Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Harris-Trump Debate in Nutshell: When Fox News Cut Away I,,ed. After


  1. Harris baited Trump about his crowds, and he became angrier through the night. Harris had the right tone, while Trump whined incessantly. Both lacked specifics, but it's tough to provide specifics when given only two minutes to answer. For a man in his late-80s, Trump has a surprising amount of energy.

    1. His energy for an old man isn’t a compliment. He’s a crazy old man. He was a rambling old man last night.

    2. I thought Tulsi Gabbard was advising Trump on the debate. I didn't notice any differences.

    3. @ 3:53 Hey fukface, are you referring about braindead brandon?

    4. @4:49 PM Maybe the poster meant Trrump was at his peak in the late 80s. All downhill since....

    5. @4:49, @1:38 my mistake. Late 70s in age, and yes, all downhill and many failed business ventures since.

  2. Instead of a debate, I'd like to see a Larry King style interview with both candidates next time.

    1. Good idea, but there's not enough civility for that type of interview.

  3. The Taylor Swift endorsement was perfectly timed, but why did she link her post to her Inta-Story, instead of just adding the link to her original post?

    1. Megyn Kelly went on a expletive-filled rant after the endorsement. A once prominent journalist/broadcaster is now nothing more than a foul-mouthed lunatic with both political parties wanting zero to do with her. How sad.

  4. Excellent analysis Rich, with one minor quibble. You mention the significance of Taylor Swift’s endorsement. Heaven help the country if people rely on her endorsement to decide who should be our next President. I would be more inclined to follow your recommendation rather than accept the advice of a scantily clad pop performer

    1. Obviously, you are not the demographic she's trying to influence and/or encourage to vote.

    2. You are correct. I am much more of a Brittney Mahomes fan

    3. @ 6:28 Yup, so am I, really smart Woman, Swift is musically talented but should stay out of politics as should all athletes and entertainers

    4. @6:28 you're not much of a fan if you can't spell her name right. It's Brittany.

    5. I agree. I won't be making a choice until I hear who Flavor Flav's endorsing.

    6. @8:28 did you feel the same way after Kanye and Kid Rock endorsed DJT?

  5. While I won't argue with you that KH was good last night, one thing she did too much was her frowning whenever Trump was speaking. She should have saved the faux shock for when he really said something outrageous, which admittedly was often, but after a while her facial expressions really grew tiring. She should have kept more of a poker face most of the evening. Other than that, yes overall she did a decent if not good job. Trump derailed early on and reminded me of one of those crazy people you see in the parks carrying their possessions in a shopping bag and screaming at the air, while everyone else just tiptoes by.

    1. 2:34 That's no way to talk about your parents. At least buy them a tent and some canvas bags.

    2. She could've talked about crowd sizes, but took it one step further and said people were walking out on his rallies. The orange guy probably soiled his diapers.

    3. @ 3:51 Hahahahaha!!!!! Good one!!!!!!!!!

    4. @ 5:50 Had trump been really sharp he would've call her out on this lie, cameras don't pan people leaving and he ought to know better, sounds like that comment is from obama and is one of the tutors

    5. @ 6:30 Could those tutors for harris help me with Calif's over 70's DMV written test? I keep failing, it's so hard

    6. @6:30 Of course Trump doesn't know about cameras not panning. At one of his 2016 rallies he chewed out the camera operator for not panning to the crowd.

    7. @6:30 PM - It's true, people do leave his rallies because they get tired of hearing him rant for 2-3 hours. I've seen the pictures and videos of people leaving.

    8. @1:29 as Kamala said, his rallies are interesting. It's full of grievances and self promotions of fictitious events. 2-3 hour rallies with zero info. on how he will improve the life of the normal everyday joe, which is about 70% of the US population.

    9. @ 1:29 & @ 4:58 Would you both answer what harris didn't on her 1st question: Are people better off 4 years ago than now? Keep voting dems you twits

  6. In a nutshell one person at the debate last night appeared presidential.

    Saying Victor Orband said you’re a strong leader was comical. Is it too late to get rid of the tubby old man and get a better candidate?

    1. The orange guy was past his bedtime. He mixed his inside voice with his outside voice a few times. I was shocked when he said he talked to Putin recently. Another time was when he said he might've been hit by a bullet. If there's another debate, maybe it should be scheduled later in the evening, so we'll get even more truths.

    2. @ 5:46 Walnut brain, talking to putin is a good thing, unlike biden/harris whom are likely get us into WWW3

    3. WHO IS this kook at 8:40 pm, sounds just like his mentor, calling people names? Rich please banish this weirdo back to under the bridge by the freeway.

    4. @8:40 No, it's a felony and a violation of the Logan Act. Do some reading and get educated.

    5. @ 10:13 & @ 11:05 You mean like John Kerry whom went behind Trump's back secretly to undermine Middle East policies? You 2 are geniuses

  7. When your guy loses, blame the moderators. "Deal" cry the losers.

  8. So the old man said VP Harris is a Marxist then in the next sentence she stole all of his ideas. Does this mean he’s a Marxist. One person that loved last nights debacle is Nikki Haley. She’s waiting to say “I told you so”.

