Friday, August 23, 2024

The Harris DNC Speech: My Analysis


  1. Not watching the news these days too much politics

  2. Harris is going to win. Now let's move onto more pressing issues...

    Why is Rich Lieberman refusing to address the growing number of credible allegations that he's a crossdresser transvestite? It seems like something most men would move heaven and earth to deny.
    That is, unless it's true.

    1. @ 2:46 Harris is gonna win, hahahahaha! Keep dreaming, no viable policies, didn't do anything for the last 3-1/2 years and she's gonna fix the country? Hahahahaah, keep dreaming, BTW, leave RL alone, he can be whatever he wants

  3. Thanks for the commentary Rich

    I NEVER bother to watch the Conventions nor the Debates - I get a better idea of what was said, what went on, by reading and watching the next day news.
    If I were to watch the debates I would have already chucked a baseball at my TV. Lots of lying, and virtually never an adult in the room. For me, it’s just a vehicle for advertisers to sell more soap or beer, because nothing of import is ever said.

    1. @ 3:20 Darn, wasted my time, no kackling, woth the entertainment if she'd kackled

    2. @ 6:39 Taking bets for over and under for kackles, also whether she kackle at all; smart money: under 3 kackles

  4. I give it a B-. Not enough details.

    1. I'm old enough to remember when politicians provided much more details. Based on today's standards, a B- or B seems accurate.

  5. The organizers of the DNC deserve a hand. It was mostly engaging and upbeat. However, Kamala's speech was just average. Leading up to Thursday's speech, there were already hundreds(at least it felt that way) of speakers pointing out Trump's flaws, so for Kamala to spend so much time on Trump didn't sit well with me. I wanted to know a lot more about her policies in detail, but it felt like she only glossed over them. For example, her "no tax on tips" initiative. Sure, this sounds great, but not taxing tips means roughly $30 billion less for the government. What services are being cut for this bill? Here's another one, let's give $25K to first time homebuyers. This sounds terrific, especially for the middle class. Now how is that being funded? Again, no details from Kamala.

    As a person of the corporate world for close to 3 decades, projects/initiatives don't happen without a project plan, where resources, time, financials, etc. are all carefully spelled out. This is what our politicians lack. How is anyone suppose to make an informed decision on who best to vote for? At the moment, we get more info. about why each candidate's opponent is unfit to become President, and less info. about what each candidate has to offer if elected. And with the lack of specific details given to us, I can only vote for Kamala based solely on the fact that she is more civil and can speak in complete sentences.

    1. I'll vote for Harris over Trump because I despise the latter. But don't expect to hear any serious policy proposals from Harris. Harris's main focus has always been running for the next higher office rather than policy.

    2. 10:37. Typical moron lib. Voting out of spite and not what is better for the country. So, child of a lessor God? Please tell me what this cackling fool has done to make our country better in the last 3/12 years? Yeah...crickets.

    3. @ 10:47 You're the type that knows biden/harris is ruining the country and will continue to vote for them, then it's personal feelings over the good of the country, in other words a "Sheep"

    4. @11:03, VPs typically sit on the sidelines. Can anyone name any accomplishments of any VP? Our previous VP was the most complicit politician in history. What did he do in his four years?

    5. @ 10:37 Ever seen the Asian movie "Hero?" with Jet Li? Bet you wouldn't understand it; had a discussion in my college course ans a person said " Sheeeetttt, I'da killed him", it's about an assassin who had the opportunity to kill an tyrant ruler but didn't because he knew even though he's a tyrant he'd be best for the future of the country, you reminded me of "I'da"

    6. There were far too many speakers with the same message, but DJT became so unhinged that he started saying he was better looking than Kamala. hahaha......what a time to be alive.

    7. @ 12:24 Yes, I'd rather look at trump than harris, harris reminds me of AOC with the same IQ

    8. 11:52. H.Res 1371.March 24, 2021, President Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working to address illegal immigration into the United States, including ‘‘root causes’’, and came to be known colloquially as the Biden administration’s ‘‘border czar’’. What's happened since then? Let us also not forget her being complicit in concealing the deteriorating nature of the CIC's dementia.

    9. @4:23 politics aside, AOC is very attractive.

