Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Latest Desecration of KNBR Ant Farm: 'Tolbert/Copes' Pooh-Pooh


  1. Copes is probably the worst person KNBR has had at that time slot.

  2. Once Copes gave up the GM spot, I thought he'd be fired. It's a miracle he's still employed.

    1. He’s employed at KNBR because of his pappy and Angela Alioto, pappy’s lawyer.

  3. Rich, as usual your impression of Copey Copes is spot on.

  4. The worst segments are with their sex robot “Harmony” programmed with sexual innuendos no doubt by Papa’s son and whoever else is in charge among the juvenile interns too stupid to get a normal job. No prude here but listening to what they program “it” to say does not turn me on (in any way) and what does their “bitch” have to do with sports and sports betting to begin with — it is as dumb as nonsensical fantasy leagues to participate and bet on. Maybe younger uneducated guys or the stereotype construction cat-caller dudes of yesteryears Tolbert and Copes think are in to this weird shit. Tolbert and Copes’ wives must be real proud of their low class segments showing off their disrespect of women for satisfying their fantasy sexual urges I guess to be pleasured by a real prostitute. I moved to the Bay Area in the early 90s after college listening to LaMont & Tonelli (are they still around?) and even with their calls/callers I think it had more of a fun interaction while still having some respect for women or at least more than these 2 dimwits associate with a sex robot prostitute I guess those 2 schmucks get excited over. I am surprised Tolbert’s bud Steve Kerr does not talk to him about getting an iota of class.

  5. Yep. As I was driving I heard Tolbert volunteer info about his bowel movements that day.
    Let’s cut to the chase, Tolbert is a moron. Trouble is, he think’s he is being cute, and smart, and funny.
    He is just a stupid jock with way too much money, and nowhere near enough brains.
    “Is he TRYING to get fired?”
    I hope the axe falls hard and brutally.

  6. The NBA Grab Bag segments usually about anything other than the NBA and shrouded by non-stop repetitive polka music take the cake. Adam aka Copes even doubles down on this ad nauseam dreck by playing a call at the intro of every such segment from some listener pointing out how atrocious it sounds. Way to gauge the audience Copes. I think that guy is saying what most of us think of this and other corny side stuff segments non-sports related.

  7. Copes wants to make the show Sports/Comedy. Like a late night show with comedy segments. The Harmony idea is not funny, offensive. Don’t know how they get away with it.

  8. Tolbert and Copes add nothing to the public well being. They are boorish and lame. I will not miss them when they are given the heave-ho

  9. Lund is like Mega-Maid from Spaceballs... "He's gone from suck to blow."
