Monday, September 16, 2024

KTVU's Abysmal 'Like It or Not' ? Nobody Likes It


  1. You said it, totally sucks, would've done better if setting up a panel discussing important topics; local, nation and world

  2. There are no words to describe how pathetic Like It or Not is. A collection of buffoons sitting around a table happily debasing themselves, looking even more idiotic than they already do. It'd be one thing if they talked about news of the day or topics with impact. No, instead they choose to talk about the most insignificant, irrelevant, and frankly juvenile topics such as 'Wiping with 1-ply toilet paper. Like it or not?' and 'Showering at night. Like it or not?'
    The icing on the cake is the regulars on the show are the biggest dopes on their payroll including Tori Gaines, Bailey O., Crystal Bailey,
    Frank Mallidope, and Claudine Wong. Perhaps it's their punishment for some wrongdoing.

    1. I think they're the low status people who can't get out of doing it. You don't see Tom Vacar on there, do you?

    2. @12:49, and yet it sounds like you watch the show quite frequently to know who are the regulars. I saw part of an episode once (more than enough for me) and didn't even realize it's a rotating cast, much less who the regulars are.

    3. 1:01 PM: Actually Tom Vacar has been on a few episodes. It was as awkward as it sounds. Totally uptight, no smiling or laughing and you can tell the energy on set was incredibly tense with his presence. None of the other panelists were able to be themselves and relax. It was so uncomfortable to watch I had to turn the station. Yes, i'm in the minority who actually watches LION.

    4. why tory gaines always be talking about her wife. GIRL we DONT care what lube u been using for ur ebony xl well u been sizzorin.

  3. Seems like a cheap gimmick to improve morale at the station. An exercise in making the anchors and reporters seem more like humans.
    After watching it for 5 minutes, I realized that I was getting dumber by the second. Pure stupidity from all involved.
    One asked about the “5 second rule” of eating stuff dropped on the floor. I do not want to know their answers. They came across as kooks.

  4. Hey we were all treated to knowing whether Claudine Wong brushes her teeth before or after breakfast. What more could we ask for?

  5. It's a complete waste of airtime.

    1. You mean you don’t wanna hear Gasia’s hot take on clipping her fingernails in the shower?

    2. Don't forget about the time they discussed the all-important earth shattering topic of how many times they use their bath towel before washing it.

  6. They all look like they were forced at gun point.

  7. Like it or not is honestly the dumbest thing on tv. I worked in tv. The problem with many anchors is that they are always “on” like gasia. Or “fake “.

    The show could actually be interesting if they asked better questions. And the talent would just be real and not so self conscious.

    1. Always on, you’re right. Always fake. Who at KTVU thought of this show? It’s lame and it stinks.

  8. The Show has to be embarrassing for those involved. As if employees want others to know that their house has a 5 car garage.
    Can you imagine Julie Haener asking Mini-Mark about his Playboy collection? Oh Yuck !!

    1. Burritos are popular in the Bay Area. So there's red salsa, green salsa, and brown salsa. Panel, what do you think? Red salsa. Like it or Not? We asked about corn versus flour tortillas last time, and everyone weighed in. Sal, Mark, please, enlighten us.

    2. Yes, it would be much better to discuss local or regional issues of real consequence. Government, education, transportation, the economy, PG&E, etc. If these are just opinions, however informed, then feel free to share. We hear enough from Gavin Newsom, Scott Weiner, and others. People who cover the news could share their perspective on the news. Or, if that's too personal or a conflict, then why do we need to hear about potato chips, plain or barbeque, Like It or Not?

    3. The show can also come off as elitist and out of touch, like asking the panelists what they think of spam which led to these over-opinionated assholes going on and on about how it's unhealthy and you couldn't pay them enough to eat that. Sure, that may be true but reality is that there are many people who are struggling financially for whom canned meat is a necessity.

    4. 2:12, Wrong. Eating canned meat or spam is not a necessity, as you call it. No one NEEDS to eat that. someone saying they don’t like it and wouldn’t eat it is NOT ‘elitist.’

  9. Cheapest set and lighting ever. They clearly pulled that crap out of a closet from the 90s.

  10. Cringeworthy people to begin with before this added debasement in juvenile stupidity. Low class trash reigns at the station top (who put this on) down to their self-absorbed on-air “celebs” in their own minds spouting off about their important takes on weird and/or mundane shit. Shut it down Fox Corporate, and now. What anchor or reporter with any class or skill set would partake in this? Only the ones that need this job with a tanking station would.

    1. I notice Betty Yu has never been on like it or not despite doing all kinds of shifts, early morning to late night anchoring (meaning she's always around the building). I'm guessing she wrote it into her contract that she will not participate in this cringeworthy crap.

    2. 8:30am, I suspect you're right. No self-respecting person who considers themselves a journalist and cares about their professional reputation would partake in this shit if they had a way out (in Yu's case written into her contract).

  11. Participate or look for another job. More than likely making shit up, just to have something to appease the bosses.

  12. Bay Area Media: Like It or Not. Let's see ... want to like it, want it to be better, but right now ... Not.

  13. To call this show "crap" is actually being kind. It's beyond lame. It’s pathetic, sad, and utterly embarrassing, all at once. Nothing more than a group of self-aggrandizing dorks with massive egos sitting around a table, blabbering on about the most insignificant bullshit, as if anyone gives a flying fuck what they think. I tried watching an episode and couldn’t even make it to the end. Seeing these people when they deliver the news is bad enough, but watching them shamelessly pontificate from atop their soapboxes? No thanks.

  14. This is Frank ,this shows how desperate KTVU is for programming. What happened to my man The great Joe Fonzi saw him once on the air but not again anybody in the know his status ar KTVU.
