Monday, September 9, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: The Core Issue involving Dion Lim and Julian Glover Affectin...


  1. I work at ABC7 and want to share another component to this reporting. Yes, there are significant issues and tensions between Glover and Lim. In the end, Lim realized she's on the outside looking in at ABC7 and her star at the station had dimmed considerably. She had basically hit her peak and had no real future here. HOWEVER, it's not just about Glover.
    Rich is right. Much of the tension surrounding Lim had to do with her coverage of Asian Hate, as she labeled it. There are many others at ABC7, besides Glover, who felt that Lim's reporting on Asian Hate was generally done without any direct evidence that the crimes were committed against Asians because of their race. Writers, editors and on air talent routinely pointed out that virtually none of the incidents that Lim reported on involved any hate crime charges or hate crime allegations. And as one writer would very vocally said, just because a crime is committed against an ethnic minority, that doesn't mean it's a hate crime, especially when nearly half of San Francisco and Oakland are minority.
    One can argue 'what other reason would there be?' but as MANY at the station said privately, it should not be the media's job to attribute crime to a specific factor without direct evidence. There was a sense at the station that Lim created this 'Asian Hate' narrative for viral fame on social media, which in the end would only serve to benefit her.
    Once Lim got sense that society writ large had moved away from the whole Asian Hate thing, Lim dropped her coverage of it like a bad habit.
    I'm not endorsing any points here, simply sharing some of the frustrations and sentiments widely expressed within the building.

    1. just because a crime is committed against an ethnic minority, that doesn't mean it's a hate crime, especially when nearly half of San Francisco and Oakland are minority.”

      Exactly the point I’ve always made. Asians don’t have an exclusive right to victimhood nor are they the only race who are victims of crime in area as culturally diverse as ours. Dion’s coverage was not only irresponsible but polarizing.

    2. There was always a running racist undertone to Dion’s coverage of crimes against Asians. In all the videos I saw where the perp’s face was visible, it was always a black male.

    3. @5:23 you're missing the point. Dion isn't claiming a hate crimes for all crimes against Asians. She's trying to be a voice to Asians who are afraid to report crimes.

    4. @ 5:23 According to your logic an Asian must be in predominately white or black area and gets attacked so then it's a hate crime? You are beyond logic, more like a prison mentality

    5. I don't see any other elderly ethnicity getting assaulted over and over. Unfortunately the asian hate crime narrative feels very real.

    6. Julian is a true, selfless journalist whose interest is for the greater good not for his own clout like someone else. He is an excellent reporter and the stories he tells help bring change to the bay. He digs into issues rather than using victims for likes.

    7. I've never read such BS before! I mean, when black people complain when a white person commits a crime against them, it always becomes a "hate crime" but when black people commit the same crimes against asians, why are you saying it is not a hate crime? This is why people in this country now are fed up with the liberal agenda.

    8. Thanks for your great reporting, Rich. And thanks @2:05 for the additional insight.

    9. Do you guys honestly think popular stereotypes about elderly asians rarely being armed, carrying cash, being of smaller stature, and not being willing to fight back DON'T play a part in the selection process of these criminals? It is 100% racially motivated. I'll have whatever you guys are smoking.

    10. thanks Julian at 10:57. Glad you are a reader

    11. "Julian is a true, selfless journalist whose interest is for the greater good not for his own clout like someone else. He is an excellent reporter and the stories he tells help bring change to the bay. He digs into issues rather than using victims for likes."

      Hi, Julian! Or is it Trixie?

    12. " According to your logic an Asian must be in predominately white or black area and gets attacked so then it's a hate crime?"

      Works when the ethnicities are flipped, so why not?

    13. @ 6:33 Your comments reminds me of the popular TV show "Cops" when blacks complaining why so many "blacks" were featured and soon after almost no more blacks were featured, look under crime stats

    14. @ 10:57 Ok jullian rat

    15. @ 1:55 Quit drinking the spiked Kool-Aids, do you see Asians attacking blacks in Chinatown Housing Projects? No, blacks do attack Asians in Black Housing Projects

    16. I miss the good old days when you talked about Betty Yu everyday.

  2. And that is the premise behind, Building A Better Bay Area!

  3. Glover needs all the focus on his campaign for Reparations. cant have Hispanics or Asian moving in on his $$$$

    1. I’m sick of Glover and his gimme gimme gimme reparations shit.

  4. Dion Lim will always be a full in at KGO.

    The female anchors (Sze and Daetz) aren’t going anywhere for the next 10 years.

  5. Being Asian myself, I appreciate Dion Lim shedding light on crimes against Asians. The work Dion did on the subject have been well done and Trixie gave her blessings. If Julian has an issue with the stories, it shouldn't be directed at Dion, but at Trixie.

  6. @ 2:05 Do you need proof on blacks on asian violence and hate?

    1. @ 5:21 black man pushing elderly asian male by old sears by masonic st and asian male died, elderly female beaten in black neighborhood near bayview and died later as a result, I could go on and on but some deniers wouldn't like it because of deep rooted asian hate, see: @ 2:05 & 5:23 would tell you the whole story

    2. @ 9:44 No kidding, see how Betty Yu, Dion Lim, Claudine Wong, Amber Lee and sometimes Stephanie Lin gets attacked mercilessly? Surprisingly empress ming sze don't get attacked as much due to her being in a "packrat" club with glover and aqui

    3. @2:05 truth be told the majority of violent crimes involve blacks period, I think they are equal opportunity criminals.

