Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday Exclu: Sara Donchey Returns to PIX Wednesday After Lengthy Absence


  1. Great, really missed her

  2. Thanks for the update on Sarah, as beggar bitches go your the best!

  3. Thanks for the update, Rich. I've missed Sara.

  4. Debate starts soon..Odd that ABC placed podiums only six feet apart...Cutting off mics of the person not supposed to be speaking will not be very effective.

    1. Didn't matter. Between Muir debating Trump himself and not following up with questions regarding KH's policies or lack thereof..It was an embarrassment and fooled nobody. Totally scripted, right down to Kammies NOVA H-1 Audio earrings to help facilitate the cheat with prepared replies. This woman is dumb as a stump. Complete failure.

  5. I guess it was some personal issue.

  6. She may be back, and I am a fan, but it's worth noting that PIX took her off of doing live hits on Fehely's show ages ago even though they keep having Cook and Goodrich do TAPED hits on his show.

  7. If her tummy is bigger in the next few months, we know what happened, why she left

  8. The ABC people did not ask Harris one question on her previous beliefs and did not fact check her one time. They brought up Jan 6th again and fact checked Trump after almost every question. I could not believe it.

  9. Hey Rich: Just finished watching the debate; just like I expected, ABC moderators were subtly bias, harder questions and some fact checking for Trump; softer questions for harris and NO fact checking basically 3 on 1, no surprise, in comparison CNN was much better and fairer, didn't changed my mind a bit

    1. @ 8:38 Harris was disingenuous, condescending and smiling at important topics which tells me she is as genuine as a Capricorn; good debates requires seriousness and by her smiling and looking like a sly fox tells me she is coached, tutored and avoiding answering the questions; kudos to her tutors and F grades to the moderators, biased and not fact checking harris, I'm independent and she didn't move the needle for me but she only strengthened my resolve to vote for Trump, I don't trust her

  10. Oh thank heavens !! I can finally get some sleep !! I was worried sick.

  11. Did someone teach her how to hold a microphone?

  12. Crystal Bailey is horrible KTVU better not hire her over Heather Holmes

  13. Unrelated to this post but Cristal Baley is legit awful. And I mean unwatchable. Stutters, no intelligence, not even a decently smart take on the debates. What was Tuesday’s newscast after the debate. Is she Julie’s replacement? Moving to NBC until then. Not that they’re better. I didn’t grow up with this shit.

    1. I agree Crystal Bailey comes across amateure she may be able to read the promoter but she looked like a dear caught in headlights during the debate discussion. Looks can only go so far…

    2. @ 10:30 @ 10:59 @ 12:27 Leave Crystal Bailey the F**K alone, watched her for a while now and she's good, racist any?

    3. @12:34 who said anything about race, Crystal?

    4. Crystal baley doesnt come across as well read. Like Betty Yu neither have the gravitas to command the evening news chair

  14. Gotta love wannabe socialite Betty Yu reporting in her Chanel shoes at a Jirimy Lin foundation puff piece

  15. Didn't even notice she was gone.
    Give her props for coming back as opposed to Veronica De La Cruz, Betty Yu, that KGO7 Chinese Greek hairspray stumbler... who used HIPPA confidentiality to go MIA.

  16. Can someone help me? Trying to watch “The Golden Shower of 2 on 2”
    Starring Haley O’Carol and Betty “me come on” Yu. Is it just on only fans?

  17. Get Cristal Bailey and her cankles off the set

  18. With the transition to virtual, I don’t think Devin is doing any live hits unless its those anchoring live because of an assignment (49ers game, election, etc).

    Cook & Goodrich’s hits are taped and sadly repeated at both hours. Anne Makovec also has taped hits, too.

  19. Thanks for the update. From a health standpoint, I am happy to hear she is doing good. Even if I dislike an anchor, the fact of the matter is they deserve to be alive and healthy just like everyone else.

  20. I am very happy that Sarah is coming back. She is my favorite at KPIX. Sarah is an excellent anchor and reporter and easy on the eyes.