    10. 4:23...and you like vance's permanent tattooed eyeliner.. You could get some guyliner too, and a fake dyed pompadour to comb over your bald spots, orange face makeup and a suit with big shoulderpads to make you look bigger...soooo funny

    11. dear 11:30, Donnie famously couldn't read a segment on the constitution on camera for a documentary even though he had agreed to do so, telling the documentarian in the oval office that he stumbled when trying to read it because "the words are too old fashioned". You can't be a patriot without reading and understanding and honoring the US constitution. Humping a flagpole won't do it. For the record, Kamala Harris studied the constitution in the grueling experience of law school.

    12. @2:41 the orange guy doesn't believe in the Constitution. Every action is calculated to benefit him only. Today was another photo opportunity for someone who famously asked military personnel "what's in it for me?" and called these same people "suckers". It's criminal to allow this convicted felon to run for office.

    13. @ 2:29 I know of a very good ophthalmologist if you need one

    14. @ 2:39 Sorry, trump's and vance's IQ far succeeds yours

    15. @ 12:21 Elections has consequences, after careful analysis I'm going to vote for trump, surprisingly most of my relatives are doing the same, one of my neighbor said some of their friend's are doing same but will hold their nose, most of us agree harris isn't qualified, we've seen 4 years of trump and know what to expect

    16. 8:52..."trump and vance's IQ far 'succeeds(sic)' yours"??? A person with a good IQ would know that the word you apparently seek isn't "succeed". It's "exceed".

    17. @ 2:39 Awwww, Macho and strong Men scare you, you must be a dweeb and not even a nerd

    18. @8:52 Trump inherited most of his wealth and he famously doesn't pay his workers. As of today, at least 25 of his businesses have failed, and Truth Social will be the 26th.

    19. @ 1:19 Aw, fake news, yes, he did have business failures, learned from mistakes, yes, he did have workers disputes dur to job not done right, I know you wished you would inherited wealth so you can do what he did, get rich by investing building and becoming a billionaire, in your dreams, your logic is like harris saying the border is secured

    20. @6:20 Is Kamala the best candidate ever? No. But against someone who has a history of business failures; is a convicted felon; and asks if bleach would cure viruses, I'd enthusiastically vote for Kamala. And No, I don't wish for inherited wealth. I started working at age 15 and paid my own way through school and bought my house with my own money. I've put my kids through college without aid and plan to retire early. That's the American dream.

    21. @ 8:19 Convicted felon? You mean biden directed doj to collaborated with dem da's with TDS to come up with bogus charges and courts loaded with dem judges and juries? You gonna laugh when it gets overturned? I will, and if trump wins if he goes after biden for grafts will you celebrate? Be careful what's been unleashed

    22. @ 11:27 Awww, ain't dat sumptin?

  6. They literally had a tutorial at the DNC on how to pronounce Kamala's name correctly, and you messed it up just like DJT.

    1. That whole segment with her nieces was cute, and Kerry Washington did a great job.

    2. @ 6:06 So what!!!!!!!!!!! I say kamel toes!!!!!!

    3. poor 12:39.. well educated AMerican female lawyers with biracial genetics make you tremble?

    4. @2:37 kamel toes kamel toes kamel toes kamel toes

  7. Biden fucked up on the border issue, and never even acknowledged it. Harris has to carry that baggage. I never really liked her in Cali, but Trump is a total moron. But, I think Trump will win a close one. Should be a hilarious 4 yrs.

    1. Still remember him saying the borders were open as soon as he was elected. Migrants took that message literally, but it was meant to counter Trump's more rigid stance on immigration. Biden has tried to right the ship on immigration, but has faced intentional opposition in order to make the Dems look bad.

    2. @ 11:06 "Biden has tried to right the ship on immigration" Quit drinking that Kool-Aid

    3. @12:40 - it's easy to blame the border issue on one side while the other side rejects a border bill that would help tighten the borders.

    4. @7:06- Trump being in office another 4 years scares the heck out of me. Like you said, he's a moron and it just feels like if he comes back in office, he's going to be vengeful and try to make it hard on people who didn't vote for him in the 2020 election. He still has so much hate from losing that election. He will probably never get over it. Trump hates Asian people and probably all minorities really. He blamed China for covid, and is now making jokes about Kamala implying that Indian people smell bad. Trump is an undercover racist. Do we really want an idiot and a moron like that leading this country again? It really can be dangerous these next 4 years if Trump wins the election. If Trump loses, hopefully this will be end of his political career and that he never runs for president again, and is out of our lives in a public space! But yeah, I don't view Trump being in office again as hilarious. I view it as scary.

