Tuesday, January 7, 2025

EXCLUSIVE-- Ronn Owens and Jan Black Call Me--Don't Assume Anything Yet


  1. I agree that this situation is incredibly messy, but let's be honest: if the GoFundMe funds are used to cover Laura's legal judgments, it would expose both Ronn and Laura to a whole new level of legal complications and lawsuits. Given the intense scrutiny surrounding these matters, I can't imagine they would be reckless enough—at this point—to funnel all that money, raised under the pretense of helping Ronn, into Laura's legal battles.

    1. Sure, but money is fungible—even if they wouldn't be reckless enough to funnel the GoFundMe funds directly toward Laura's legal needs, $100K in donations will free up that much more in other funds to help her out. That's why readers of the Chronicle, Mercury News, etc. deserve to know the full picture before making a decision about whether to donate.

    2. I'm confused. Is there any evidence whatsoever that the gofundme is a way to raise money for his daughter or that this is some type of grift or scam?

      Or is this a case where people are assuming - without evidence - that these two separate and unrelated matters (Ron's medical costs and the legal judgement against his daughter) are somehow connected.

      I just feel like two things can be true and unrelated at the same time: Ronn's need for money to pay his medical bills and his daughter's need for money to pay her legal judgement.

    3. There's no definitive proof of fraud, nor is anyone claiming there is, but the timing of the GoFundMe is raising eyebrows given where things stand with the daughter's unfolding legal travails. The question that Ronn and Jan need to answer - which they still haven't - is not where the specific funds from the GoFundMe are going. It's a) to what extent they've bankrolled their daughter's very expensive and extensive litigation habit over the past decade (she lives with them, doesn't have a significant independent source of income, and has previously said they pay for her lawsuits before backtracking) and b) whether they plan to help her with any additional upcoming legal expenses (as the other comment said, money is fungible, so doesn't matter really whether they'd use the GoFundMe funds or other funds). Yes, her current attorney is pro bono, but he's facing possible disbarment (a crazy story in itself); he's also only representing her for her appeal of her family court case. She'll need a different, presumably paid attorney if she gets criminally charged, which is the other development that may occur soon - in addition to her civil judgement coming due - since she's been under investigation by the Maricopa County prosecutor for the past while.

    4. Could be, though there's argument that, at best, they're indirectly related. The Owens family fortune has been used to support her baseless litigation. An SFC article already noted her family assisted with her legal costs, and she's boasted to victims about her unlimited means to pursue litigation as intimidation tactic - her means is the family money. She doesn't independently work, her money comes from family business ventures, and she lives on their property. She has carelessly manufactured false documents for courts, leaned on all the 'victim' cards she could for her schemes, and has been actively enabled by her mother. Narratives change at a speed that make your head spin and are full of gaslighting and narrative twisting. Text messages verified by forensics show her suggesting her 'epilepsy' will help in a litigation she had against Uber (claiming a crash caused it) where elsewhere she has blamed an ex's assault for causing it (by the by, she did a TedX talk on that ex, displaying a photo of her allegedly recovering in hospital from his holiday assault - that the same forensics show came from a hospital stay from which she'd texted him a photo months before. They also showed her sending him fake doctors letters about fake cancer). She's caused her victims more legal bills defending themselves than this GFM covers.

      Now a sanction is pending, related to the litigation that has been fed by the Owens family coffers and enabled at least by the mother, it looks like her "unlimited means" for funding harassing litigation is finally running out... and a GFM appears with initials that hide the true organizer, highlights health problems but does not explicitly state the proceeds will go to medical treatment, doesn't even point to any outstanding medical bills/funding needs, and says it will help Ronn "and his family" in a difficult time. Those are red flags. At best, it really goes to medical expenses and frees up some more family funds to be (mis)used elsewhere. At worse, it heavily helps the "his family" portion of that statement. If they claim it will only be for medical expenses, they should change the wording so that accountability can be had if it's not.

  2. Read "justiceforclayton.com" and see what you think. His daughter has filed 4 cases after sexual encounters against men. That's serial behavior on her part, its a gig to secure funds. She should be sued for filing frivolous. lawsuits like the one Clayton successfully filed against her.

  3. Go Fund Me should not release the $95k in funds if there is any deceit or laundering of money to help Laura in her legal battles. This is pretty low to tug on people's hear strings while picking their pockets. We want to all know.... the rest of the story.

  4. Misses the point, no one would be dumb enough to GoFund>Laura's legal fund. Ronn could, Ronn Funds>Laura legal fund reimbursing Ronn's funds.

  5. Rich, I am upset at your claim to be neutral on this matter, yet you won't publish the "justiceforclayton.com" URL. You damn well have your fingers on the scale and may seeking to benefit financially from trying to whitewash this whole GoFundMe effort. BTW - I oppose repeating gossip, as do, but the "justiceforclayton.com" article offers no opinions and just states facts and legal citations of the cases and case numbers. Don't opine on anyone else's journalist integrity every again if you have none.

    1. Rich has no time to post URL’s with factual information because he’s too busy kissing Ronn’s ass.

  6. Rich, you stated that you are inclined to believe Ronn. It was not entirely clear if you believed that (a) all of the GFM $ will go solely to pay his medical expenses, (b) he has given up gambling. Remember, one of the hallmarks of addiction is denial, (c) his daughter is a victim. Given that she has filed at least 4 frivolous lawsuits and has a $150k court judgment hanging over her head it is hard to believe she is completely innocent, or (d) all of the above. Please clarify for your viewers.

  7. Rich should change his name to Rich Asskisserman

  8. Rich is kissing ass like it's going out of style.

  9. Easy to see that you have now become a pawn in this game. Please take a step back and watch it unfold from a great distance.....Please

  10. The daughter appears to be bat-shit crazy.

  11. I do believe that Ronn has been dealt some health challenges. I remember when he first told us of the Parkinson’s. It was shortly after Robin Williams died, and Robin’s widow made an announcement about the Parkinson’s. Ron told us then that he had been living with it for a number of (I forget how many) years. I do not doubt the health angle of the story at all.

    I do doubt the SF Chronicle music critic editing out the daughter’s legal judgment, due in about a month. That is pertinent to a GoFundMe story.

    I do hope that Ron and Jan come on your show and explain their position. I would be interested to hear from them. I’m glad to hear that Ronn sounds well.

    At the same time, as their daughter’s parents, my question for them is how much they are living in denial about their daughter’s situation. To call it “cyberbullying” I don’t believe is accurate. It is commenting on a public, a court, issue. Ones that she herself initiated.

  12. I am sorry Rich, but you are on the wrong side of the story. Read up on the facts. Watch the court hearings. Read the court documents. Watch the news footage from Arizona, There is more evidence than you can possibly imagine disproving everything coming out of the Owens compound. Ronn and Jan will tell you what they want you to believe but it's crystal clear when you look at the facts. Don't bow down to the pressure the family is putting on you to spread more mistruths. Of course they don't like Dave Neal, because he's uncovered the fraudulent behavior. DO THE RIGHT THING.

  13. Do your own research and make decisions for yourself. The facts are there. Don't listen to what anyone else is telling you. Don't get in the middle or try to be a mediator, as you yourself have stated there is, your truth, my truth and THE truth.

  14. People don't need to convince you of anything. The truth is out there. You are just a bit behind others, people can point you in the right direction but you need to make your own decision based on the facts.

  15. Can't he just sell one of those extra N's in his name to fund her?

  16. If Leo Laporte started this go fund me as some surmise he should come forward and discuss the back story on this
