Breaking News: KSFO's Brian SussMAN is, in actuality, Tony the Tiger.
Tony kidnapped the Suss at a Sunnyvale Tea Party hoe-down, thus creating the Suss sensation in the morning drive where Suss uses the word, "great" at least a hundred times a day.
Just on Tuesday morning, I counted 15 "greats" from the Susser.
He's a great American. (Mark Levin) You're great Ann!, (Ann Coulter) It's a great website, (Newsbusters)
A favorite: You're a great American!
Give a listen: The sussMAN is good for at least 500 greats per week, although he did break his own Guinness Book record a few weeks back with 4321 great references. All of Fremont, Walnut Creek, Foster City, Martinez, had a mass SUSSman "Great-a-Thon" and devoured bologna sandwiches with wonder bread and fresh mayo only--YES, it was GREAT!
*There were a couple of very moderate earthquakes on Monday Morning; if you caught coverage on KPIX, the world was coming to an end. Everything stopped. Reporters en mass goin' nuts. BART Updates. OMG, it's the Apocalypse! Call Oliver Stone.
*Ronn Owens latest assesment on the "new", "exciting" "KGO 810": This is really great! (Owens works geographically nearby the aforementioned Sussman, therefore has obviously caught the Embarcadero virus known as "Jared-Susss-Cumulitis-Igot a checkto cashLegionares" disease.
*At KTVU, they celebrated a great February sweeps by lamenting and oozing great amounts of anxiety pills in the newsroom: more "Special Ed" talk. I think they should hire one more consultant and "thanks for trusting me."
*Ronn had a breakout weekend: He and Copie both had simultaneous manicures at a new salon on Chestnut called: Not a Genuine Manicure. How depressing!
*Today on the Radnich-Krueger, KNBR lovefest: Gary and Larry talk about the time they did radio together in 808, Utah. Krueger bets the house that Ratinovich goes gaga over Larrewski's new mega two-year deal.
*"808-KNBR", your thoughts on the amount of brown toilet paper in the Knibber studios from 9-Noon, winner gets a pair of Brian Sabean's Tommy Bahama Sunday shirts.
*THIS JUST IN: KQED's reviewers on "Check Please" go nuts over the Louisiana Hots at Red's Java House. "Just awesome", said the reliable, Chikita Turnip, late of Liverpol Lol's.
*Speaking of brown toilet paper: Mel Baker.
*Follow me on Twitter
Could you just say what your trying to say. You act like a fucking kid beating around the bush. Grow up and say what it is your hinting at. Then say it is a rumore to cover your ass, but Say Something,that as a non insider we can understand! I am about to give up on your ass. I defend you but it is getting harder too do that with you pussy footing around.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Rich! Did you catch the woman on KGONE on the 10pm shift Sunday night? A total disaster. With immminent war on Iran, a presidential race and a collapsed economy she thought it'd be great radio to talk about Lindsey Lohan! Wtf!? She took a page out of the Timothy Monteminor playbook: eight zero eight zero eight one zero GALOOOOORE
ReplyDeleteI am on the verge of requesting the return of Spencer "Juan" Hughes!!!
I've missed most of the Raddy show today,but what I caught he has been playing with your blog..and something about 7 more years of NAZI Hammer. And yes-he's out of his mind doing "pretend" brown nose groveling..only he means it as anybody who has ever listened knows.
ReplyDeleteKreuger and Hammer climb the Dickey ladder. THEGAME had KNBR's head on a platter...and the PD just blew it.
