Sunday, September 1, 2024

Anatomy of an Illegitimate Radio Station: KNBR Fumbles 49ers'/Ricky Pier...


  1. meanwhile on ktvu’s 10pm news and then again this morning they kept saying the shooting occurred at Geary and Hyde, seven blocks away from the actual location in a completely different neighborhood.

    1. it's called an honest mistake, you idiot.

    2. Oh for fuck's sake, who cares??? San Franciscans are so silly with their neighborhood names. He was shot on Geary my dude. Would you like the exact longitude/latitude coordinates?

    3. As a journalist of two decades, it's essential to cover the Five Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why) for any story. KTVU covered the Five Ws for the Pearsall story. For Where, the reporter said Union Square. Although the reporter said Geary and Hyde yesterday, the streets were corrected in the follow-up story today. Of the Five Ws for this story, Where was the least important.

    4. @ 3:04 It does matter especially in SF and Oak, a few blocks makes a difference, trust me, I know @ 3:16, yes, exact longitude/latitude please and stay away from coffee, so touchy

    5. This highlights a larger issue that Rich has aptly criticized in many broadcasts: many, if not most, of those responsible for covering local stories lack even the most basic knowledge of the area's geography. Anyone who watched the video knew it wasn't filmed on Hyde Street in the Tenderloin. KTVU's repeated claim that the shooting occurred on Hyde Street suggests that no one there fact-checks the 'five W's,' no one possesses even the most basic geographical knowledge, and anyone who might isn't paying attention.

      I hope Rich will take time in an upcoming broacast to address this aspect of the local media's coverage of this story.

    6. @ 7:52 We were taught the 5 W's; notice presently most/some reporters not spewing the 5 W's? Drives you crazy when they don't report exactly the location within the city they're reporting on and causes so on and so forth, by you saying where isn't important tells me you aren't very good (from an ex editor)

    7. @12:07 you must've been a bad editor since you can't read. I did not say Where was not important. I said it was the least important for that story. The reporter made an honest mistake in the initial story, and that mistake was corrected in the followup. Case Closed.

    8. 3:16, hahaha.....

    9. @ 1:17 A good reporter need not be correcting, a good one covers all the bases initially, you wouldn't happen to work for the fallen chronicle assignment editor? No wonder chronicle went under, softies like you produces lousy reporters

    10. @3:16 the location in this instance makes a very big difference. Being shot in front of the Valentino store in Union Square is a bigger news story than being shot in the Tenderloin where crime is rampant. The specifics matter.

    11. @7:23 Based on the initial story, the five Ws were covered, but one W was incorrect. We're all human and we all make mistakes, and that mistake was corrected in the follow-up story.

      But based on an editor's job description below, verifying facts is the responsibility of the editor, not the reporter.
      * Develop ideas for future news stories and decide which to report
      * Verify facts in articles or newscasts and make changes as needed
      * Assign articles or stories to journalists and set their deadlines
      * Guide writers on story development and tone
      * Oversee the news desk at an organization
      * Review current news stories or articles prior to publication
      * Fix spelling, grammar and punctuation errors in print articles
      * Oversee article layout and design prior to publication

    12. Yes, accidents happen, but this wasn’t a group of guys sitting at a bar bullshiting with each other. This is the most-watched primetime newscast in a top-six market. They have an obligation to get the most basic facts right. The location should have been the easiest of the W's to identify, given that there was video evidence of the crime scene, including footage of the victim entering an ambulance at the very location at which he was shot, complete with brand name stores clearly visible in the background for reference.
      This highlights the issue that @6:49AM mentioned: no one at KTVU seems to have enough local knowledge to recognize that the video they aired was clearly not in the Tenderloin. There was a time, not long ago, when reporters were deeply embedded in their communities, intimately familiar not just with the geography (which was a given) but also with its people. Now, they can’t even look at a video and distinguish between Union Square and the Tenderloin. And the fact this blatant error was allowed to run at 10pm and then through the following morning’s newscast is inexcusable.

    13. And yet Rich would rather talk about KCBS for the 9,000th time this week than actually cover this incident at KTVU and the broader issue that it highlights.

    14. @ 12:07 Almost all Bay Area TV stations reporters don't give specifics on locations pertaining exact streets/cross streets; On KRON the other night, "Long time grocery store Bayview Market is closing due to crime and theft" had to google exact street the stores is located on, reporting isn't the same as before

  2. Dion Lim broke the story, and I think it was her day off.

  3. Compliments of blue state progressive policies. But of course, this is all the big bad orange mans fault. Accountability is kryptonite to this states leadership, or should I say; Lack thereof.

    1. Of course gun murder rates are highest in red states but don't get facts in the way of your trailer trash politics.

    2. I thought this was NOT a political forum.

    3. Why point the finger in this situation? A young man was almost killed.

  4. It's a sad world we live in where a 17 year old carries a gun and shoots someone in broad daylight.

    1. @ 2:14 Sadder yet, he'll be tried in juvenile court instead of as an adult, liberal jenkins believes he can be rehab ala same thinking as gascone

    2. @3:27 Nice try . I live half time in Miami and half time in SF and I assure you it is much safer at night in Miami than in SF. I'm a native of SF and wish this were not the case. Not making a red/blue statement , just conveying a fact.