  21. I asked for this update on Sara in a comment in this blog yesterday, so I appreciate this update on Sara, Rich. As usual, you have done a great job in keeping bay area viewers, informed on local media news. HOWEVER, I for one, would really like to know what the heck the REAL STORY is here, with Sara. I mean, you keep mentioning that it was some personal issue and maybe health related, but gee, WHAT kind of health issue keeps someone as young, vital, and seemingly healthy, out for 6 complete weeks, and a couple of days into the 7th week? And really, if is was indeed health related, how many dang sick days does she get in a year, for goodness sakes? She almost never does a complete 5 day stint, usually being off for at least one day a week, so what they heck kind of contract does she have? Now, just for the record, I am a fan of Sara, and like you, I was not a fan of her weird outfits, etc, when she first arrived at KPIX. But her totally cute little feet and toes have won me over, along of course, with her seemingly good news "chomps".

    1. If she had a surgery she could have gone on medical disability. I did when I had my surgery.

    2. Why is it any of your concern where Sara was for 6+ weeks? Her lengthy absence is really none of your business. Does it really matter what type of contract she has or how many sick days she has? SMH

    3. Hearing that the reason is a health issue is good enough. Going into the details are sensitive, UNLESS that person wants to share on social media (like Betty Yu).

  22. you GO Sara-I will watch some of the late news on PIX if Sara is on-great anchor and very easy on the eyes-lets get back to some of those outfits that show her off-beautiful lady!

  23. Liz Cook and Sara Donchey are the sexiest anchors in the Bay.

    1. What, you don’t like the KTVU duo of Tori Gaines and Amber Lee, who bears a striking resemblance to Piston Honda from Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out? (Not an insult, just an observation.)

    2. Liz Cook is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

    3. 11:56, I had to google it to see for myself. I can see the resemblance.

    4. "Hey honey, don't take this the wrong way but you strongly resemble a huge, muscular, ugly male boxer." LOL!

    5. Seriously, cataract operations are painless and they really improve your vision.

  24. KPIX seems to be the station of disappearing anchors. At least at KTVU only Julie seemed to fall into the vortex. (And I never missed her, as a dunking bird could fill in for Julie and do a better job.)

  25. I’m glad she’s back. I hope all is well with her and her family.

  26. Thank you Liz @1:42

  27. Sara Donkey has a nice donkey, if ya know what i mean.

  28. I watched Sara return on Wednesday night because when Rich says she was going to return, I knew it would happen! Anyway, while I was glad she was back, I was disappointed on two fronts. First, she did not address or say anything as to where she was for 6 weeks and two days. Secondly, she was clearly not her usual self, with her hair being flat, and her face seemed flush, and lacking of any color at all. It seemed like she basically came in off the street, without her usual tv makeup. She also seemed tired and lacking of her usual energy. But, it was still great to see her!

    1. She looked perfectly beautiful to me. Welcome back Sara.

    2. "...she did not address or say anything as to where she was for 6 weeks and two days."

      None of your business, she's allowed to have a private life, and the fact that you have it marked on your day calendar makes you sound like a stalker. No wonder she doesn't want to share.

  29. How does she do it? From Sara and Vinnie in the morning at Alice@97.3, then the 11pm news on KPIX!!!
    When is their new hire for Mornings (KPIX) coming back??? She's been gone much longer than Sara.

  30. She has been even WEIRDER since returning. I do have to wonder if a piece of her is missing. She says the most awkward, non-sequitor things in her ad-libs. I think often Paul and Vern and the rest of the staff that have to interact with her don't know how to respond. You can hear the momentary pauses, before they do an end-run around whatever she said. The interactions with Juliette, Brian, Liz, et al, are a lot more polished. Where did they find this idiot, anyway?

    1. She has worked in a few places like Texas but last in KCAL in LA. I actually did enjoy when there were fill ins at 11PM.

  31. Replies
    1. Her & Zoe during the Primetime Edition. Just wait till one day Zoe fills in for Paul all evening. That can potentially happen the same way Darren did this past Friday.

      Both share the weird vibes together but Zoe is better imo.

    2. Zoe filled in for Paul last night (it’s expected if she is there 4:30 some days and Paul was off the whole evening). But the 9pm weather reports are a copy of 8pm in these situations. I think she did a great job.

      The only thing I can’t stand about Zoe is she blocks the weather tube temperatures. She should either stand behind or right next to them like Paul or Darren. I think Jessica is the second one who also blocks it too.

  32. Forgive me, but about half of the folks mentioned are unknown to me. Not a TV kook, but watch enough news to have some idea who’s who.
    I guess it indicates how many broadcasters are nothing special. I guess this is better than being one that most folks can’t stand - shout out the pukes at KNBR.
