Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Happy Hour: The Stupid Laugh; Pat Thurston-Tim Sika Movie Hour on KGO is a Winner, But..; Oy Vey: KNBR FP Santangelo Mush

IT DRIVES ME NUTS.... The uber-irritating GIGGLE--it happens a lot, especially on local radio and there's variations of it.

There's the out and out cackle, especially uttered by a certain KGO Radio host. There's the FAKE laugh, sort of a nervous laugh when someone is trying to help out a host who said something unfunny.

Then there's just a completely out-of-control gimmick laugh, a chortle that erupts out of the blue.


And annoying as all hell.

*The Pat Thurston-Tim Sika movie hour every Friday on KGO (3-4 PM) is what a movie hour should be: funny, concise, genuine and informational; in other words, a good show that even non-movie goers (lately) like myself can listen to.

Such is the case with Thurston's weekly dish with generally good, Sika, who knows how to talk it up, wrap it up, and do so, for the most part, without schlocky/schmaltzy, overbearing, verbal garbage spewed by someone who guests on the Rothmann (John) show a few hours later.

The Thurston show with Sika would be even better if the hour didn't get too overly sappy, as it occasionally does in an uncontrolable wandering act. Thurston gets a little too schmoozy with Sika from time to time and he (Tim) gets a little too inside-baseball, but overall, the show is a solid B-minus.

*KNBR dipped into its kitty-litter roster on Friday afternoon with boring and insufferable FP Santangelo and local retread, Scott Reiss. When it wasn't a yawnfest, it degenrated into an out and out ego tour. There was a little toilet humor to boot.


I'm surprised FP would even dare go there; he's, uh, had a few issues lately.

*Talk about lonely-ville: The KPIX newsroom on a Friday night. Scary quiet. And doomsday every moment. Not a pleasant sight. And not a pretty picture, literally and figuratively. The people at PIX who try to put out positive news, the PR people, don't want you to know all this gloom and doom, but that's why you come to me.


  1. Another shit show week on KCBS. Geezz Jason Brooks and Holly Quan need to have a little less coffee. Jason needs to go back to his business segment and Holly back to reporting.

  2. but what happen to Colbert and topes?

  3. The job of people at KPIX in the newsroom is not to "try to put out positive news". The job is to deliver the news.
    As for your endless hatred of Jan Wahl, could you do a better job, substantively? You've got a blog, do some movie reviews of your own each week. Let's see what you've got.

    1. Hey, anonymous moron, I said the "PR" people, not the news people, you dork. Read the post, assuming you can read and didn't drop out of third grade...and, moron, I'd gladly do movie reviews and they'd be much more entertaining than the yenta-supreme, got it?

      And, screw you, let's see what you got?

      Just WHO are you? #NeverMind

  4. Jason is "peter brady on steroids" stil!!.. let's have doug andrew and greg o Donnell do the news with david hollander on traffic, steve moskovitz with the sports,joe cordell as the new larry king and john rothman as walter cronkite,andy Rooney and raymond burr all wrapped into one

    1. Turned on the radio during the drive to work today. BAM.."Peter Brady on steroids" and I'm trying to wake up in the car.
      The whole KCBS shit operation reminds me that I need to clean the toilet this weekend . KCSM FM 91.1 helps with that task.
      KCBS with the constant sounders & weather every 10 minutes is sounding more like. "The popcorn lady" on Crack. "The time is" O'clock
      They never update the news & continue the same crap I heard 8 hours ago before work.
      Minus...Peter Brady on Steroids.

  5. KGO Radio Nikki Medoro nasal cackle rings the bell. Originates in the nostril, gains momentum and emerges from same intact and amplified.

  6. Thurston and Sika is boring radio. Pat doesn't know movies and half the time ends up sounding like a moron. When they go on their liberal rants I change the channel. Just another hack. I'd take Jan Wahl over him any day and I don't particularly care for her.

    1. "liberal rants", let me guess, you're a Trumper?

  7. Don't get the like for the Sika crap at all. It's "fill" for her. I turn the channel when he comes on.

  8. I like Liz Cook ....But...Her laughing at everything is grating...Stop it!...JF

    1. It's written into her script, she is required to laugh and smile at the :28 and :58 mark ends of each newscast. It makes her appear more personable. In fact, many of not most CBS managed stations across the country have the same requirement.

  9. On Thursday, 3/17/22, I found out my wife actually sometimes likes to listen to N. Medoro while commuting to work. Wife's commute, however, is only ~20 minutes. With the amount of commercials, this might be only ~10 minutes of actual talk radio. I cannot even remember what topic Medoro was talking about.

    Later, I did hear the afternoon Thurston and Sika hour. I suppose it'd be ok if I was into the showbiz gossip. Examples were talk about Kristin Chenoweth at some Netflix(?) party and getting a hoodie as "swag"; talking about William Hurt's passing; and Thurston mistakenly going to a theater to see the movie "Children of a Lesser God' (1986), but the movie she paid for and sat down to see was actually "Children of the Corn", so she walked out:( (I hate it when that happens).

    With the commercials and the topics, it was a waste of my time & interest, but the prior hour was more news-relevant as Thurston was speaking of how a Child Protective Services dept. made a tragic error in letting an 8 yr. old girl recently die/get killed with her body found in Merced, CA, a few days ago as I type this.

  10. FP Sad-tangelo is boring & dreadfully bad. Please fire him immediately KNBR! His show is not even listenable. I'd rather listen to the CBS Sports national hosts. Remember the days when KNBR was dominant? Gary, Pete Franklin (The Best!) RIP, Razor Ralph all led by the Little General, Bob Agnew. Mr. Napoleon Complex himself.