Kudos...Kristen Sze is either cold-blooded or just that profesional. She rolled right through the quake with nary an ounce of emotion (until the co-worker took over and you can hear her sigh with relief). http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/video?id=8568909
ReplyDeleteI turned on KGOne Sunday night after 11pm and heard the woman. Pleasant enough voice and easy delivery and reasonable sounding, but what was strange was that the first caller I heard was from Temple City (So. Cal someplace????), then from Santa Barbara, L.A., Idaho, Sacramento, and a few local ones. Then she read an email from N.J. (where she was born) and then an email from "California", no city mentioned. Where did they find her? She said she was from NY but had a bicycle here in SF. Never said she lived here. Was shes broadcasting from Calif or NY? Said she had LOTS of callers, but then when she introduced a topic about why bicyclists and cars have such an antagonistic relationship here in SF, she had no callers so she dropped the topic and moved on. At least she was honest about that. That should be a topic of interest I would think.
ReplyDeleteWhen she talked about Rush, the majority of the callers were in support of Rush and the Catholic Church not supporting payment for birth control. Where are they getting these callers?
Same I notice on Ronn's show. Far more far right wing callers. Sounds like KSFO. Are these plants, sought out by the Jared-types?
Also, has anyone noticed Ronn's new (sometimes) format? DUring the first hour he usually has a topic on for 40 minutes. Then something new to finish out the hour. Then he returns to the original topic for the last half hour or so of the show before noon. He NEVER used to carry a topic over into a second hour. Now the topic he introduces to finish out the hour is sometimes carried into the next hour. What are they trying to do? Strange and disjointed. His idea or the suits setting the format??
This seems to be the new trend in the local talk. Jump from topic to topic. Even Gil Gross now is taking very few calls and doing lots of interviews with the experts and switching topics for the whole 3 hours. I prefer more in depth discussion of fewer topics. John Rothmann is about the only one left actually taking a lot of calls. I like to hear the opinions of the listeners, not just the spewings of the hosts. I'm hoping this is only because they have just 2 days to be on to cover their interests, but something tells me it's the new wave to cater to short attention spans and blitzing lots of tidbits at people to keep them tuned in.
My 2 cents for now......
Molly...interesting post. I also have noticed how Ronn moves on with a subject and then comes back. It was really disturbing when he was talking Oscars last week and the lines were full and the show lively. Then he stopped and switched to something about Santorum. It was annoying. Between all the commercials and the news interruptions, it really disturbs the flow and is less interesting to me. I agree that others are doing this also. I guess they, in trying to attract the younger demo, believe they have a short attention span. Actually, I don't know why they are doing this, but in most cases I don't like it.
ReplyDeleteAnswered my own question. The 10-1 host (Maureen Langan) on KGOne was broadcasting from NYC. Lots of posts on facebook encouraging her friends to call in. May explain the calls from all over the place.
To Brian Sussman...
ReplyDeleteSir. I knew Tony the Tiger.
I served with Tony the Tiger.
You're no Tony the Tiger.
(cue thunderous applause by a mostly bias Kelloggs audience)
Not a fan of Owens but 9-10am is a bust elsewhere on the dial. Listened to him interview Russ Feingold. It was ok radio. Noticed he didn't do a full hour. The last few minutes were a total waste of time rehashing the comments about the nasty bloated windbag. For all the criticism leveled at Owens here I think he's playing it right. Finishing out his contract in workman like fashion, give the owners what they want, nothing more nothing less. Anyone else would do the same thing. Extract every cent out of the corporate creeps.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise it's Steven Wright In The Afternoon in the morning on BBC 2 from 6-9am. Great radio. No commercials. Great mix of old and new music, some light hearted intelligent talk without being inanely stupid. Chris Evan's In The Morning fills the gap in the wake of Cumulus destruction from 10:30pm to 1:30am. Thanks to whoever mentioned BBC 2 here.
@7:46pm, if you have any intellectual horsepower 9 to 10 am gives you two excellent choices: either Democracy Now! on KPFA or Forum on KQED. Both are commercial free. As to Molly's comments: God bless you for listening to that hack from NY. As soon as I heard her introduce Lindsay Lohan as a topic I tuned out within 5 minutes. I do agree with your assessment of the Gil Gross program. Compared with his show on KGO, on 910 he does not take many callers and he constantly switches topics. He used to take a ton of calls on KGO. I am starting to tune him out. If I want to hear monologues I can always tune in to El Rushbo. "Just sayin' Gil"....