    4. Stephanie Lin…Betty Yu JR

  7. Dion Lim's "star at the station" may have dimmed, but I don't think it was because of the "asian hate" stories she had done, because let's face it, they were true. I think she basically dimmed her own star, when she took 6 dang months off after having a baby! Just because the crazy laws in this state say that one can take 6 months leave after having a baby, that doesn't mean it is a good idea to do so, especially if one is in an industry where appearance on-air or visibility matters. Her star dimmed because she wasn't around, plain and simple. Before she had the baby, she was top dog around the station, as Rich reported many times. She got more mail that everyone else at the station combined, as Rich reported too. Right now, with this crazy media we have here in the bay area, if one is not on air, they are forgotten quickly because we have gotten used to people just disappearing off air for no reason. I mean, right now, it is Tuesday morning as I write this, September 10th, and last night saw that once again, Sara Donchey did not show up for her OWN DANG SHOW, "Late News with Sara Donchey", which marks the start of the SEVENTH STRAIGHT WEEK, she has been absent without any known reason. Rich reported this after week 4 ended with her being absent. I know Rich knows what is going on, but an update is sorely needed, otherwise, Sara's "star will dim", if it hasn't already, just like that of Dion Lim.

    1. Agree on Dion, but the length of her leave is her business. Some women can bounce back very quickly and others. need more time. Two of my cousins had postpartum depression which caused them to be out of work for close to a year. I don't know if Dion had postpartum depression, but having a child can affect a woman in unexpected ways.

    2. @ 2:00 Dr. know it all, She's entitled to maternity leave

  8. I bet Julian himself was a bad boy or knows someone who does bad things against people of color and try to cover this up. It is the station manager who make the final decisions on what to show, not Julian not Ming Sze also behind this. Speaking of Ming, the station should hire someone with better looks, don’t see how friendly or the beauty with Ming Sze. Hope she has good health or she might be a story on ABC 7 one day feeling asking for help on tv. Nah, she won’t let ppl report at her home during Covid, she will keep it a secret

  9. I used to work with Glover. He is an evil person, and he gets away with his behavior for one reason—melanin. He's why I will never embrace "inclusivity," "diversity," and "wokeness." They are evils, as white racism was an evil. But at least white racism was talked about. You are forbidden to mention what everybody knows here.

  10. "There are many others at ABC7, besides Glover, who felt that Lim's reporting on Asian Hate was generally done without any direct evidence that the crimes were committed against Asians because of their race."

    What evidence do they have when they say whites commit crimes on blacks because of their race? It's just assumed.

    "Writers, editors and on air talent routinely pointed out that virtually none of the incidents that Lim reported on involved any hate crime charges or hate crime allegations."

    Right. And crime is down too. Stats say what people are willing to acknowledge. There's a concerted effort not to blame blacks for their racism for PC reasons. Other races need not apply to this special club.

    "And as one writer would very vocally said, just because a crime is committed against an ethnic minority, that doesn't mean it's a hate crime, especially when nearly half of San Francisco and Oakland are minority."

    And the other half is white, so how come the courtesy is never extended? Let me scratch my chin about that for a while as I read all the headlines about how crime is down in Oakland and SF and liberal police policies are working. Yeah, I'll think about that as I walk by the broken glass in the street next to all the cars that were vandalized last night while police did nothing because mayors want voters to think they are safe in this election year.

  11. I don't know about the asian hate stuff, but I've never cared for Dion. I'm glad she's leaving.

    1. I think all the KGO anchors are bland and boring. Every one.

  12. Oy Vey - my star is dimming just reading the nutty comments being written here.
    I watch neither of the protagonists in this thread, so call me the dim bulb. To see people so worked up by one video, you’d think they had committed a murder.
    It’s NEWS, it is supposed to make you think, react, spend money on the clothes detergent they are hawking, buy beer before watching the game.
    “Now a message from our Corporate Sponsor….”

  13. Did annyone ever teach Dion how to wipe her ass properly after that infamous incident on the 2nd floor a couple years ago?

    1. You’ve obviously never been pregnant otherwise you’d know that a pregnancy can have all sorts of unexpected effects, including sudden loss of bowel control. Yes, that particular incident was gross, but your comment implies that Dion had some control over it or that it was it happened because of her lack of hygiene.

    2. I have no idea about the Dion incident but, yes, it is a verifiable medical fact that women commonly lose control of their bowel movements during pregnancy, and especially while they're in labor and giving birth. So it wouldn't surprise me if whatever happened with her was related to her pregnancy. If it happened before she was pregnant, well, then that's a different story.

    3. @4:42 PM, sure Dr. Dean Edell.

    4. 5:37: ahhhh, the ultimate troll retort: when confronted with indisputable facts, respond with mockery.

    5. There's nothing quite as absurd as an anonymous internet troll attempting to mansplain the intricacies of a woman's pregnancy.
