Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Exclusive: KRON Mulls Somerville --Is It Worth Risk? Yes, Here's Why


  1. I agree with you Rich, in that Sommerville does deserve a chance, albeit, a small one, heavily monitored, etc. Sommerville even proposed that when he was interviewed by you a few months ago. Basically every station in the bay area needs an anchor or two, and Sommerville has a NAME in the area. He is also very good when he is "healthy". So with all the caveats in place when hiring him, I see no loss here at all if he bums out, but a win if he stays sober...

    1. Maybe as a test, Frank could pair up with Henry Tannenbaum at the Marin Flower Show.
      Don’t touch Henry’s Kibbles!

  2. No it's not worth the risk.

  3. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, yes, KTVU game Frank many many chances, yes, I think he be a good fit at KRON, don't he's fool enough to drink and make a total fool of himself n public (again)

    1. For gods sake the guy sounds like he’s working his ass off to understand and overcome. I’m curious do you know anyone who’s been addict. Sounds like Summerville is doing everything he can to be a better man.

    2. Correction @ 11:52 by @ 11:52 yes, I think he be a good fit at KRON, don't think he's fool enough to drink and make a total fool of himself in public

  4. This is Frank. Yes I’m very interested in working as an anchor again. It’s what I love doing.
    But first let me tell all of you what I’ve done over the past two years and what I’m doing now.
    I haven’t had a drink in over a year.
    All my legal issues are over.
    I’m in the gym 6 days a week.
    I can lift with 30 and 40 year olds and I can run a mile in ten minutes. Not bad for 66

    I’m also seeing a therapist to understand the reasons WHY I became an addict
    Bottom line I feel like a new person Altho I’m still a work in progress because there’s always more to learn.
    I’m hoping one of the stations will take a chance so
    I can earn their trust again. I’ll be fine if they don’t. But I still have so much passion about news and helping to make a difference. It’s why I got into the business in the first place.

    1. Frank, it's good to hear you're doing well and on the right track. One thing you said that still resonates and doesn't sit well with me is that you understood you had white privilege and used it to your advantage. I can't help but wonder if a non-white person would be given another chance in your situation.

    2. This is Frank,i worked to Bailey O Carrol she is a qualified person .

    3. This is not frank.Its time for Bailey to break out her cheetah mini again. It’s been 3 days since she wore it last.

    4. Frank great to hear you are healthy and recognize you don't need another station. You have many ways to contribute to yourself, your family, and community that don't require television. Still many of us would welcome a healthy you on TV or contributing elsewhere public or private.

  5. 1. KRON can't afford him!
    2. Nexstar isn't used to dealing with problems, litigation, baggage, etc that Frank will no doubt bring.
    3. Station not enough gravitas to bring in ratings to compete.

  6. Frank Somersville, the guy appearing drunk on tv, himself drunk on all stations, mugshot and ……. You must be kidding KRON wants to hire him!! He can apply for KGO morning News morning spot same building with KRON and boost out Reggie Aqui. Too bad, Stephanie already took Kamasi spot.

  7. This is not Frank.
    I too was an addict. Never went to AA, never saw a headshrinker. I realized that I was enjoying the sauce too much. (58 drinks in 4 days, albeit a holiday weekend)
    Quit on NYE, haven’t drunk alcohol since. 40 years.
    Frank, you are 66. Step aside and pass the torch. If you want to stay in the game, volunteer at the community college, teach the kids. Laney College? It is rewarding work, and you likely do not need the paycheck. Invest in your community, people will appreciate your effort.
    If, KRON hires you, buy Rich L a Cruise around Hawaii. He is your biggest cheerleader, and a supportive friend.

  8. Rich you have made comments about a return of Frank several times in the past, but do you have any direct knowledge that KRON is seriously considering it? I agree with you that it would move the needle in the Bay Area marketplace.

  9. My question is this: let’s say KRON hires Frank. How would all of the people who never watch KRON know about it? Most tv viewers are not following this site nor are they plugged into the ins and outs of local broadcast media. Combine that with the fact KRON doesn’t have any “destination programming” where they can advertise the hire (eg NFL football, pro sports, or any top shows). So how would anyone find out?

    1. Most likely through word of mouth. The days of traditional channel surfing are long gone for many, as viewers have cut the cord and switched to streaming platforms like YouTube TV. Even when these services offer live TV, they typically lack the familiar 'channel up' and 'channel down' buttons that once made it easy to stumble upon stations like KRON. Moreover, many streaming platforms let users rearrange or hide channels, making it less likely someone would come across KRON by chance while watching TV.

