Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Defamation of KTVU News is an Abomination


  1. What is up with 10PM News with the female anchors??

    Heather, Gasia, Christina, Claudine, Betty, Alle, the pregnant anchor last week, how come putting 2 guys on TV and see will this please Mike not to scream in the car

    1. Don’t forget Princess Jamey Torrez.

    2. Co-anchors that ktvu has paired Miback with at 10pm just in the past couple months alone:

      -Amber Lee
      -Alley Rasmus
      -Betty "wannabe socialite" Yu
      -Crystal "not even qualified for Fresno" Bailey
      -Jana Kassuyama
      -Heather Homeless
      -Claudine Wrong
      -LaMonica Peters

      Seriously though, why won't they commit to anyone? Eight different anchors in a couple months (and i'm sure i'm leaving someone out). Are they experimenting to see who causes Miback to scream the least?

    3. 8:26am, you forgot to mention Cristina Rendon. So that's TEN different co-anchors for Mibach since Haener was shown the door.

  2. KTVU's downfall isn't just sad but it's also remarkable. One of these days someone will do a documentary or write a book about what happened, and how they went from one of the most heralded and respected local news outlets in the nation to the absolute bottom of the barrel, laughingstock in their own market.

    1. Their demise is a multi-faceted, vicious cycle: a stunning decline in overall product quality, significant revenue loss, abysmal management characterized by poor hiring practices, and a relentless focus on quantity over quality have all contributed to a dramatic loss of viewers.

      As audiences increasingly turn to digital platforms and social media for news, stations like KTVU find themselves not only competing with each other but also with online outlets that deliver news faster and in a more engaging format. Coupled with budget cuts and layoffs resulting in fewer reporters and resources, it has become increasingly difficult to cover stories in-depth, leading to a further decline in quality journalism. That's why KTVU has shifted almost exclusively to press release journalism. Not to mentinon, the people they hire lack any genuine connection to and understanding of the Bay Area, and this disconnect is glaringly evident and very off-putting.

    2. Once known for their outstanding news coverage, now they’re known as the station of unqualified and incompetent asshats.

  3. Ming Interviewing London Breed. Its like the 7th circle of Hell on TV

    1. Breed entirely sidestepped the Human Rights Commission Dream Keeper Initiative grant scandal. "We have lots of City employees ..." We need more reporting on SF City contracts, nonprofits, accountability, and oversight. The Office of Contract Administration, Controller, and City Attorney all either knew or should have known what was going on. Internal controls should have caught this earlier. Fundamentally, HRC was never set up to handle grant making. There are plenty of angles for good enterprise reporting here, not charging for bread at restaurants, like it or not.
      You can cover Sheng Thao, Matt Mahan, London Breed, and everyone else in the Bay Area. The stories are out there. Go get and report them. Please.

    2. @6:08 Also why hasn't anyone done an in depth investigative report on the homeless "industrial complex" ? They have received billions of dollars and continue to receive funding and have achieved nothing. The problem is worse than ever.

  4. 100% agree. The dreck is more apparent at KTVU since they once had the best anchors and reporters. Now it looks and feels like a college news station. Don't forget that Julie Haener left over two months ago, and there's still no replacement for her. Management knew about the retirement months ago, but had no plans - just a parade of people like some sort of live demo to see who has the highest rating. Pure incompetence at KTVU.

  5. Watching Heather at 7:40 pm Tuesday night - she looks hotter than July in leather skirt and black stockings. I had no idea she was so attractive. She should not hide those great legs - I know I wouldn’t !!
    You Go Girl !!

    1. She not wearing tockings she wearin tights. Theres a difference.

    2. Heather moves the needle. She is smart, great on interviews. Takes command and why they don't put her on TEN is crazy.

  6. KTVU's downfall began when FOX took over, nuff said

  7. @2:44 you are so RIGHT!! It makes no sense how this was allowed to happen. I also want Frontline or some group with a knack for digging deep into stories to do one on 88.5 Radio and how, as their reports show they have A TON of $$ but always asking for more. Also ABC channel 7 news. Its all an embarrassment but there is more to the story!! It is like the Sean Combs arrest. Much much more to that story except there are alot of scared people around the country lawyering up!.

  8. Mike Mibach 🍒💩🤮

    1. aka Mr. Constipation man with all his weird grimmaces like he's straining and flexin his bowels during the newscast

  9. it's easy to be #1 when no one else is doing it

    also, how many times are you going to make the same complaints? You literally make the same complaints every time along with dropping names that are long gone.

  10. I just wish somerville hadn’t self destructed. To me when he and mark left it was the beginning of the end. Mike is NOT the answer. I would replace him tomorrow with Alex. Bums to out to think that heather is going to be passed over. My guess is that Betty yo will get the job even tho in my opinion she’s totally unqualified. I would take Allie or Christina over her any day. As for Somerville I just read what he wrote and I’ve gotta be honest I’m proud of the work he’s done. I hope he gets another chance in this market. Despite his issues he was a DAMN good anchor.

  11. And right on queue Bailey O’Carroll (the new face of ktvu sports) referred to 49ers wide receiver Jauan Jennings as “Jauan Jenkins.”
    As Rich always says, these birdbrains don’t know the first thing about the local geography or subject matter they cover.

    1. Maybe Jauan Jenkins can help the 49ers beat the St. Louis Rams on Sunday. I hope she get's another one on one interview with one of the Niners postgame.

    2. @ 4:42 I'd crack up if Rams beat the 9ers, no faith in kyle

    3. What ever happened to Jessie Gary did he leave as well?

    4. @ 6:55 Same ol' kyle, 49ers' ahead, no discipline and LOST
