Monday, September 9, 2024

Goodrich and Cook Elicit Strong Q's at CBS 24-7; Monday Chatter


  1. No reason for Goodrich to yearn for broader exposure. She's the main anchor for a network O&O. Switching horses means longer working hours, adjusting to new routines. And all for a little more or no boost in money. I watched multiple hours of the CBS streaming thing . Nothing that said Sean Francisco. Plus, it would be strange for CBS to hub it in SF, when the mother network is operated from Atlanta.

    1. She doesn’t really need longer hours. If she was doing the national stint, she would need to do the 10am, then possibly 4:30pm/5pm newscast. For 6 &7, Liz can take Juliette’s place.

  2. Rich,explain if you can why CBS discontinued airing the 3pm and 3.30 CBS News to air Drew Barrymore Shows?

    Peter Felch
    KCBS Radio

    Still employed with them.

    1. They wanted to leave the dogs laying on the remotes all for Ming Sze's 3pm shit show

    2. Ratings & elimination of pre-recorded weather at that hour, because it catches folks off guard. It gives a flexibility for Paul, Darren or even Zoe to continue before or after the 4:30 newscast (when there are fill in situations). I think its a much needed change. KPIX all these years never had the 4:30pm newscast and its overdue in its respect.

      The timing spaces nicely. Only thing is my dad will miss watching Judge Judy at 4 & 4:30pm but it lines up with all the other news channels having it in that hour.

      On the weekend evenings, Brian Hackney’s presence is reduced - 11PM only and not 5 or 6PM at the live news desk. Talk about treating one of the most respected anchors & meteorologists like trash

    3. Perhaps Hackney welcomes that change. Given his tenure and age, it's likely that he is on the verge of retiring anyway.

    4. Brian Hackney is gonna be 67 in November and even my dad retired from IT at 63, but briefly worked for 2 months in 2020 prior to Covid (age 65) and quit cause it just didn’t work for him and hasn’t worked since.

      He is of retirement age. If my memory serves me right he’s been an anchor/meteorologist for 20 years at KPIX (not counting decades prior at other stations).

      Finally, at all hours including the weekends no newscast has dual anchors anymore. Ryan & Sara are back but Liz is doing 5pm all by herself now and Ryan got buried back at Noon.

      I’d like to see Zoe Mintz fill in on some evenings if Paul is off. She has a good rapport with everyone and it’ll be cool seeing her with Sara Donchey. If she is in some days at 4:30, she has the flexibility to do the same for the evenings too. Maybe Christmas but who knows. And bring Darren Peck on some morning shows and have him do a CBS 24/7. He has an ego I know but he often times quotes mid section of the country and I think he’d be good in that. And he is good in interviewing people too.

  3. Jules would be an asset anywhere, including nationally, but I think she's deeply rooted in the Bay Area. I remember in the past she wanted some scheduling flexibility to care for her mother, so I doubt she's leaving the Bay anytime in the future.

  4. Can anyone tell me what happened to Ryan Yamamoto lately? He’s been off last week & is off this week too. Is it that Ryan & Sara’s contracts are slowly getting eliminated?

  5. 100% on Juliette. She is the gold standard. I'm glad you changed your tune on Liz Cook. Besides her sometimes jarring laugh, she is almost as good as Juliette.

  6. Agree on Margaret Brennan. Although I love Sunday's Face the Nation, Brennan has a bad tendency of rudely interrupting her guests during live interviews. Her questions are good, but her approach is more of an interrogation, and less of an interview.

    1. Thank god there’s someone who just doesn’t let the politicians just ramble on. She interrupts when they’re either lying or not answering the question.

    2. Margaret Brennan’s somewhat bad attitude shows.

    3. She's not conducting an interview. She basically talks over anything she doesn't agree with. It's stressful listening to Face the Nation.

  7. Liz Cook is the best in the bay. At first I thought her stern and uptight, but she lightened up and is now quite pleasant.
    I think she’s happy where she’s at but were I a competing station, I’d make her an offer she could not refuse. She has another 20 years of work - continuity counts - KTVU should sign her tomorrow. Like Elaine Corral, Leslie Griffith, Pam Cook, doing the job for years generates a following.

    1. Have to agree with you. Liz is solid and great eye candy. She could be at National level if she wanted. Hopeshe does not ever move to KTVU.

    2. Liz Cook is network talent for sure. She should be the next host of Face the Nation. She has great interviewing skills, great listener, voice and certainly the look. Very professional. I hope CBS can take a look at her.

    3. Liz Cook is definitely eye candy. She can come across as stern especially when delivering the news. But she is good at it. She has a good balance of being light hearted too especially on the weather segments and sports segments.

      By no means she is bad at all.

    4. Lets also come to the National Level. Although she never anchored the National segments, at the same time, a couple of years ago (2021 I believe) she had an assignment in Washington DC where she met Jill Biden and gave a great interview.

  8. Not sure what happened to Sara, but Liz would be great at anchoring the 11pm newscast.

    1. This is the 7th week and no Sara. The fill-ins like Juliette Goodrich & Devin Fehely are great in that newscast.

      I agree with Liz being great at 11PM. Remember the days since the inception with Ken Bastida? She is silly when she wants to and she is serious when she needs to. Professional and great anchor overall.

      There were some cases she truly filled in at 11PM and at those times did a great job.

      Now the problem is Liz is now filling in also at noon.

  9. The other thing is Juliette did fill in once on the 24/7 side and did a great job. I’d be happy if she did this full time, but KPIX needs to really stop dedicating certain newscasts to certain people.

    Assuming Sara is not coming back & the weekend desk is now cut to 1 person, put someone like Kelsi Thorud in the evenings & promote Andrea Nakano to 6-7PM in the weekday evenings. 11PM give it to Liz and put Veronica Macias at noon. Ryan is a big question mark…

    1. Ryan's nasally voice is hard to listen to and he lacks any personality.

  10. I hope Sara is ok and would like to see her return.

  11. Liz is underrated. Hope she gets a prime time slot. She's very pretty too.

  12. Since everybody seems to be throwing a name the hat. Let me throw a name out there that nobody on this blog or at KPIX seems to respect. Anne Makovec.
    Seems to Heather Holmes of KPIX.

  13. Liz Cook is smoking hot! Rich prefers the sistas which is cool too.

    1. Yep yep. The last smokin' hot sista in the Bay was Alyanna Gomez.

  14. Is it just me or is Heather Holmes looking eerily like Goodrich these days?

  15. Everyone wants to look like Goodrich! Legs for days and smiles for miles .
