Sunday, September 8, 2024

SF/ABC7 Disney PC Run Amok: Exposing The Frauds


  1. Aren't a lot of people disenfranchised with Disney's brand and businesses? Go woke go broke in the future, even the mighty can fall

    1. There was a really funny response during an interview with a conservative at the Wisconsin state fair on todays CBS Sunday Morning show. The woman being interviewed said she couldn’t stand woke being shoved down her throat. Ted Koppel asked her “what is woke”? Her answer was “I don’t know”. Good grief

    2. @ 6:13 Smart woman, knows Koppel is "playing" her, I would've done same

    3. 6:13 You sure her response wasn't " I don't want to know"? The infantile, rabid, fascist left has quite the track record for editing conservative text and speech. Just ask J.D. Vance and D.J.T.?

    4. @ 8:10 It's going to get worst with AI; you're right, we already know MSM snip and cut video and audio to falsely claim "it's real"

    5. @ 12:37 60 Minutes is notorious for that

  2. Disney is a business that caters to people with money. Kids at DisneyLand $125 a pop. Hotels $450/night.
    They have ABC, ESPN, Movies, Streaming, and Parks. They generate a boatload of money. When Insantis screwed with Disney in Florida, he got his ass handed to him. And the taxpayers were irate with Insantis for screwing with the golden goose.
    Do the big wigs care about ABC-7 in SF? Not in the least. Face it, the Bay Area is market #6, or #7, in the US, and consumers here are quite different from Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, Seattle, Miami - Disney thinks of the Bay Area as one of those Provinces that isn’t worth the expense of spending big money. Spoiler Alert: It isn’t.

    1. @ 7:02 Stop spreading misinformation, Floridians are smarter than you're giving credit for, DeSantis is as popular as ever as Floridians know woke is woke, say, didn't the mouse lost it's self governance? Trust me, future president and it won't be back stabbing haley

    2. At 9:17 pm
      You are right, the mouth breathers of Florida love their nutty governor.
      Check your facts: Disney whooped Insantis in court. But then again you mouth breathers are divorced from reality.

    3. @ 12:56 Did you get your info from cnn or msnbc and perhaps the view?

  3. @ 5:24 I get my info and news from the ABC debate moderators, they are so smart and great with getting away with falsehoods
