Call it peculiar at worst and something more ominous brewing at best.

Meanwhile, at 900 Front where KRON is headquartered --the mood was sour Monday and Radnich was mostly subdued himself --that, in itself, is NEWS!
Radnich doesn't talk to many people on a good day and Monday he was damn near invisible tiptoeing around the offices and trying his best to seem normal.
He wasn't.
"He looked sullen", said a station source. "He just did his show and split, but you could tell the whole affair with 'Catherine (Heenan) had taken its toll."
Radnich doesn't have a lot of friends at KRON and even his most staunchest allies like Pam Moore were giving him the silent treatment. Moore, like Heenan, generally likes Gary, but wasn't in the mood for fence-mending on Monday.
In fact, nobody outwardly went on the defense for Radnich who seemed himself, flustered, by the whole affair.
Today, (Tuesday) figures to be quite a day in the back offices: even before Radnich a la Heenan hit the national domain, KRON management was dealing with Aveson's beef and HE JUST STARTED! Aveson told a station veteran: "Who is this guy and why is he fucking with me?"
Great question, Steve.
You're not the only one.
Count the number of torso KRONvicts that have left the building in the last two years alone.
SOMETHING TO WATCH: Radnich and the GM, Ashley Gold-Messina don't talk that much; Raddy's management ally is ND, Aaron Pero, but Pero is being watched by Media General (KRON owners) for his running of the station. If Pero were to magically be axed, then Raddy's days would be numbered ---even without the Heenan affair.
By the way, Heenan hasn't said a word and is said to be quite ticked over the whole shebang. Too bad too, 'cause Heenan is one of the most well-liked and respected people in the building.
*Follow me on Twitter
You may be right about everyone discussed, but don't forget that this is Memorial Day week, and both this week and next a lot of people will take days off just to squeeze a few extra in because of the beginning-of-summer holiday.
ReplyDeleteOn the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore last night, Radnich's antics put KRON, and his sorry ass on national cable as laughing stocks for local news broadcasts. Is this the image management wants?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the Radnich/Heenan piece was the first item on The Nightly Show last night.
ReplyDeleteRaddy is the worst sportscaster I've ever seen!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCatherine, I made cookies!! Let's talk about my son's ASS!!!
ReplyDeleteGet rid of Radnich, Pero and his girlfriend. Kron can start the road to respectability. With Radnich gone you could hire the real Don Rickles in his place
ReplyDelete> Heenan is one of the most well-liked and respected people in the building.
ReplyDeleteUnderstatement of the year.
DeleteOh good lord. I was there. Gary and Catherine love each other. They're friends with each other's families (that was Gary's point.) Gary is doing comedy. We just love all the publicity!!!
Delete10:21's comment is exactly why KRON is in the toilet.
DeleteContrary to common thought, any publicity isn't good publicity. It made everyone at the station look bad. Being a national laughingstock, even for one or two news cycles, is not good.
DeleteGTFO of KRON while you can, before Pero screws you over too.
DeleteI've worked in the media way too long to buy that they love the publicity excuse. I've witnessed individuals being let go for much less. It's a real bad look for KRON and Media General corporate. God forbid if KRON was up for sale and the first question (when it comes to employees) that a perspective buyer would ask is: Is Gary Radnich still under contract? If so, buy him out I consider him a liability.
Delete"If so, buy him out I consider him a liability."
DeleteI, too, have worked in media. Instead of buying him out, this may be violation of contract for cause. He might just be terminated. We'll see.
Paul Udell would have never acted this way on air at KRON
ReplyDeleteGetting rid of Gary can't come soon enough
ReplyDeleteIn more important news, Pam and Brittney are gorgeous. Steve's no slouch, either. Doubtful KRON can hold on to the latter two.
ReplyDeleteIn the "real world", there is no such thing as an indispensable person. I have seen salespeople who brought in huge amounts of revenue terminated for being a jerk. I have fired people for being insubordinate, for being a pain in the ass, for just not being professional, for sexual harassment. I don't get it. Does Gary Radnich have a stash of photos or something? Can he really do no harm? I s he really the Teflon Man? Is he really worth that much to the station to have him on the payroll? As I said, I don't get it.......but then again, I don't watch him. My time is too valuable to put up with this kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Radnich watched Pero and silicone tits do it and filmed it.
ReplyDeleteRadnich was the man before ESPN. Now with ESPN, CSN Bay Area, Bleacher Report sports alerts on my phone with scores, trades, etc., local sports reporters are anachronistic. You can get the national scores anytime. He doesn't bring anything to the party because he doesn't even get local sports figures for interviews, nor does he seemed inclined to want to. Guys like O'Donnell seem to get local sports scoops, which saves their jobs, but Radnich brings nothing. Let him slowly out to pasture like they did Pete Franklin in his last days at KNBR.
ReplyDeleteIsn't this Jan Wahl's beat anyway?
ReplyDeleteWho watches KRON? There's nothing there. I will stick to the majors.
ReplyDeleteAveson attended his daughter's graduation from medical school. Interesting that when the facts dont meet your narrative, you choose not to publish the comments. Just like the rest of the media these days. Kinda disappointed in you Rich-thought you were different than the others.
ReplyDeleteNo more factual input from me. You can keep all your followers believing your opinions.
I've found a place where Gary, Marie and Aqui, Gasia and the other wags fit right in and they can stay in the media game.
ReplyDeleteIf you check out Good Day on Ch 44 which is used as filler for the Bay Area and AM Prime for Sacto's Ch 13 it is obvious our local "talent" would fit right in with this ghastly show.
Recently they did a piece on the Sun City Lincoln Hills Taco Bell Dementia Club Car Wash and other similar daytime Emmy caliber reporting. So if our soon to be outcasts want to be on the top of the media pile they should send their vita to Sacto Ch 13 for immediate consideration.
File this under more talent in a lesser market...