Sunday, August 25, 2024

Where's Sara Donchey? -KPIX Anchor Mystery; KCBS Repeats Castle Story 10...


  1. I think she’s being a mom and wants to be there to drop off and pickup her son everyday for the first couple of weeks of school.
    If it’s not that, then maybe somebody in her immediate family is sick.

    1. Um, then she shouldn’t have a six-figure job where agree supposed to *work* every day. Other news people have kids too.

    2. There's something fishy going on and the reason I feel she's doing the VDLC or Andria Borba MIA is because she's a young anchor. Not to sound age-ist, but most of the younger anchors really go MIA to the point, they just leave.

      Brian Hackney is an exception. He was likely off for 3 months, because of his elderly father, who did pass away recently in June.

    3. This is why I won't hire women of child-bearing age.

    4. @ 11:52 Yet you were born, what a waste of effort

  2. Come back soon, Sara.

    1. Sara Donchey needs to return to PIX I missed her Height Ashbury attire that she wear in her newscast.

  3. Thanks Rich! I KNEW you would know what is going on with Sara! Rich ALWAYS knows what is going on!

  4. Maybe turned in her resume to KTVU, why not? I did

    1. Going from KPIX to KTVU is like jumping from the Hindenburg onto the deck of the Titanic.

    2. We know Betty...

    3. @ 12:28 Heard KTVU don't want ya, you is poison

    4. Not surprised. Maybe to another CBS station she goes, perhaps....Sacramento? Reno? maybe back to LA?

    5. Betty has been anchoring at KTVU

    6. @6:36 but I’m Betty Yu and I work at K-T-V-YU

    7. Nice try Frank S.

  5. are those asking you where's sarah, the same ones who mocked her, called her sarah donkey and whined that she was too LA for San Francisco?

    1. Maybe, but the only reason we’re surprised is because there was no announcement of her leaving. If there was, I’m sure there’s a difference. Like Amanda Starrantino who left last year. We heard & it was true and part of me is glad she did.

      With someone MIA, that’s where anybody will have questions.

  6. and what about the squeaky voices on KCBS? OMG!

  7. Rich is being overly kind with his assessment of KCBS. Beyond the continuous replaying of stories throughout the day, endless commercials and the ‘non-updated’ sports updates, where they rely on pre-recorded taped features, there is the practice of using long-formatted, CBS Morning News feature stories from the TV NETWORK and use it on the radio, filling up an entire 'news block' between commercials. The trouble is, these stores are meant to be SEEN, produced for a visual medium, not an audio one. It's an easy filler when they don't have/want to send local reporters out to work on timely stories here in our own market. I guess we can use our imagination re. what is being talked about.

  8. Hey 11:50am, you sound a little bitter towards Sara, salary wise and family wise.

  9. Veronica de la Cruz coming back? Bringing Dennis O'Donnell with her?

  10. I noticed that Betty has been anchoring at ktvu but never anchored at kpix. Any insight?

    1. I've seen Betty anchor at KPIX. Not too often though. I'd love to see more Betty all the time.

    2. @5:38 hi Betty nice dress

    3. @8.05. Most of CBS O&O stations are cutting payroll. They already spent millions of dollars on upgrading the new KPIX studio. No need to have two anchors where Sara can do it solo by herself.

    4. She killed it tonight, but there's no chemistry with Mike.

    5. @1:18 ms Yu can read the prompter but does not have the gravitas to command the desk

    6. KPIX studio is getting upgrades in this sense that I think at 9AM, Noon & on weekends, the anchors now sit at the Live News Desk seat right behind where you see many office workers & cubicles.

      This reminds me of the pandemic in the sense that the anchors sat in different places. Brian Hackney for example who would sit in that chair would still have his control on the weather in certain circumstances where Darren had to leave early on Sunday just to fill in on the morning show without the need to see him in front of the graphics.

      Is this remotely a sign that even on the weekends the veteran anchors could soon be removed and just target the younger demographic for this? This happened for weather and now this.

      Soon enough I think all the newscasts at all hours on all days will be done virtually. You heard correct - weekend mornings & evenings.

      Quite frankly it is nice but its silly. They are all sharing one room of a small space but its creative to open & close the window blinds for certain things.

  11. Sara is so HOT! Please come back.....

  12. Pix+ is STILL running that annoying promo that goes "Your late night is getting a whole lot better with Sarah and Stephen" promising 11pm news with Donchey and "all new" episodes of the Colbert Late Show. That's been accurate about 25% of the time since the promo began running after the writers' strike ended.

    1. KPIX should go back to duo anchors on weeknights too if they can. And stop putting a newscast dedicated to anchors themselves.

      The ad promo is annoying. The 11PM news should be as good as how they do on weekends. I temporarily went back to seeing KPIX because of Zoe Mintz coming some days but I think NBC Bay Area is better.

