well.

    1. The problem with Ken Wayne is you have to have someone wake him up every ten minutes while he's on air.

  10. Colin Kaepernick is still available. For whatever.

    1. Hes real good a kneeling, he can clean behind the toilet real good. pays $20 a week

  11. I would much rather see Mark Tamayo in the 10 p.m. slot over Kyla Grogan. But I guess that's not PC in today's climate.

  12. I'm kinda liking Julie, Kyla and Alex tonight. Also a good combo.

  13. Alex, Andre or Frank M. along with Julie would be a nice solid team...

  14. Frank is the best of the bunch. He would be an ideal choice.