    1. Nikki Haley has a lot of good sound bites. I actually think she's quite smart, but she's incredibly two-face.

    2. @ 5:39 Back stabber too, burned all her bridges for future runs

    3. @ 4:01 ????????????? How much did you drink? Bad for the liver

  9. Sorry, CNN's moderators was surprisingly fair and did a good job unlike ABC's moderators; basically running interference for harris and asking hard questions for trump, fact checking trump, these two harris' "bodyguards" gave her soft questions and no fact checking; noticed when harris don't give answers to questions no push back but gave trump plenty of push backs. Don't like her smugness and won't be voting for her

    1. So, you were thinking about voting for her before the debate? VP Hariis will get at least 8,000,000 more total vote's than the old man but quite possibly loose the election because of 50,000 voters in swing states.

    2. “ VP Hariis will get at least 8,000,000 more total vote's than the old man but quite possibly loose the election because of 50,000 voters in swing states.”

      Nothing you say matters because to can’t even make a correct plural, which is taught the first week of first grade.

    3. @ 6:22 No, was on the fence as with a ton of people I know, seeing how ABC treated Trump and harris' condescending behavior (smiling on important issues and holding her fingers on her chin) made up my mind as did many of the people that I know

    4. @8:05 someone who tries to school someone, but can't form a complete sentence is laughable.

    5. 5:35..well there goes the incel vote.

    6. @ 8:05 Pretty sure @ 6:22 was educated in Juvey Hall and later at Folsom Prison

  10. All you liberals with TDS must of forgot the last President you voted for was sleeping last night in his adult diapers. Biden is still smarter than every SF liberal. Camela covered up his tardness.

    1. Top drawer under the sink. The blue pills. Take two with water.

    2. The debate audience last night did see an old man sleeping last night. He’s way too old and feeble to be president for 4 years.

    3. @ 8:04 You're right, TV audience did know biden's asleep and that's why dems ejected him

  11. What the hell does the title of this video mean? “When Fox News Cut Away I,,ed. After”

    Learn how to type and learn how to proofread, B-YOTCH!

    1. Ok, Mr. Perfect.

    2. @8:04 but I bet you thought Dementia Joe was " sharp as a tack" before Pelosi and Co. threw him under the bus

  12. Ms Harris eviscerated the orange pumpkin. In fact, you might say “she carved him a new asshole”.
    According to the narcissist, he won and therefore does not need another debate. The orange chicken’s bone spurs are acting up again.

    1. Ate lead paint chips as a child and drank gas didn't you? 8:35.

    2. The annihilation caused the orange convict to cancel the two other debates he scheduled. Poor guy didn't want to soil himself mid-debate again.

    3. Quite frankly, at one point, she took her foot off the accelerator and showed some compassion. She probably had fears of him keeling over if she had continued accelerating.

    4. According to Newsmaxx, he won 92% - 8%. I understand the bias, but at least make up numbers a bit more believable.

    5. Good thing McD's is open late so he could get his Happy Meal to calm him down.

    6. @ 8:35 He did win, got my vote after watching the "3" against 1, harris isn't capable of running My Beloved America and plus no viable policies from her except "Go foward"; from the mess biden and her created?

    7. 6:57 He may also need some soft serve to help cool the post-debate burn.

    8. @9:04 what policies does the orange felon have? When asked at the debate what plans he had as a replacement to the Affordable Care Act, he said he had "concepts of a plan." So he's opposed the ACA for close to a decade, and can only offer "concepts" to millions of people on ACA. In other words, his plan is to remove healthcare to millions without offering a replacement.

  13. Harris is a piece of wirk No one wanted her in 2020 and called Biden a racist only to become his veep... failed on the border fialed on Afghanistan failed on inflation the original DEI girl.... a total knob

    1. True. It’s almost as many things as Trump failed on. Where’s that check from Mexico?

    2. Which VP in the history of America has been blamed for so much in the past? She's the VP, not the President.

    3. 11:20 - the previous VP certified the election, which was a noble accomplishment. Other than that, I don't remember a single accomplishment.

  14. JD Vance did say Trump is the American version of Hitler. Just a matter of time before the deranged, obese old man calls for Vance to be hung.

    1. The fact that Taylor Swift used JD's "childless cat lady" quote in her endorsement signature will probably cause Trump to call for JD's hanging. Did he not learn anything from Pence?

  15. The orange felon pulled a Roberto Duran today. After scheduling a bunch of debates just weeks ago, he posted No Mas No Mas today after suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of an Indian/Black woman.

    1. He’ll debate again when the post debate polls come out next week and he’s taken a drop
      In the numbers. He’s saying no more to try and get leverage. Harris has all the leverage. She’ll name the channel and rules.

      There will be another debate and the old guy better prepare or he’ll be knocked out again.

  16. The orange cult leader lost bigly.

  17. Anybody that doesn’t believe VP Harris spanked the confused old man in the debate just read Karl Rove’s WSJ op ed .

    1. I don't have a WSJ account. Can you provide a bullet point summary of the op ed?

  18. No one cares that twice Trump was asked if he supports Ukraine vs Russia and twice he didn't answer? This is frightening, especially to world leaders who aren't dictators. Harris is right, world leaders want no part of Trump and want him to just go away forever.

    1. Trump loves Putin. Putin thinks Trump is a fool and would eat him for lunch.
