Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Exclusive: Another Prominent Anchor OUT at ABC7--Kumasi Aaron Leaving KG...


  1. Kumasi isn't outstanding, but she's certainly not terrible. She'd a solid early morning anchor who's simply a victim of being paired with the wrong person (that buffoon Donnie Aqui).

    What's happening at ABC7 is typical: the good or decent ones, like Dion Lim and Kumasi, leave because they are sought after elsewhere, while the toxic ones remain, emboldened by their longevity—such as Reggie Aqui, Empress Ming Sze, and Julian 'The Snitch' Glover.

    KTVU emodies this phenomenon if you look at who they've lost over the past few years and who remains.

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    2. @ 4:09 Racist any?

  2. Aw, and I ilke her, must be because of empress ming, aqui and glover

    1. This is 100% accurate, especially when it comes to Julian Glover. If someone respected, like Kumasi, leaves ABC7, it’s almost certain that Julian had a hand in it. If you're not part of his inner circle with Reggie Aqui and Ming Sze, you’re not just on the outs with them, you’re effectively sidelined, especially when it comes to Trixie. While I’m unsure if Rich ever covered it, at least two other talented and well-respected behind-the-scenes employees also clashed with Julian and left the station. They were exceptional at their jobs, but the workplace becomes unbearable when you're in conflict with someone as influential and toxic as Julian. His sway over the station is undeniable, and it’s clear that those who cross him find themselves in an increasingly hostile environment.

    2. “ His sway over the station is undeniable, and it’s clear that those who cross him find themselves in an increasingly hostile environment.”

      This explains why the content there has become insufferably PC and biased in the last 10 years.

      Sidney seems bent on destroying all their properties—movie franchises, parks, networks. To what end I cannot fathom. Maybe they like losing billions annually?

    3. Don’t be fooled. Rich isn’t nearly as plugged in as he claims to be because if he were he’d know much more detail about the Julian Glover dynamic beyond simply saying he’s a ‘snitch,’ which is only the tip of the iceberg.

    4. They need to start by getting rid of this reggie guy, I actually changed to KRON4 with Daria Folsom!

    5. Before you can build a better bay area.. you need to have some decent people in your news room ABC. Aqui and Glover make Ming's intrigues seem like minor league

  3. Being home is always the best. You can’t get the moments with family back. She is wonderful and I loved watching she and Reggie. Wish her the best!

  4. I was getting my oil changed this morning and the shop had on KRON. Darya is more annoying than ever. That’s one anchor that I have no idea how she holds on to her job. I’m guessing the 70+ viewers.

    1. Agreed, Darya Folsom reminds me of some dipsy dingbat cheerleader - who has had “a lot of hands all over her” (Radinovich, 2006).
      Before, we knew she kept her job by “dating” the Boss. Who is she chortling with now?

    2. I don’t get how they always say it takes two to tango. Well, she was banging Pero as much as he was banging her. He gets axed but she stays ?!?

  5. She probably got tired of Aqui

  6. Who will replace her?? Stephanie Sierra??? She is the weekend morning anchor. Better not be Amanda and the reporter out should be Reggie Aqui. 3 reporters out in 10 years, Natasha on NewsNation, Jessica Castro in Seattle, this reporter who I always didn’t like.

  7. What happened to Janelle Wang from NBC Bay Area? Sorry did you talk about where she went? Linkedin says still at NBC bay area.

    1. KNTV still has advertisement with Janelle Wang. Maybe they’re finding the best time slot for her.

    2. @9:11 - Janelle hasn't gone anywhere. She just takes A LOT of days off. I can't recall the last time KNTV had all its evening weekday news anchors all work a full week at the same time. Someone's always out at least one day.

    3. No great loss. Now get rid of Reggie...

    4. 5-6 pm every weeknight

    5. @9:11 I think Janelle was last seen under Raj Mathai's desk

    6. Janelle Wang still at NBC Bay Area. She usually does the 5pm newscast. But been covering for Audrey Asistio's 4:30 pm newscast.

  8. Kumasa has a great personality.

  9. Hmmm, Rich. I mean, I was actually very surprised when in this video, you mentioned that Kamasi did not like Reggie. I mean, she was with him at the Pride parade, and she seemed very happy to be there with him. Also, I have seen on many occasions, when she at least "acts", like she is really good friends with Reggie off camera. So if this is true, that she actually cannot stand him, then she most definitely deserves an EMMY for her acting!