      Yeah, Kamala is an unknown, but I'm interested to see what she can do and how her policies will help this country the next 4 years. Plus she would be someone new, a fresher face. Regarding Trump, we did that already; 2016-2020 weren't the best 4 years under Trump's leadership, and how he handled covid especially the earlier days of it when it was real hazardous, was abysmal. Why go back to an old idea? We need a younger president with more energy and no hidden agendas or hate.

    5. 12:40...HOw have you never noticed in your embrace of the constitution that the power to reform immigration law lies not with any president, but with the congress. The bipartisan bill which came up recently was nixed by donnie telling his acolytes to nix it because it would make him look bad.. It would have created many more ALJs to adjudicate asylum claims speedily, more border patrol, etc.

    6. @ 3:41 Nutjob, border don't need bills, just an Dems excuse to blame Rino's, EO's is all that's needed, go back to school

    7. @8:56 EOs will NOT resolve the issue completely. It will require more from a bill that was blocked by Republicans.

    8. 8:56. Before telling others to "go back to school". You should try to read the constitution at least once. Immigration law reform is in the purview of congress, not the administrative branch.

    9. @ 7:21 & @ 7:40 You 2 morons forget biden used EO's to open the borders and kill energy productions? You 2 not only flunk school but didn't qualify for higher learning let alone understanding the constitution

    10. @3:28 read the previous link and tell me what else you would propose to resolve the border issue. It's easy for someone to sit behind a keyboard and act tough. All the name calling with zero helpful suggestions reminds of a certain orange colored person.

    11. @ 10:14 If the shoe fits wear it, You've proven you're dumber than shit; trump had the border secured and which braindead entity used EO"s to dismissed all policies securing the border? Ya, you're the type that will vote harris and continue the decline of this country due to harris is worst than biden

    12. @12:43 don't be afraid to admit that you can't read. Go to your local community college and learn to read. They'll teach you to form complete sentences and use proper punctuation as well. Being illiterate and trying to be tough behind your keyboard will get you nowhere.

    13. @ 2:58 Okay, high school dropout, I got my degree, still cleaning toilets at McD's?

    14. @ 2:58 Sounds like you're butthurt, I've salves that'll take care of the problem

    15. @ 2:58 What? No rebuttal? Proves I'm right, you're a dropout and dem libbie with no common sense, where you learned computer? Prison?

    16. @ 4:54 You can always move either north to canada or south to mexico, free choice

    17. @ 7:21 If you believed medias I've a bridge I can sell you cheap

    18. @ 7:21 You believed WH briefings???? OMG!!!!!!!!! You are a SHEEP!!!

  8. If Harris doesn’t win in a landslide then maybe the Orange Menace is correct and the the electections are rigged.

    He should be in jail over January 6th.

    1. I still have doubts about the 2016 election. The orange guy was far too chummy with dictators.

    2. @ 7:14 Rigged? Of course! How can an incumbent gets 12 million more votes than the 1st time and loses? Impossible, numbers don't match, if not for the covid he would've won easily but in hindsight it's better this way, better damages now than in the future

    3. @ 10:57 But I/we felt safer with trump, no wars, made friends with the most dangerous foreign leaders, do you feel safer now? With the world on precipice on the doors of WW# 3, vote harris and ask yourself this: she knows what's going on?

    4. @6:46 Trump meeting the North Korean dictator at the DMZ still stands out as an incredible moment of his presidency. The underlying reason for that meeting and the subsequent meeting remains a mystery. I do agree that I felt safer under his administration. Will that cause me to vote for him? I doubt it. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming debates, not so much for the content, but just the overall demeanor of each candidate.

    5. 6:46... The US is not currently a combatant in any wars.

    6. 11:37.. when exactly did the orange vulgarian ever win the popular vote....never.

    7. @ 2:33 Go back to school and learn what precipice mean

    8. 6:05. The United states is not engaged in any wars.

    9. @ 7:37 Walnut brain, then why is putin warning about WWW 3?