ReplyDeleteI think she must have been finished talking about Lohan when I tuned in. Don't exactly remember what she was talking about. I mostly listen to KGO to see how far they've fallen. Can't figure out why they'd schedule an unknown host broadcasting from NY. She said she works as a comedian. All very strange. She must have some kind of connection with cumulus or someone at KGO. 10-1 here would have been 1-4am in NY. She must be really hungry for work.
DeleteListening to an old hippie like Amy Goodman requires intellectual horsepower? Did I miss her latest interview with Cindy Sheehan? No, I'm tired of the demagog's. I'll settle for being entertained rather than "educated" by these people trying to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.
ReplyDeleteGoodman would run laps around Matress Man. She certainly has more balls than he does. Btw she has not interviewed Sheehan in 4 years. Among many other subjects, she has reported on Wikileaks, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan as well as the assault on U.S. civil liberties, issues that require intellectual horsepower, something Lowenstein's die hard fans lack. "Hey, what did J-Lo wear to the Oscars!?" Duuuh....
DeleteRe: sky is falling earthquake coverage by KPIX (and to a lesser degree, KRON), who at the station dictates this coverage? It's as if the two stations had people who never have experienced ana mild-to-moderate earthquake.
ReplyDeleteBy the coverage, a viewer would have thought that another Loma Prieta quake was upon us. So why did Goodrich take the lead role in the breaking news coverage? In the end, the nes of the quake basically came out as "well, no big deal." Um...you think a 4.0 quake will be potential for massive damage and injuries? Wou;d be nice to have some news folks with a local sensibility. I mean, I sure would scream bloody sky is falling if faced with a tornado in the midwest. But I don't come from the midwest. My reaction would be so out of proportion, as as KPIX's.
And...seems to me that a station can "break" news once. Thereafter its a developing story. It's absurd when newscasters say "breaking news," then explain that 6 hours ago...KNTV used to throw up the breaking news visual for everything. They've since cut back, seems to me.
I have more breaking news to report : Steve Moscowitz showed up on Comcast live with-get this- a Justin Beiber 'DO. Complete with dark dyed hair.
ReplyDeleteSteeeeve,c'mon..howed the wife let you out of the home looking like that?
WHOA! Raddy went off today on you Rich and Dan Dibly...His reference that he wouldnt be seen in a Jetta yesterday,he says today-was that YOU Rich L. once sold his daughter a Jetta?. And for that he called you "My good Freind".
ReplyDeleteTHEN,I guess Dan Dibly tweeted that Gary Radnich show "Is going down"..and Radnich called Dan his Good.F. also. I think Dibly didnt take kindly to Raddy calling him "An angry man who tweets" or that Krueger said Dan drives an AMC Pacer..when you put down a mans car as a POS-you attack his very identity as we all know.
I hope I got this right-maybe others heard (seen) Raddy. I know that with all the winks and chuckles..when he stopped..he looked very upset.
I couldnt find any Dibly tweets. Where or if he said them on his other media I dont know.
ReplyDeleteRaddy is so twisted..he rattles,rambles, and those winks, He winks so you take a guess if what he says he means. What a way to operate a talk show-Guess if what I say I mean.
Gil addressed the topic jumps on his Facebook the other day.
ReplyDelete"Gil Gross: The way ratings are done now penalize stations that stay with a topic for an hour. PPM basically gives stations ratings if they come back several times an hour. It's not because anyone thinks this is the only way or the best way to do it, though it's also true we did one hour topics because the old system rewarded that. Without ratings, there is no advertising...without advertising everyone gets fired and all you get are syndicated shows, even though they are pretty much doing the same thing. So yes, it is the trend, but things have changed and they could change again.
Wednesday at 6:43pm"
That should explain to folks why it's such a jumble, not only on his program, but Ronn's too.
Sussman could'nt be more annoying, maybe Chip Franklin.