Monday, August 26, 2024

The Absolute Bullshit Steve Young Spewed on KNBR with Regard to Brandon...


  1. Completely agree. Steve Young is a hypocrite. He'll always be second fiddle to Joe Montana.

    1. Yup, completely agree, still pissed at him for "offing" my hero Montana

    2. What did Young do wrong? What was he supposed to do?

  2. If there's one sport where guaranteed money is justified, football is that sport.

  3. Steve tells a funny story about two guys at a USFL game heckling him about the size of his contract. His mom happened to be sitting nearby and started yelling back at them "It's an annuity, it's an annuity."

    1. That's a dumb story.

    2. @ 6:09 In the words from "Goodfellas "You;re funny" Hahahaha!

  4. Gotta disagree with you on this one, Rich. When Young decided to play for the USFL, he wasn't pulling the rug out from an NFL team, the way Aiyuk and Williams are. Both of these guys are under contract.

    1. If players under contract want more money after a good season, then they should also accept less money after a bad season.

  5. NFL players in total get slightly less than 50 percent of Owners’ Profit. Seems unfair to begin with. I don’t think Young held out ever because he was handed everything he wanted every time with a Golden spoon. He did not need the money to begin with given his family lineage/heritage in the Mormon Church which seems like a bank. Wonder why there are so few Black Mormons. Bet Young will have no gripe with whatever Purdy will want. He probably had nothing to say when Bosa and Kittle held out and got their just due. I see nothing ridiculous about what Aiyuk and Williams are asking for relative to others with similar or less talent in the NFL. I am a white guy but I suspect subtle perhaps unknowingly racism here by Young and 49ers management/ownership although all are rich to varying degrees involved. Maybe time to find another team to be a fan of.

    1. But the two players are on active contracts.

    2. We can quibble about Aiyuk since it's his last year and the floor for Wide Receiver contracts changed drastically this offseason but he'll never be the "go to guy" the way Lamb, Jefferson, and the rest of the NFL's wide receivers are because that's not the kind of offense the 49ers run currently. It's too distributed with a bigger emphasis on running backs and misdirection out of the backfield. On any other team you'd have to pay Aiyuk that kind of money. But not this team the way its offense is currently constructed to run. But we can reasonably disagree on Aiyuk. There's no disagreement on Williams. He's got three years left on his contract which he signed three years ago. He made the decision to go for term over salary flexibility. Too bad if he's having second thoughts. Honor your agreement dude.

  6. @10:58 p - You are so on-point though few will agree with your position. It's called the Youngstown Mafia. BTW, have you noticed how many shopping malls across the nation have closed? If you think about it, you will understand. Too bad the DeBartolo Corp. is privately owned. Their 'P&L' would speak volumes...

  7. yeah but is steve young's ass as stinky and hairy as mine with dingleberries?

  8. Although I don't care for Steve Young, I have to agree with him on this one. Players under contract have to honor their contracts. They are not free agents trying to negotiate a contract on an open market. They are players who want more money based on the current market. To this, I say "don't sign multi-year contracts" and instead sign a one year contract every off-season. You can't have the security of a multi-year contract and want the highest pay at the same time.

  9. I did catch a part of it. Steve was talking about how Trent has a signed contact and is holding out. BA is a hold in with a signed contract. Trent when he was a FA was able to set the bar. Steve's concern with players of today is that a signed contract does mean much. Steve started his career with the USFL. He picked the best contact for himself at the time. Ray from Sunnyvale

  10. Fun story that you're clearly unaware of. At one point, the accounting department of the 49ers had to contact Steve Young and ask him what he had done with his paychecks. Early on, Steve felt like he wasn't contributing much so he took the checks and tossed him in a desk drawer. The 49ers asked him to cash them because it was screwing up their accounting.

    That said, comparing Steve Young's situation with Aiyuk and Williams is asinine. They play different positions and nearly 40 years apart. When Steve signed his deal, there was no salary cap, FFS. Get it together.

  11. Just changing the subject, not to be a killjoy but don't think 9ers gonna win the SB this year; not with jinxed kyle in tow

    1. @ 12:30 If not for Mason taking over for Christensen in the opener the 9ers would be ashamed for looking nonchalant, I also don't like kyle, should have gotten Bellichick