    10. @ 2:34 Deekhead, you forgot history? Seems like U is 2 tupid 2 understand electorasl colledge, ya dum sheet

    11. @ 10:31 Love your satire! Lol!

    12. @2:34 the orange draft dodger isn't very popular. Two elections where he lost the popular vote twice, and he'll complete the trifecta this year. He does win bigly at late night tweeting though. All the whining in all caps is legendary for a person of his age.

  9. Heels up Harris dropped out before Iowa in 2020 because everyone knew she was a moron, what has changed? Trump lives in Liberal heads rent free.

    1. dear 8:47, like you, Donnie never bothered to even read the constitution. Kamala Harris studied it in deep detail for thousands of hours in law school. She also favors sneakers, not heels.

    2. @ 2:32 Yet she kept flunking the bar exam

    3. 2:32,, California has the most difficult bar exam of any state. New York has the second most difficult. Pete Wilson, later a Republican governor of our state took it four times. Jerry Brown took it three. The cal bar isn't about intellect or creative thought, it's about memorizing and knowing how to use complex series of analytical diagrams for each subject. Kamala Harris did not "keep flunking the bar exam". She passed on her second try.

    4. @ 7:36 Flunking even in Ca means they aren't "BRILLIANT" get it thru your thick head

  10. 9:19, thanks for sharing that Rich is a crossdressing transvestite! I just found the tweets and online articles that you mentioned in your comment. (Rich, i can't believe you posted that comment but i'm guessing thats your way of coming out of the closet)

    1. @ 9:14 Sheeesssse! WGAFF? RL can be whatever he wants,doen't make him less than a person, @ 9:14 Get a life

    2. @11:39, I totally agree. What Rich does or doesn't do in the privacy of his own home is his business, and his business only.

    3. @ 9:18 Go back to sleep

  11. At some point doesn’t she have to go public and tell people what her policy positions are? There is a reason she was polling around 2% when she ran for President in 2020. She is also promising “change” which begs the question of what has she been doing the last 3 1/2 years?

    1. VP is a vote getter not a policy maker. Or in Mike Pence’s case a scapegoat that someone wanted hanged. Doesn’t the Weird Beard realize his fate?

    2. dear 2:43, amidst all the flop sweat can you tell me the role of any veep? Did Mike Pence set policy? Can you name one who ever did? It's a ribbon cutting and backup for when any president is incapacitated.

    3. 2:31 I totally agree VP is pretty much a ceremonial role. However, now that she is running for President she needs to tell us where she stands on various issues. Is she for banning fracking or not? Medicare for All: yes or no. Does she support a mandatory gun buyback program or not. And she cannot answer “both” to all of these issues, even though her past comments fell on both sides of these issues

    4. It's fair to ask what she's done the past 3.5 years, but what has any VP done, ever? The VP is merely a cheerleader and a backup if the President is incapacitated.

      However, Kamala is now a Presidential candidate and needs to tell the public why she's the best candidate and what her plans are. The high level sound bytes with no details won't suffice. Her advisers should tell her to stay away from saying "we're ready to start on day one" or something similar. It just leads people to ask what she's been doing the past 3.5 years.

      Logical me would say why don't both candidates just fill out a shared document and list their top 20 to-do list once elected. The list would include details on time, costs, pros/cons, dependencies, etc. All voters would be able to view the document and skip all the interviews and debates, where it's mostly about finger-pointing and airing of grievances, and I think everyone has had enough of that.

  12. Kamala Harris has never lost an election going back to her victory over Terence Hallinan. Felonious Trump will be another person in the loss column. The Democrats were playing chess while the Republicans were playing checkers. Do you really think it wasn’t all planned that Biden withdraw the Sunday after the Republican convention? Felonious Trump picked the Weird Beard as VP which is just what the Democrats wanted.

    1. @ 6:20 Ya ya, with the help from Willie Brown and Obummer but we will see in nov...PS, forgot the msm, promoting her like crazy

  13. I like your analysis Rich. It's old school journalism analysis, very content focused. I'm wondering about your thoughts on VP Harris ducking out on any sit down interviews with the press since her presumptive nomination? I know she is bad at speaking extemporaneously. Is the Harris camp trying to avoid a "word salad" disaster interview?

    1. I think it's all strategic to let Trump dig a bigger hole, while she waits on the debates.

  14. The Democratic Party will cease to exist after November 5th 2024.