  5. Wait until Tues.when the right wing echo chamber comes back to work.

  6. Adam Schefter credited Dion in his initial post. She’s in the know!

    1. She's a real journalist. She'll be a true asset wherever she goes.

  7. I just checked out KNBR website at 4:30PM Sunday and did not see one word about the 49ers shooting. Maybe I missed it but looked everywhere...

    1. They have a story at 3:55PM today.

  8. This was a justified video for a National News Story that had obvious implications on KNBR. They handled it poorly with their amateur management team. That being said, this video, IMO, could have been presented in at least half the time it was. Less is ofter better and more impactful and compelling.

  9. Excuse me, Mr. or Mrs. 11:51 a.m. BUT ignorance or simply ignoring facts is not allowed. First, it's Trump and NRA red states that allow guns to be in the hands of 17 years. Second, CA has far tougher laws on the books than those in or near Mar A Lago-dom. Third, San Francisco has the 2nd highest conviction rate for serious gun offenses in the country. Fourth, do you blame Texas Gov. Abbot and their Red State characteristics for the Friday night murder of a Houston Police Officer, or is that too somehow Gavin Newsom's fault?

    1. @ 5:05 Criminals don't obey or adhere to gun laws, they get it on the black market; would be smarter to concentrate asking why no effort in tracking down illegal guns

    2. 5:05. Educate yourself oh pious one. Look up the Bruen decision by the Supreme Court of 2022. Following a barrage of litigation from gun rights groups, judges in the past two years have ruled unconstitutional California laws that require safety features on handguns sold in the state, limit the number of bullets in magazines, ban assault weapons, prohibit guns in certain sensitive places, allow lawsuits against manufacturers of “abnormally dangerous” guns and prohibit buying more than one gun every 30 days. Most of those decisions, some of which reversed previous rulings upholding the same laws, are being appealed by the state. I suggest you read Judge Roger Benitez ruling overturning California's ban on large-capacity ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 bullets. That number is arbitrary. A standard magazine for an AR-15 is 30 rounds. Newsom's campaign to amend the Constitution with a 28th Amendment failed, because most sane people know it is illegal. Disarming and or restricting the law abiding good citizens of our state does not endear one to his constituency. S.F. is a joke and poor representation of your prosecutorial argument. Texas is an open carry state. Complete the LTC course and your pretty much good to go afterwards. An armed society is a polite society. Any attempt by government to disarm its public will be met with a wrath of biblical terms. It will not end well for them. The statistical figures for citizen gun and ammunition ownership are not credible. Think hundreds of millions of firearms and trillions of rounds of ammunition. Our forefathers warned us about a tyrannical government. Pray it never comes to this. Molon Labe!

    3. Hey 8:13AM. It seems that you are the uneducated one. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin, El Paso all have higher gun murder rates than San Francisco. I guess your stupid statement " an armed society is a polite society" should be "an armed society is a deadly society"! Go back to texass you idiot!

    4. 9-2 @8:13AM you must have one impressive anti-incoming Government missile shield/firing back system above your doublewide trailer! Good night, paranoid one. May God or should I say Trump in your delusional world protect you.

    5. Hey 8:13AM. It seems that you are the uneducated one. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin, El Paso all have higher gun murder rates than San Francisco. I guess your stupid statement " an armed society is a polite society" should be "an armed society is a deadly society"! Go back to texass you idiot!

  10. ABC, ESPN and Disney channels blacked out by DIRECTV. Frankly not missing much with Kristen, Julian, Dan, et al.
    Ratings WILL definitely drop 🤭

  11. Christ, 55 years ago I was a teenager going to a summer job in Mountain View walking from Pacific and Clay to the Greyhound Station on 7th St at 5 AM, only a couple streetwalkers asking if I wanted a date, (didn't know what a "date" was at the time, I was 15 ), never felt safer, I wouldn't traverse south of Geary St even in the daytime now let alone Mission St, shame, progressive policies got beautiful SF in a mess

    1. @ 5:47 Correction from 5:47 Leavenworth and Clay

  12. In Boston, the shooting made the Saturday night newscast of independent station WHDH as breaking news. The station used ABC7 's footage in its coverage.

  13. 2:14pm. I completely agree with you!! Tragic a 17 year old doing that. Just like Dublin where teen boy beat up by 2 teens and a parent as part of the goon squad that watched and did nothing!! Disgusting!! Must be same parents!!!

  14. Per usual, Rich is censoring comments that don't fit perfectly within his narrow-minded, shallow world view. And, no, I'm not talking about comments about Rich or anything remotely related to him personally. But if you share a well-formed opinion about media or any other subject matter he discusses, he won't publish it unless it conforms to HIS beliefs. It's official folks, this site has gone down the toilet.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you. I understand censoring comments that are personal attacks, profanity-laced tirades, or hyperbolic nonsense, but Rich loses all credibility by censoring any comments that are well articulated but disagree with his outlook or provide proof of his hypocrisy.

    2. @ 8:50 Agreed, noticed when I give a rebuttal RL won't publish if it doesn't fit his agendas, call it censorship if you will, makes his blog less interesting

  15. Thinking KNBR will speak about anything other than Mill Valley Little League, Jet Sweeps, Beer Pong, or what Adam did on his day off, is unrealistic. The hosts are simple gas bags with nary a cubic centimeter of gray matter in their tiny coconuts.
    When will KNBR go full time on syndicated shows? Can’t wait any longer.
