Sunday, September 1, 2024

Update on Piersall Shooting; KNBR (Laskey) Finally Mentions 49ers' Playe...


  1. Glad Pearsall was released today. Bet you KNBR won't talk in detail about it until Tuesday(since Monday is a holiday).

  2. When I was in the media we called this a "crossover." We had a sports person cover who he is, what the 49ers might do next, etc.Then we had a hard news reporter cover the crime and the ensuing presser with the chief, d-a and mayor. Simple, common sense. It's not brain surgery, people.And my boss would be all over us to make sure that's what we were doing.

  3. Laskey is a former MLB player. He's there to talk about baseball.

    1. He’s also a cheapskate. Hide your shekels.

  4. Thank you for calling KNBR out Rich! What an absolute disgrace. This was and continues to be BIG news.

  5. Bill Laskey isn't a journalist. He's a babbler and probably doesn't have the guidance available to help him. He could use his common sense, but well, he works for KNBR. Do they have people with that sort of thing?

  6. Not so fast Rich, Marty Lurie is planning to spend at least 3 hours today reminiscing about how the shooting reminds him of how Roy Hobbs was shot in "The Natural".

  7. When the 9ers played at Candlestick Park it was safer there than present SF Downtown and Candlestick isn't known at that time to be a good part of town, go figure

    1. 12:01 - I think you are exaggerating a bit. I would stay as far away from Hunter’s Point near Candlestick as possible then as now vs. Downtown SF. Night time even scarier in Hunter’s Point. I think Pearsall should have just handed over his Rolex rather than try to fight the stupid teenage punk. I am not blaming Pearsall for trying but unless he was a martial arts expert; why take a risk even if the watch had some sentimental value perhaps? If no sentimental value, I am sure he could afford a replacement. I think it was a stupid move on his part but no one has the guts to say that in the media at least. Pro athletes are treated differently from us.

    2. I know someone who was robbed at Candlestick after a game.

    3. I got my windshield cleaned by some crazy homeless black dude once before a game? Gave him a beer. He was happy!

    4. @ 9:39 & @ 11:52 You're right, basically I was referring to the parking area at Candlestick Park, yes, no one in their right minds would venture into Hunter's Point, sad to see robberies in broad daylight especially with all those people around, tells you how much society has gone into the abyss

    5. @ 8:51 Instead of saying how much society has gone into the abyss you should say how much SF is, we used to say let's go to SF and everyone's is excited, now not so much since SF's policies has allowed so much deterioration, same goes double for Oakland

  8. Bill Laskey is only there to talk about baseball.

  9. wish you'd write again, your videos are mediocre

    1. Shut up. Rich is trying his best, considering he's a one man band who relies on viewer contributions. He's passionate about his craft, and while he can be a bit over the top and overbearing, there's no doubt he's entertaining to us viewers and feared by those in the media.

      If you think he's 'mediocre,' then why don't you create a YouTube channel dedicated to Bay Area media and show us what outstanding looks like?

    2. '...there's no doubt he's...feared by those in the media.'

      This is absolutely true. I've worked in local tv news for 33 years and can say without a shred of hesitation that despite ongoing and sometimes extreme attempts to discredit, minimize, and silence Rich's reporting, the 'who's who' of local media are frequent visitors to Rich's site (even with his shift to YouTube).

    3. @ 11:09 There's always cnn or msnbc you can go to

  10. @5:09pm You'd think SOMEbody would