    2. KPIX has gone down hill, but somehow they still win Emmy's.

  13. Maybe Donchey is going to KTVU...

    1. Please no more KPIX rejects. But we will take Lizzy Cook and Maria Medina

    2. No! Maria Medina left the business already and is happy with her new life now. Liz Cook is a good example. Even better, consider Brian Hackney or Andrea Nakano every weeknight (they both are solid, offer Brian another chance, KPIX), and put someone else like Kelsi Thorud &/or hire back Paul Deanno as a weekend anchor & meteorologist with the best pay possible.

  14. Don't be surprised if she is pregnant again in 3-4 months with a big tummy. Then we know why she is off and more about her privacy

  15. I got the impression Donchey doesn't like the Bay Area.

    1. That’s my thought here and it’s possible she could probably go back to LA or perhaps somewhere bigger like Sacramento.

      Wishful thinking but you never know

  16. As of Monday August 26th, so begins the FIFTH week without Sara Donchey at the 11pm news, or "Late News with Sara Donchey". I mean, her NAME is on the news, and she doesn't show up? Of course, since she started, it is rare for her to do a whole week anchoring the 11pm news, as invariably she will miss one of more nights each week.. Her position as 11pm anchor, and especially having KPIX brand the late news as the "Late News with Sara Donchey", I mean, how rare is that? And yet, she is not happy? I get it, nobody is happy at KPIX, but when you are at the level that apparently, Sara is, with her having her own news show, I mean, I can't believe she is ruining it for herself! And this is coming from a fan, who admits he had to wait for her to grow on him, because of her weird wardrobe especially in the beginnings. But she has indeed, grown on me, and I enjoy watching the late news with sara donchey. What is hard for me though, is tuning in to watch the luscious Sara Donchey, only to be hit with the over the hill, Juliette Goodrich, with her HUGE feet. I turn it off and go back to youtube, when that happens....

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were viewer complaints about the way Sara dressed. To be quite frank she looked like a clown.

      Also KPIX needs to modify the stream music to not advertise Sara or both Jules & Sara. They could be like other CBS O & O stations where they advertise the Morning News, the SF region & the PM newscasts

  17. Never mind, where did Olivia Horton go?

    1. She’s still unemployed but posting a lot on instagram. When will Rich address the addition of another torso to Live in the Bay! Jessica Wills now has a busty sidekick. Any thoughts Richard?

    2. @10:42 2 dumb broads

    3. @ 10:42 Did she get fired? She was the reason we watched Live on the Bay and she and Kyla were a perfect pair

  18. Bunch of morons pulling their pud over local media personalities. Can't get a woman huh?

  19. I have NOT missed Donchey at all when that eye candy Goodrich is filling in. Last night Goodrich looked gorgeous as usual but even more so exhibiting a great bright red pedicure. Lovely!

    1. I don’t miss Donchey at all. The only thing that’s annoying is dedicating a newscast to a certain someone. 11PM news should just be the Evening Edition (with the same music used on weekends).

      If Sara is removed, snag one of the weekend anchors (i.e. Brian or Andrea). If I had to pick, Andrea Nakano deserves the 11PM timeslot.

  20. We’re in week 6 and Sara Donchey is not back, or at least a lack thereof info. 2 Septembers ago, Andria Borba left and Sara Donchey took her place “temporarily” before they got other reporters.

    At this time, I am likely expecting she may very well not return. No signs on her socials. Yes everyone has their personal life but the only reason most are surprised is cause no announcement, too many ads surrounding her when in reality she is not coming back on air.

    KPIX needs to do some serious tweaks on this.

  21. KPIX uses First Alert Weather but they now stopped using the red graphic of First Weather Alert Day. Better they throw First Alert Weather out the window & use Next Weather. A heat wave qualifies for it but yet NBC does use the Microclimate Weather Alert which is nicer.

  22. The current setup on weekends is weird now. Now on most newscasts until unless Andrea is doing sports, there is no more dual anchors on the set or the virtual side.

    Mostly it is Andrea Nakano and maybe Brian Hackney is taking turns too. Is this a possible slow sign of Brian Hackney’s elimination/possible forced retirement from KPIX? Anyway as far as I understand, Hackney has been working at KPIX for 2 decades (more in other stations) & I think he’s been a weekend anchor for a decade at least.

    Is there any possible signs of him leaving? I can definitely confirm based on some of his statements, he “used to do the weather” that his role in meteorology has been stripped off. But one thing we do see is sometimes his science reports.

    1. Brian Hackney was in at 11PM only last night. Sounds like his presence is becoming less & less.

      Moreover, I think it’s only a matter of time they will employ using the Virtual studio full time as this setup is temporary.

  23. I love Sara style as well as her reporting. Hope she comes back soon. She is loved!

  24. Sara has been back a few days now and something seems different about her. Looks like she gained a little weight and is a bit off her usual style. Pregnant?