  10. For what it’s worth I’d love to see Frank on local news again. But there may be issues with his past convictions. Many companies have strict policies prohibiting hiring candidates with criminal convictions on their record. This is the reason most employers conduct background checks. But this may be a moot point because the mere fact KRON is contemplating this suggests Nexstar policies likely allow for the hiring of candidates with criminal convictions.

  11. Maybe they can hire Colin Kaepernick to do sports,

    1. kapperdink needs to go back to Turlock and stay put, single handily turned some people away from football

  12. Since Frank issues comments on this site I'd love to hear his thoughts on ktvu's current prime time situation, with Mike Mibach at the helm and a rotating cast of female anchors (nine different co-anchors in the past couple months per another comment on a recent video).

    1. This is Frank. And This is just my opinion. I like mibach. I just don’t think he’s main anchor. I’d like to see him doing the four and the seven. He’s an excellent interviewer and the four has a lot of interviews. I would pick Alex. I’d like to see how he’d do. I watched him the other day and he was excellent. I also like him and heather together. I used to sit across from heather and there is no one in the newsroom who works harder than she does. I’m not a Betty yu fan. I honestly don’t get what the bid deal is about her. Th ex three people at ktvu who should get that job are either heather. Christina. Or Allie. But my first choice would be heather. I hope that answers your question. F

    2. This is not frank. Ktvu using nearly a dozen anchors since Haener left is a not so subtle sign that ktvu is unsure of its own future. This internal short and long term instability is
      on full display for us to see each night. Viewers like dependability, stability, connection, and trustworthiness. Them doing this endless parade of unqualified anchors is likely further causing them to bleed viewers.

  13. I work at KRON. We have ZERO stars left that are main anchors at this station and ZERO people currently anchoring who are ever going to be stars. I say bring him in! Literally can't hurt to try. He's a damn good anchor and he'd probably kill it. Maybe he can show these wannabes what a real anchor looks like. Plus who doesn't love a good comeback? The evening ratings have been sinking like a rock since Pam and Ken left. They gotta do something. There's currently no GM at KRON but once there is you can bet their going to wonder where the hell the ratings went in the last year. Buckle up KRON-victs! There's about to be a new sheriff in town! Get ready for the dance called the ANCHOR SHUFFLE.

  14. In addition to earning a station’s trust, more importantly, an anchor must earn the viewers’ trust.

  15. KRON needs to bring back Steve Raleigh. Looks like he's out of a job in Cincinnati.

    1. From an industry blog:
      WCPO GM Jeff Brogan said Tuesday that “the official findings regarding Steve’s involvement announced today are consistent with what he told us about the incident from the beginning. Steve will soon return to WCPO 9 as our chief meteorologist.”

      “I want to thank family, friends, colleagues and viewers for their patience and support. I look forward to returning to work soon,” Raleigh said.

    2. Ha! Steve Raleigh, Frank Summerville and let's bring back Miss Abusive, Terrilyn Joe.

    3. Glad to hear Steve was cleared. The other parties in that case were not in good faith responding to that accident.

  16. Sure Frank should be given another chance. It worked for Matthew Perry, right?

    1. You obviously don’t know any addicts. It’s possible to recover. for every Matthew Perry there’s also a Robert Downey jr.

  17. I think that was a cheap shot. Frank is a former trusted local news anchor. Many people like him and a few do not. Matthew Perry was a successful actor who was funny in Friends, serious on The West Wing, and showed a range in other projects. He did not overcome his addiction, but was also aided by others in the Hollywood addiction industry. It is tragic but not comparable. Frank is still alive, fortunately, and at a time when we need trusted news sources he should be considered somewhere. Please try not to conflate things. Not all pagers, walkie talkies, or solar systems are created equal.

  18. This is Frank the hiring of Betty Yu was a great hire and leads some creditability to fox news.

    1. Come on dude don’t pretend to be. Don’t you have anything better to do. And yes this is Frank.

  19. Frank would be PERFECT for KRON....they are both F---ED up. It really doesn't matter since nobody watches.

  20. I propose a big solution. Cancel Like It or Not and replace it with a new show called This is Frank, a 30-minute show of Frank's take on the news. Nothing about dining out, shopping, or having relatives over for holidays. I would watch, and I think others would too. What do people here think?

    1. This is Frank. I would love that. But ktvu will never rehire me. Thanks for you support tho…

  21. This is Frank. I did not have any relations with any employee I categorically deny that allegation and is totally false.

  22. Bring back Creature Features!!