    1. How do you know what she thinks because you see her smiling on TV? That’s her job. Stop thinking you “know” these people because you watch them on TV. You don’t.

    2. She knew what was best for her. Act nice to the bullies like Aqui, Ming and Glover until you can get the hell out of town.

  10. Many of us here at Circle7 refer to her 'Coo-masi' because she's an all-around good person and very well liked. The embodiment of a cool person. We'll miss her.

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  11. Terry McGovern. He could be a good interview. He’s worked everywhere and with almost everyone.

  12. Awww....Kumasi was cool. I found ABC 7 Mornings watchable even though they usually just repeat the same old stories over and over on the half hour. I always had them on in the background for the funny banter after human interest stories. Reminded me of KTLA when I grew up. Irreverent but insightful. Perfect for starting your day. (KTVU is a borefest!!) It was also funny watching Kumasi go from minimal make-up at 5 to full blown diva face done on set by the time 8 am rolled around. We gurls notice, Kumasi. Takes a brave woman to go live on set without her full face on. lol

    ABC 7 does seem to be sputtering at times. I don't blame her for wanting to abandon ship like her former co-hort Jobina Fortsen (whom I also loved). Dion Lim is also solid to me as well. There must be a reason internally for all of this and I don't think Reggie Aqui or Julian Glover are the issue. It reeks of management problems and budget cuts that have basically affected all the local newsrooms (KPIX and KTVU being prime examples).

    I mean face it there are a thousand ways to get your news these days. For this generation it's mostly through the internet. So with all the news stations basically barfing up the same stories with a different mouthpiece (aka journalist) it may be that the market is oversaturated with reporters looking for a name for themselves before moving on to another town. (Still doesn't explain how Darya Folsom still has a job...with the same network!!! lol)

    Time to re-write that novel Death Of A Salesman and rename it Death Of A News Anchor. Anyhoo...I wish Kumasi the best in her hometown of Florida. She was charming. The news is depressing enough. She, Reggie, Drew and Jobina always made me leave for work in the morning with a laugh and smile through it all. It's hard to find that camaraderie amongst anchors that doesn't seem forced. And yes, they are friends off the air as well. A quick perusal of their social media pages and pics confirms that (sorry Rich).

  13. I would not call her "prominent." If you're going to call her prominent, you have to call Brian Hackney elite.

  14. Its too bad to hear about Kumasi. She is a pretty good anchor. KGO TV might regret losing her but she would be a good fit if she walked up a couple of blocks up to Battery Street to join the KPIX morning team...Cowan, Burch and Franco. Reed, Kumasi, Jessica and Gianna is not a bad morning news team...

  15. The characteristic of every great hack: gaslight and then say, I’m not saying that’s what happened but that’s what happened. Real reporting please; not useless gossip!

  16. Last night at 10, I watched Mike Mibach and Crystal Bailey, and today at 4, I saw Alex and Heather.

    How can any reasonable person claim that Mike and Crystal are the better duo? Or Mike paired with anyone, for that matter?

    Alex and Heather are individually strong anchors, delivering the news with a compelling presence that captivates viewers. They each have an energy that makes you want to watch. Together, their on-air chemistry is undeniable.

    In contrast, watching Mibach is an entirely different experience. At his best, he's merely off-putting, but usually, it’s time to change the channel. What do the higher-ups see in him? Did he seriously secure the top job just because he's been at the station the longest, or does he know where the proverbial bodies are buried?

    1. I watched a little bit of the sportswrap afterwards with Bailey O'Carroll. She is horrible, dresses like a hooker, and is ugly, with a pasty, oily face. She should be on Community Channel 69 in Bakersfield.

    2. Rich, are you going to issue a comment or opine on Bailey O'Carroll's absolutely horrific post-game 49ers coverage last night?

  17. I work at ABC 7, glover is fairly "new" but he's a bigger "rat" than the older "rats", not human

  18. Rich, have you heard of dressage, the equestrian sport? Well, when I take a shit in the morning, I like to call it ‘dumpage.’

  19. Hey rich stop suckin big fat dix and start broadcasting again yah big sissy

  20. Kumasi is sexy. She'll be missed.

  21. Rich, I want to formally thank you for removing that racist comment directed at Kumasi Aaron. While your site should be a forum for the free exchange of ideas and opinions related to media, you should never allow it to become a haven for racism their and racist attacks.

    1. I didn’t see any racial insensitive comments but I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.

  22. So does Amanda move up to Kumasi's job and Gloria Rodriguez get the traffic desk?
